Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2357 The indescribable future

“If we don’t retreat, the condition of the car will no longer support us to get back intact.

"The National Defense Force reported that the Yankees' incoming force consisted of at least one mixed regiment, and most likely more. The offensive energy was very strong, and the one we just repulsed could only be considered a company."

"I think these Americans will not give up easily after suffering these losses. According to their desperate character, they should get the situation back, or at least try to get it back. This is indeed different from the British. "

"The group of American troops that we just repelled didn't look like a serious main force, but more like the vanguard of a street march. So I judged that the Yankee follow-up force might arrive soon, and after learning that the vanguard was ambushed And when the enemy's strength is not strong, or even when they are alone, they should continue to move forward to look for fighters and take further proactive actions. "

"As for whether to rush up directly or call those flies to come over for help, it's hard to say. Both situations are possible. Recently, the Americans have abundant air power. We cannot take it lightly and must be on guard."

Wittmann, who was sitting in the commander's seat, held a "temporary meeting" in the car. He spread the combat map he took out of the small satchel on his hip on his legs and poked at the key points mentioned in his words with his index finger. Points, directions, and battlefield reasoning were correspondingly indicated. Wegener, who turned around and listened attentively, asked quickly.

"Then you plan to go back and fuck the Yankee even more? It's interesting, I like it.

He has followed Wittmann's command to engage in random killings in the "Bicycle Unparalleled" more than once, and has even become addicted to it. It can be seen that Wegener, who is gearing up, is very much looking forward to the plan mentioned by the commander, but Wittmann still has something to add. .

"We have to go back and continue to fight against the Yankees, but our style of play has to change, and we have to move to a different place to guard against air raids."

"Look here, here. About one kilometer north of the ambush point just now is a small forest. Opposite the small forest is a dirt road corner, and it is an open area with a good view. If the Yankee is brave enough and continues to drive along the road If we come here, this is the best ambush point we can choose, and it can protect us from the reconnaissance and air attacks of those Yankee planes to the greatest extent. How does it feel? "


He was not very proficient in command and not as capable as Wittmann, but he was absolutely perfect in tactics. Wegener, who was considered by Wittmann to have the necessary potential for a qualified commander, just smiled after looking at the map.

"We don't have a choice, do we? This crappy car will be lucky if it can drive even one kilometer without breaking down. How much further do we want to drive it? I bet it will collapse halfway. , let’s do it.”

"very good."

Wittmann nodded slowly and put away the combat map and put it back in his bag. The huge amount of ammunition brought by the huge space in the King Tiger made it possible that even if the main gun caliber was upgraded to 105 mm, the shells would be thicker. Circle, and also removed the first ammunition rack at the end of the turret, just after a cramped but fierce armored battle.

This remaining amount of ammunition is still enough to support a high-intensity battle without any problems.

In terms of the continuity of battlefield firepower, the King Tiger is definitely the best among all types of heavy tanks in World War II. This fact perfectly inherits one of the advantages of the previous generation Tiger One. Although this inherited advantage may not be of much use in the short term, many King Tigers will abandon their vehicles due to various reasons such as malfunctions and lack of fuel before they run out of ammunition.

But at least for the moment, Wittmann was still glad that his car had this advantage. If it had as little ammunition as the Russian Stalin tanks, then he would not even think about the two ambush battles that followed. Think about it.

"Okay, the armored troops move forward, brothers, let's go! Teach those Americans with their nostrils in the air a lesson!"

"It's all up to you, boss."

The road to the grove marked on the combat map is not far. The maneuverability is acceptable, not too bad, and the upgraded Type VI C Tiger tank, Wittmann's 105-gun command type, The King Tiger is also equipped with the latest Sla 16 diesel engine. The maximum output power is higher than that of the ordinary King Tiger, reaching 750 horsepower.

Rushing to the small woods a mere one kilometer away in a straight line, as long as nothing unexpected happened, it was just a random thing, not worth mentioning.

While passing by the ruins of the battlefield where a fierce battle had just broken out, Wittmann saw the remains of the American tanks that had been destroyed by his car and were still burning. Even some Pershings who had just been penetrated by armor and were paralyzed on the spot, but did not burst into flames, were now burned into flames.

Around the wreckage of Torch Pershing, Wittmann, who leaned his upper body out of the turret, also saw the remains of some US armored soldiers lying dead on the ground.

It can be seen that these unlucky guys who were seriously injured but did not die on the spot at least tried to survive in the last moments of their lives.

They struggled to climb out of the tank and onto the ground, perhaps trying to call for help, but received no help. In the end, due to excessive injuries and lack of physical strength, the struggling and broken body fell unconscious on the battlefield ruins before going very far. As time went by, it turned into corpses. The lives that could have been saved were ultimately lost. Couldn't escape the fate of death.

"His comrades killed him. In order to escape, these Americans didn't even check the wreckage of their comrades' vehicles and left these people alive. It's really incomprehensible that we would lose ground to such guys. them.”

Wegener, who also climbed out of the turret and took the opportunity to take a breath and smoke a cigarette, couldn't help but complain after witnessing the passing scene. Wittmann, who also had a cigarette in his mouth, had no visible emotions. Fluctuate, just speak calmly.

"This has nothing to do with personal will, it's just pure strength. The overall strength of the Americans is stronger than us, so we will lose, just like when we conquered Poland, that's all."


Wegener stopped talking with a cigarette between his fingers. The vibrations caused by the King Tiger traveling cross-country at a constant speed did not affect his thinking. On the contrary, the smell of burnt and blood filling the air could. Make him calmer.

"Then you say, will we also be conquered by the Yankees like that? The rest of the people will have to live under the conquest of the Yankees for generations?"

Wittmann, who was over 10 years old, didn't know how to answer the question of the young boy beside him. The answers he could think of were a bit too cruel.

Watching the car gradually approaching its destination, Wittmann just pointed forward, skipped this difficult topic, and spoke immediately.

"I have to go down and direct the car into the woods personally. Should I go alone or should I?"

Realizing that Wittmann probably didn't want to talk anymore, Wegener didn't want to dig too deep into the matter. Sometimes he didn't know so much, so he wouldn't think so much and cause so much trouble. Then he flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, left the turret with his gesture, prepared to get off the car, held the turret with his hands, and said.

"I'll go. I just need to go down for a walk and stretch my legs. You can just stay here and take charge."

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