Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2333 Revenge for Kirill!

Chapter 2333 Revenge for Kirill!

The steel is roaring and the cannons are roaring.

The heavy and huge projectile hit the armor plate on the front of the No. 4 car like a heavy hammer. Even the frontal defense of the King Tiger did not dare to eat the 130mm giant projectile. How could it be? What can the weak No. 4 bear?

The powerful explosion not only exploded the front of No. 4's car body in an instant, tearing open a huge hole, but also the welds from the top to the bottom of the car were completely torn apart under the impact of strong chemical energy, violently surging. The flames poured down like a flood from a dam and poured directly into the car.

The direct explosion destroyed everything. The final fate of this poor Panzer IV was that it was bombed to the point where it couldn't even see the basic shape of a tank. It was everywhere within a white meter or even a hundred meters away. The fragments of the tank were blown away.

The engine wreckage, which was thrown out of the power cabin by the powerful explosion, and the black pot-bottom turret wreckage, which was thrown far away, were even hundreds of meters apart.

It is quite common for heads to be moved and corpses to be separated, but it is rare for them to fly such a distance, which is enough to show how powerful the chemical energy transformed by the explosion is.

"Target solved, load the shells!"

"Load armor-piercing rounds, next shot! King Tiger at two o'clock, prepare!"

The huge and heavy body shape hides a fast loading that does not match the appearance. The entire loading process driven by a semi-automatic loader has a strange mechanical punk aesthetic that is difficult to describe. It seems that just watching the "click-click" mechanical loading process of this loading machine is enough to make any normal man as addicted and intoxicated as seeing a beauty.


The huge 130 mm projectile was sent to the lower ammunition transport belt along the upper ammunition rack conveyor belt and was ready. The launching cartridges that also started in parallel on the middle ammunition rack were also quickly driven by the conveyor belt, and then the projectiles were sent to the lower ammunition transport belt. Ammo belt.

The projectile and the propellant barrel are connected in series, and are sent to the end of the breech block on the movable loading slide. They are ready. There is only the last step left for the loading process of this 130mm Red Navy naval gun.

"Ready, go!"


Holding one end of the T-shaped ejector rod tightly with both hands against the primer of the propellant cartridge, using all the strength, the last loading process was completed instantly with the joint efforts of the main and auxiliary loaders. There was a "crash" sound as the propellant cartridge was pushed into the barrel of the gun with the projectile on it, and before the sound of the "bang" of the breech closing was heard, a loud shout from Artyom's mouth rang out immediately afterwards.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Avenge Kirill! Fire!"


Every violent roar of the is7 heavy tank is an invitation from hell. No German tank can survive the majesty of its muzzle. The final fate was already there from the moment Iushkin pulled the trigger of the main gun. Destined.

The distance of only two hundred meters is almost as close as a heavy tank to a heavy tank fighting face to face.

The 130 mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectile roared out from the muzzle brake with flames at a muzzle velocity that exceeded one kilometer per second. Under Iushkin's precise aim, it accurately hit the vehicle that was also in the Aiming at the target, but not having time to fire, Tiger King's big pie face.

What the 122 Heirloom can hardly do, the Red Navy 130 naval gun can easily do.

The armor-piercing potential of the 130 bullet was an order of magnitude higher than that of the 122 Heirloom. It tore through the front protective armor of the King Tiger's turret without any suspense. The 180 mm thick, slightly angled protective armor was like paper in the face of such an attack, almost as good as A4 paper. It was as effortless as smashing through a plywood wall with a hammer.


There was another powerful, trembling concussive explosion.

The ultra-high charge of the projectile warhead of the 130mm Red Army naval gun ensures more than sufficient damage effects, even if the Germans’ upgraded version of the Long 88 semi-automatic loader removes the annoying ammunition rack at the end of the turret, However, the huge power of the 130 naval gun is still enough to destroy the remaining unfired ammunition in its loader.

Let this "wind assist the fire, and the fire borrow the power of the wind" explosion, completely destroy this 70-ton precious German steel, tearing it into hot metal fragments and industrial waste.

There is no chance of survival. If you are hit, you will be penetrated. If you are penetrated, the whole vehicle will explode and rise to the sky.

There is no reason to argue in front of this extremely ferocious Russian steel behemoth. The deep feeling of powerlessness is like countless withered ghost hands climbing up in the abyss, tightly wrapping around the German armored soldiers and crawling all over their bodies. In this It was bone-chilling and deep in the nightmare of despair, like falling into hell.

"We can't deal with that monster at all! All the cannonballs will be bounced away by it like being attracted by a magnet!"

"Keep fighting, for Germany! For the 502nd Battalion!"

"Fight these Russians! Hit their cannon!"

According to their own logical experience, the German armored forces tried to find out the weaknesses of this unprecedented Russian steel behemoth from any possible point. They even used the "cannon root" method when dealing with the T34 in 1941. , but all this is still destined to be in vain.



call out--

The is7 turret, which is firmly protected by the heavy gun mantlet, does not have the so-called "gun root weakness" at all. The "weakness attack" method that is generally applicable to the Red Army medium tanks, even the is2 and is6 heavy tanks, does not exist on the is7. It has no effect at all and is completely ineffective.

The armor-piercing projectiles roaring at high speed were directly bounced away again, just like what a German armored soldier shouted on the radio, as if they were being sucked away by a big magnet, making people feel hopeless and helpless.

The is7, which had a deep ballistic mark on the gun mantlet, seemed to be unscathed. The huge but not clumsy inverted pot lid-shaped turret rotated rapidly at a speed completely disproportionate to its size. The muzzle was fired repeatedly. The huge muzzle brake, blackened by the flames, was aimed at the target again.

"This shot brings back honor for the leader! Go to hell, Fasis!"


The thunderous sound of artillery fire roared again, and the impact of this shot was even more exaggerated and terrifying!

The unlucky King Tiger, which had no time to adjust its parking position and only focused on firing first, unintentionally put itself in an extremely embarrassing situation: the enemy was high and we were low.

The front of the car slopes downward, and the King Tiger, which is located on the edge of a crater, is not only located in a relatively low-lying area, but also offsets a considerable part of the upward inclination of the car body.

The command-type 1s7 No. 177, which is located at a relatively high position, can hit the target with one strike and is deadly accurate.

The powerful and heavy armor-piercing projectile actually broke through the almost "invincible" upper armor of the Tiger King. With the last burst of impact kinetic energy, it left a hole on the heavy upper armor plate that could be used. The entire arm was completely inserted into the huge hole and then forced into the car.

An explosion big enough to lift a 20-ton head into the sky followed.

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