Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2326 Waiting for a long time

Chapter 2326 Waiting for a long time

"Keep suppressing the machine gun! Prepare the main gun! Aim at the German machine gun directly ahead!"




The roaring muzzle brake sprayed fire and flames in all directions, and the loud sound was almost like thunder hitting the ears, which almost shook people's ears. Alsim, who had just led his men out of the infantry fighting vehicle, covered his ears with one hand and carried an AK with the other. He just grinned amidst the impact of the huge cannon at extremely close range.

"Suka! These big guys are making too much noise when they fire, don't get too close! Keep a proper distance from the tanks!"

The purpose of allowing you to cooperate with tanks and infantry does not mean that you should stick to the tank and hold on to the armor. You should hug the butt of the tank tightly and not let go. If nothing else, the rear seat of the vehicle body, the strong vibration and the loud noise when firing are all. It can make you feel happy instantly.

Alsim's loud reminder can only be regarded as a subconscious reminder that "it's better to have it, it's okay not to have it". This is what he should do as a company commander, and the veterans of the combat engineer battalion under him naturally know that at this moment How to do it.

"Follow closely and charge upwards, maintain the formation! Shoot down those Germans who are showing their heads! Shoot!"

The Panzerfaust, which has long been popular among German front-line infantry and has a huge stock, makes even super tanks with powerful defenses such as the IS7 unsafe.

The armor can be completely immune to the tickling bombardment of the Iron Fist, but the tracks cannot. No matter how powerful the tank is, it has the "Achilles heel" of fragile tracks. Once a leg is broken, it is like withdrawing from the battle order, at least temporarily. .

Not to mention the is7, a 70-ton super steel behemoth, with wider tracks that are easier to hit. The closer the distance is, the more careful you must be. It is impossible for a vehicle-mounted machine gun that can respond in real time anytime and anywhere to defeat all the daring German infantry armed with iron fists. This naturally requires the coordination of infantry and tanks and the following infantry to handle protection.

Da da da da——



"Sukafasis! Try this!"

A grenade was thrown accurately with the maximum force and the most suitable angle by rounding the arm. It spun and smoked and flew into the German trench that was already within the grenade throwing distance.

The wounded German soldier who had just been hit on the head and face by a shuttle AK and swept to the ground was still breathing. He was vomiting blood and watched the smoking lemon grenade spinning and falling to his feet. He was breathing heavily and sat back. However, the body beside the trench wall could no longer exert any strength. He could not even pick up the grenade and throw it back. The loud explosion only happened in the blink of an eye.


The fire suddenly burst into flames and smoke spread everywhere.

All that was left were the indescribable fragments of debris and flesh and blood corpses that were blown to pieces and flew into the sky.

The combat engineers with extremely rich combat experience used all available weapons. They took turns using assault rifles and grenades, and alternately opened their bows to project maximum firepower on the enemy.

After scanning a bunch of bullets, he was about to change bullets. His hand just touched the reserve magazine inserted in the outer chest strap of the steel plate body armor on his chest. The German infantryman held the Panzerfaust launch tube under his arm and was about to launch it. He looked at the enemy. When the firepower breaks and the opportunity comes, immediately get up from the trench and get in when the opportunity arises, preparing for a sneak attack.

Without saying a word, Alsim, who had sharp eyes and quick hands, dropped the AK he was holding tightly just now, and immediately reached for the pistol stuck diagonally on his chest. In the blink of an eye, he held the handle of the gun and pumped it smoothly, waved his arm and raised his hand, and a shot went off. The whole movement was done in one smooth motion, just like the assassin in black throwing a knife in a costume TV series.


The powerful 62mm pistol bullet penetrated the German soldier's helmet with one shot, and warm blood flowed down the top of his forehead and onto his chin. The whole body lost control and fell on its back, facing the sky and its back to the ground, and it only followed in the next second.

"Is this why you put the pistol in your chest? Well done! Beautiful!"

The squad leader, who had a close relationship with Alsim and didn't care much about the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and who was more like a brother, cheered loudly.

It is true that the way most people carry pistols is different. Alsim, who likes to put his Tokarev TT33 in the chest strap so that he can take it out more quickly and easily, just grinned.

"Didn't you see everything? What are you talking about? Enter the trenches, let's go!"


The powerful and reliable Stalin heavy tanks have completed their mission and pushed the front to the final distance in front of the German positions. The Red Army soldiers who followed the tanks and pushed forward in coordination with infantry and tanks immediately picked up their weapons and rushed into the trench nearby. The assault rifles and semi-automatic rifles in their hands kept firing, and the bayonets on the heads of the guns flickered with cold light. , blood splattered everywhere.

The attack from the front was progressing smoothly, but Malashenko, who was commanding from the center, was still waiting, waiting for something to happen amidst the sound of orders.

"The self-propelled artillery immediately moved forward to move its position, and moved forward to within the direct shooting range to prepare to provide fire support!"


Malashenko, who was holding the radio transmitter tightly with one hand and holding the commander's periscope in front of him with the other hand, suddenly stopped talking.

Not because there was nothing to say after the order was given, but because the scene he had been waiting for finally arrived at this moment.

"Finally here, these bitches"

In the blind spot behind the village in the distance, German tanks are driving out one after another. This is the moment Malashenko has been waiting for!

"Kurbalov, the distinguished guest is here! Follow me with your people, including the whole guard company! Keep your distance in the offensive formation and charge with me, avenge your comrades! Ula!"


All the commanders and fighters involved in this attack knew that this was a battle of revenge for the leadership division to regain honor, and they vowed to avenge their comrades who died in the attack in the village of Marinovo. This is what Malashenko explained to all the commanders and fighters participating in the battle before going out. They must know why this battle is fought. The significance of this battle will surely be engraved and remembered.

As soon as the German tanks moved, before they had time to join the battlefield, the Soviet tanks, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately moved at lightning speed, including Malashenko and Kulbalov. An elite heavy armored group including the is7 command vehicle, the guard company is4 heavy tank, and the most common basic is6 heavy tank.

The scene of running wildly along the plain beside the village can only be described as dusty. The scene of a large group of tanks gathering and rushing wildly is far more shocking than the cavalry group charge of the previous era. It was enough to shock the German armored soldiers who had just brought the battlefield into view and were still unprepared for this unexpected situation.

"Russians! A large group of Stalin tanks are coming towards us! Prepare for battle!"

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