Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2330 Ask yourself after you are done

Chapter 2330: Ask yourself after you’re done

"Then what should we do now? Just wait here? Or go to the village to help?"

Iushkin, who returned to the car and sat down, had just spoken and before he finished speaking, a report came from the radio that Malashenko had always kept at hand. Google search reading

"The progress in the village is going smoothly, the battle line has been opened, most of the enemy has been wiped out, and the remnants of the defeated enemy are being annihilated!"

The voice reporting on the other end of the radio was very familiar. It was Kulbalov.

Malashenko, who was responsible for commanding his own front line, ordered Kulbalov to command the offensive battle in front of the village. While entangling the enemy infantry and preventing them from making unnecessary moves to interfere with your own front line, you must also use the flames of war erupting in front of the village to fish out those bastards from the 502nd Battalion and lead them to an open area to use your own firepower and numbers. Taking advantage of the enemy to encircle and annihilate them was a battle plan formulated early in the morning.

Now Kulbalov reports that the fighting in the village is progressing smoothly, and that the front line that runs deep along the main road of the village is about to be penetrated. This is of course expected and the best news for Malashenko, so casually He picked up the microphone at hand, pressed the button and spoke back.

"Understood, you should have seen that there is an air raid underway outside the village. After the battle, stay in the village and do air defense identification to prevent the comrades in the sky from recognizing the wrong person."


After the brief radio communication ended, Malashenko, who was holding a cigarette in his hand, put the radio transmitter aside and spoke with a relaxed expression and smoke coming from his mouth.

"Did you hear that? The village is almost finished, and we don't need our help. The village is only such a big place, and if too many tanks go in, they won't be able to move. Kulbalov's vehicle is enough."


Iushkin, who didn't know how to answer, glanced out through the gun scope in front of him again, and saw the roaring Il-10s still frantically attacking the remaining German tanks.

Even the Il-10, which had all used up its aerial bombs and rockets, was still aiming its aerial cannon at the butt of the Kraut tanks and continuing to fire. It can be seen that these German tanks, which were completely exposed in the open area outside the village, would end badly. It won't be any better.

Iushkin, whose eyes had left the gun scope, sat back in the gunner's position. Seeing that there was nothing to do for a while, he imitated Malashenko and took out a lighter, cigarette, and Start "worshiping God".



Smoke filled the room as the fire flashed, and Iushkin, whose entire face was covered in smoke, had some questions he wanted to find out. The answer could only be obtained from Malashenko.

"Tell me, where did those planes in the sky come from? Have you called for air support?"

The reason why I didn't bother to answer Iushkin's question just now was because I didn't have time or care. Malashenko, who is now safe for the time being, can talk about his thoughts and speculations.

"I don't know, I'm also confused. You know, I have prepared myself for the worst-case scenario of going to jail after this battle. How could there be aviation support that requires unified coordination and mobilization by the front army headquarters to help? This aircraft If I had really called him, we wouldn’t have to talk about whether I would go to jail or go to court-martial after this battle is over.”

"Of course, to put it another way, it's possible that we won't be here at all now. It doesn't matter whether we can come and kill these bastards from the 502nd Battalion."


Malashenko denied Iushkin’s question of “Did you call the aviation force?”, and the following words continued.

"As for who called it, I don't know and I can't guess."

"I think it may be that the front army headquarters knows about our actions? It's important to win the battle first, and then talk about removing me from my post?"

"Ha, maybe, I can't say. But I think the answer will be revealed soon. We will know after this battle is over."


Iushkin, who said nothing, quietly listened to all Malashenko said. However, unlike Malashenko's thoughts, Iushkin actually had another possibility in his mind, but he didn't think so. I don’t know if I should talk to Malashenko now.

It wasn't just about how long I hesitated, it was probably nearly a minute.

In short, when Iushkin finally decided to tell Malashenko his guesses and ideas, by coincidence, the radio that had been left beside Malashenko suddenly heard a sound again.

"Malashenko, don't be stupid! Look who's coming behind you! Get ready to watch the show!"



At this time, not only Iushkin, but even Malashenko himself looked confused without any warning. After reacting, he immediately picked up the radio transmitter.

"Lavrinenko!? What's going on? Aren't you at the division headquarters? How did you contact me now?"

"Of course not. If I were you I would stick my head out of the turret and look back. You are watching the fireworks show right now, right?"


Malashenko, who was holding the radio transmitter, was speechless and surprised.

"How does this kid know?"

Malashenko, who had not yet figured out what was going on, was suddenly stunned. He understood something in an instant. Holding the radio transmitter in his hand, he straightened up his 1.95 meter tall body and stuck out half of his head. Outside the vehicle with the turret open, looking back.

"Damn, it's really here!"

On the endless plain behind the command body of No. 177 is7, a huge amount of steel chariots visible to the naked eye are galloping all the way, bringing up large amounts of dust behind them flying in the air, and a sandstorm rising from the ground is simply It is as spectacular as it needs to be.

Whether it was the momentum, the familiar feeling, or the configuration of the vehicles and equipment barely visible to the naked eye, Malashenko, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was sure of one thing.

This majestic heavy armored force is his own force. It is the first synthetic tank division named the leader. It is the main force that he ordered to stay behind and use it to "fool the leadership."

And Lavrinenko, who was shouting to himself on the radio, was definitely leading the troops towards him at this moment. He was the most suitable one among those who stayed at the division headquarters.

"What happened!? First it was air support, and then you brought people here. How come this is completely different from what was promised?"

Malashenko's mind was completely confused and he was completely confused about the situation. Everything that happened in front of him was completely inconsistent with his plan.

However, Lavrinenko did not answer Malashenko's questions on the spot. All he left on the radio was his last words with a smile.

"After you're done, you can ask the political commissar yourself. It's more effective than asking me. It's work time now, and it's time to send these fascists on their way!"

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