Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2360 Cat and Mouse

The feeling of being suppressed by a machine gun is definitely not good, but the feeling of being suppressed by an aircraft machine gun placed directly above the head can only be said to be worse. It is even worse than the feeling of being hit by a hot lump on the face. . ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Unfortunately, the Wittmann brothers are enduring this feeling right now, feeling the blazing rain of fire falling from the sky and whizzing across the tops of their heads.

Wegner felt like he was about to wet his pants. This was no exaggeration. He really felt that way.

It may be related to the lack of infantry in the armored forces, the "daily" feeling of being suppressed by machine guns being strafed, and the lack of experience in physically dealing with machine gun barrages, but more of it comes from Wegener's psychological suggestion, because he clearly understands He knew that if he was even scratched by this violent roaring machine gun barrage, his whole life would be ruined.

"Stay still! Keep your head down! Don't move!"

Da da da da da da——

Wegener wanted to get up and dodge, and run to a position away from the machine gun barrage in a straight line to avoid the risk, but unexpectedly, Wittmann grabbed his head with a big hand and pressed him down.

"Are you crazy? We're going to die, damn it!"

Wegener still didn't understand Wittmann's intention, and struggled to get up in a panic.

But Wittmann's big hand on the top of his head was like the palm of the Tathagata Buddha pressing down on the monkey. No matter how hard Wegener struggled, he couldn't break free. The roaring U.S. aircraft machine gun barrage above his head It made a crackling sound when it hit the surroundings, which was terrifying.



The barrage of the 1.50 aircraft machine gun was so powerful that the power of several crimson tracer barrages that spread like water can only be described as terrifying.

Leaves, branches, trunks, even flowers and plants on the ground

Everything that could be damaged by metal projectiles was scattered and flew up and down. Wood chips and broken leaves fell like rain. Larger branches were broken and fell from high places, hitting people. His body was still a little sore, and he suddenly grimaced.

The hot projectile whizzed past the ear, and shot into the soil close to the face. The soil that was still moist one second began to be hot, white smoke emitted, and evaporated.

But even if the situation is like this, it seems that the next bullet will penetrate into the flesh, smash the internal organs, and then smash your head to pieces like a watermelon.

Not only did Wittmann's big hand on the top of Wegener's head never let go, but his own movements on the ground did not change at all. He was lying in the grass like a toppled statue. He was completely motionless, and even the crew members who had learned the same thing beside him did not dare to make the slightest move.

"Don't move! Listen to my orders and don't move!"

Wittmann was still lowering his voice and repeating orders in a low voice that his men might not understand, although he might not know why or understand the reason for the order. But except for the gunner Wegener, who was not calm enough and had to be held down by Wittmann himself, the performance of the others was pretty good. It would be false to say that there was no fear in their hearts, but at least they could "stand still and wait for the opportunity."



The US military's "Flying Fat Man", which was swooping down with rain of fire all the way, finally stopped firing. It was already flying at a low hovering altitude. After diving at a small angle to a dangerous distance that it was almost impossible to pull up, it had to level up and pull up, like "licking". Sending a death notice home like "I threw myself to death" is not a satisfactory result, is it?

I looked at the .50 bullet casings thrown down from the sky when the US military fighter jets roared overhead. They were inserted into the soil obliquely with the gravitational potential energy of falling from high altitude, burning the surrounding moist soil and emitting wisps of green smoke.

Wegener, who was still frightened just now, was stunned and couldn't quite figure out why those Yankee fighter jets just flew over like this instead of dropping something else after flying over the target. ?

"What's going on? Is the Yankee's bomb button broken?"


Not only Wegner, but also the surrounding guys who were also encountering this situation for the first time had basically the same reaction. One or two of them stared at each other as if they were confused like Monk Zhang Er. Look at me. , I look at you, I have no idea what caused this situation just now.

"Then the Americans didn't even see us, so you were so scared that you almost peed your pants."


Wegener was stunned when he heard this, and he was even more confused about what happened just now.

"Okay, but the Yankee opened fire?"

"I opened fire and found you? Fortunately, you are still a veteran. Fighting relies on your brain. Use your brain to think carefully!"

Wittmann stood up from the ground and watched the two US military P47s on the horizon drifting away. He thought that this was the end, and that he would have a chance to talk to this idiot Wegener. Said, said.

"If I really find you, I will be hit not by machine gun bullets but by rockets. When they fly overhead, I will drop two or three iron bombs to wait for you. But tell me, what kind of rockets did you catch with your face? Bombardment?"


Wegener was speechless. He had no idea what Wittmann mentioned in his words, let alone the underlying reasons. After all, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

"It was precisely because you were not found that they fired machine guns. In my hometown, my father's old cat would scurry around and make noise when catching mice in the barn. Do you know why? Because the mice's heads They are too stupid to think that this is a trap. They will only react instinctively and subconsciously. The only possible situation is to be frightened by the noise and run around. "

"Then what? Then the cat has enough time to kill the mouse! The cat can make many mistakes, dozens of times, dozens of times, but the mouse only needs to make one mistake during the escape process and will lose its life if it is caught by the cat once. ! This is a game of cat and mouse, do you know who is the cat and who is the mouse? "


As the son of a farmer, Wittmann used the most vivid example to explain the situation just now. The brothers, including Wegener, had only just realized it now. If the battle just now was subconsciously frightened and ran away, then That would really cost you your life.

"These Americans are so dirty, they actually used this kind of scare trick to lure us in? Damn you bastards!"

Wegner, who realized that he had almost been deceived just now, was very irritable. While the roar echoed, he was suddenly accompanied by shouts from the treetops above his head.

"It's twelve o'clock! American tanks!"

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