Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2328: Misfortunes never come twice, but there are three

Chapter 2328: Misfortune never comes twice, but there are three ways to do it

"The fight is over? It's my turn, the game is over, Fasis. Google search to read"

In turn-based games, there is always a moment when someone changes their cards, and those German tanks that are stationary and have just finished firing are undoubtedly the best targets.


The impact energy of the 130mm Red Navy destroyer gun fired was far beyond that of an ordinary tank gun. The strong muzzle shock wave enveloped the fire and flames in all directions, spurting out from the pepper bottle muzzle brake and overflowing into the air.

The impact kinetic energy of the rear seat is transmitted to every armor plate of the car body at the moment of firing, and even the behemoth body weighing 70 tons in combat can be shaken instantly. The crawler tracks that shivered backwards ran over the ground they had just passed, and the wrinkles in the earth that the tracks ran over were pressed down by another three points and became deeper.

The huge full-caliber projectile like an arrow broke free from the muzzle shock wave and went straight towards the target. King Tiger, who had no way to dodge the powerful and heavy shells coming towards him, was unable to dodge. The only outcome was to be hit. The forehead was hit firmly on the main armor belt on the front of the turret.


The roaring flames, which were far more powerful than the 122 Heirloom, instantly rose up. The sound was so majestic and the impact was so wide that it was enough to cover most of the Tiger King's entire head. This was no longer the Tiger King but the complete Tiger King. The "Fire Head King".

When the huge explosion dissipated with the sound of wind, the rolling wave of flames gradually disappeared.

The entire pig-nosed gun mantlet at the root of the barrel was blown away with a large gap in the face of King Tiger. The proud long 88 barrel was cut off along the root and blown away in the huge explosion. Most of the 180 mm thick rolled homogeneous steel armor plate on the front of the turret was directly smashed into a big hole.

Although it has not been completely penetrated, it looks really hideous and terrifying. If you use an anthropomorphic comparison, it is as terrifying as having a large piece of meat taken away from the face of a living person.

The car body dome located directly under the front face of the turret suffered fatal damage. The 130mm high-explosive grenade exploded at a very close range and instantly exploded the entire car body dome and the driver's hatch. The overpressure enveloped the car with scalding high-temperature flames. The ferocious cracks in the roof poured into the car crazily, and the driver who died in his seat was roasted into a "fire-headed mummy" at this moment.

The hull and turret optical sights were completely damaged, the barrel and mantlet were blown off, a large piece of the armor plate on the front of the turret was cut off, and even the anti-magnetic coating on the front of the hull was not repaired. .

Even though it seemed to be far enough away from the explosion center, most of it was still stripped away by the storm-like impact flames, leaving only a small part like an unknown art painting still hanging on the head, incomplete.

One shot, just one hit.

The King Tiger, which might have been able to maintain some fighting potential despite multiple hits from 122mm grenades, was as fragile as the 130mm naval gun grenade projectiles that had been upgraded directly from the Red Navy ammunition depot. It's like paper, and you'll fall to your knees as soon as you hit it.

Not to mention continuing to fight after being blasted into this state, if you want to recycle the waste and repair it, you can only drag it back to the rear main factory for overhaul. Although the transportation cost of dragging this 70-ton monster back has already determined that there is no need to drag it back again.

"This, what kind of power is this? Schmeisser, Schmeisser and the others are all finished!"

"Damn, this is a monster! A nightmare monster that broke out of Stalin's dream!!!"

There is no essential difference between firing one's own artillery shells and shooting a tank with a Mauser rifle. However, when the monster on the opposite side hits itself, it does not need to penetrate with one shot, and it can instantly lift the entire vehicle into the sky. Enter the soul.

Powerful, shocking, and extremely visually impactful, the nightmare-like figure in the optical field of view is simply invincible!

When the powerful and frightening firepower is combined with the abnormal and twisted defense, coupled with the mobility that simply refreshes one's perspective, and finally combined with this huge body that is as huge as a moving hill, this is the battlefield. It was the most terrifying nightmare that all the German soldiers in the world witnessed and experienced firsthand at the end of the empire when the building was about to collapse.

"Keep fighting! Hit its tracks and paralyze that Russian monster!"

"Damn it! There are too many Russians, we can't control so many! They are taking a sideways detour!"

"Reverse the crew to change course and intercept the roundabout Russian tanks! Quick!"




Boom boom boom——

Before the German army, which was noisy on the radio, had time to deal with the newly encountered difficult situation, more difficult bad news suddenly came from the nearby village and followed closely.

The series of huge explosions sounded like the continuous eruption of a volcano, which shook the earth. The power of these terrifying explosions was so powerful that it even shook the ground under the tracks. It was completely unclear what happened in the village. What's going on? The German armored commander just shouted.

"What happened!? What happened in the village!?"

"The Russians dispatched monster tanks! Monsters we have never seen before! They fired giant fire-breathing artillery shells and flattened the entire road and the houses on both sides. We can't defend it ahhhhhhh!!!"

Rumble, rumble——

There was another series of huge explosions that could be described as devastating. The earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, as if everything at this time was trembling and being destroyed.

I have never seen or even heard of any front-line main battle technical equipment in the hands of the Russians that can create such a terrifying series of explosions. The German armored commander, who had no idea what kind of terrifying opponent he had provoked, just had a look of confusion and disbelief on his face.

"What exactly happened here!?"

No one will answer his questions anymore. There is only a noisy disconnected blind tone on the other end of the radio, and no one will ever answer it again.

All fools know what it means to lose contact with the village's defense forces at this time. Those heavily armored Russian troops who are attacking frontally and holding back the infantry responsible for the main defense task are probably within a short distance of penetrating the entire village. defense, only a few minutes of final time left.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, the fate that awaits the German armored force behind the village, which has just launched a battle formation not long ago, can only be met by this unknown person, whose name is unknown, and whose name is unknown. The Russians, whose combat effectiveness and equipment quality were terrifying, were attacking from both sides.

It's already so difficult to just resist the enemies coming from one direction, it's almost a life-and-death struggle.

What will happen if we fight on two fronts and are attacked from both sides?

The German armored commander, who was sitting in the car with cold sweat on his forehead and gasping for air, could not imagine it and did not dare to think about it at all.

But blessings are unparalleled and misfortunes never come alone, or to be precise according to the current situation, it should be "misfortunes never come alone, but there are three elements."

The roar of the eagle in the sky came without any warning, and the roar broke through the sky. The steel wings that roared in the sky were shining with red stars. It was destined to be the last straw that broke the fate of this group of German troops. .

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