Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2368 Never Surrender

Even under the dim light inside the car, the silver-gleaming warhead can still shine dazzlingly through the thin smoke that fills the car. This may be why it is painted in a conspicuous silvery white appearance. One of the reasons why Wittmann called the new armor-piercing bullet a "silver bullet".

The shiny silver projectile was placed on the loading slide rail, ready to go. The main loading hand responsible for controlling the loader pushed it with his big hand, and the propellant cartridge stored in the loader along with the front-end projectile was instantly released. It is pushed into the chamber and loaded.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Now, stop the car! The gunner aims at the big-headed monster and prepares to shoot!"


The huge steel body once again appeared from the edge of the vast sea of ​​fog, but it was completely different from the last time.

The heavy but not cumbersome turret drove the ultra-long fishing rod main gun to quickly aim at the target while rotating. The black muzzle roared and fired again as if it was only the next second.

But at this moment, the targeted opponent was no longer defenseless like the last time, and was attacked by the shadow again. He witnessed the roar of the huge black shadow appearing vaguely from the edge of the white mist, and instantly resounded throughout the whole place. The radio channels are deafening.

"At one o'clock, King Tiger appears! All crews, all fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!!!"

The reaction of Major Anderson, whose nerves were completely tense to the extreme, could not be described as unpleasant. Both his dynamic vision and keen awareness were impeccable. He roared almost at the same time that King Tiger stopped and took aim. Open your mouth.

But the Tiger King was one step ahead after all and took the upper hand.

Following Major Anderson's instructions, the US military began to search for the target. After obtaining the accurate figure of the target, the US military began to turn and take aim. It was destined to be a step too late.


"Very well, fire!"


While a large number of U.S. tanks such as Pershing, Sherman, and Thomas were still turning their turrets to take aim, the silver projectiles whistling like death's scythes once again arrived with the Arrancar of Death.

call out--



"Shit! Farke!!!"

Got hit!

These were the only words that came to mind and echoed in the mind of Major Anderson, who had the huge roar of metal impact echoing in his ears, and even his body was shaking for an instant. This was the only reaction in that flash of lightning.

The next second, Major Anderson, whose ears were still ringing and whose head was hit by a sledgehammer, struggled to grab the radio transmitter that fell on the top of the turret. He clearly knew that as long as he wasn't dead and the car hadn't exploded and was destroyed, he would be able to control his body and do what he should do next. This had to be done.

"Don't let it escape, focus your fire and attack! Quick!"

After striking out, King Tiger, who never lingered at all regardless of the effectiveness, began to back up again. Major Anderson could already see through the telescope that King Tiger was trembling again and starting to retreat slowly. The surrounding fog once again shrouded it. Around him, the huge figure is becoming more and more erratic and about to disappear.

But this time, the turret under him continued to rotate! The gunner in the turret was still aiming as fast as possible and with all his strength. Major Anderson could feel it so clearly and was ecstatic about it!

"Children of the beach! I will definitely send you to heaven!!!"

"All the Americans are targeting us! Back up, back up quickly!"

"The fastest! It can't be faster! This is a 70-ton thing, not a Bobcat reconnaissance vehicle!"

"Damn it!"


Wegener's expression and face were all tense and distorted to the extreme. He screamed hoarsely. His fist to vent his emotions once again hit the gun block next to him, completely ignoring any pain. No matter how much he screamed and roared, he could not stop this broken car. A faster and deeper feeling of powerlessness lingers around me like a nightmare and cannot go away.

Until the flash of muzzle fire and the roar of the Arrancar that he witnessed followed closely, tearing the nightmare apart, but what followed was an even deeper fall into the abyss.


Ding Ding Ding——



"Hit! The main armor was hit by more than one bullet!"

"The running gear on the right side is out of order! The track may be damaged and we can't move!"


When that terrifying, ear-numbing sound like a demon grinding his teeth came from under the car, the echo lingered in the car.

Wittmann, whose ears were filled with this terrifying sound, knew that what he was most worried about had finally come at this most terrifying moment. The already lame King Tiger was eventually paralyzed on the battlefield due to the destruction of its walking device. Up, completely unable to move.

"What to do, what to do next? I listen to you, tell me!"

Before Wegner could finish his words, outside the vast sea of ​​fog, he could vaguely see a huge hazy figure in the shadows. Major Anderson, who suddenly stopped retreating and no longer retreated, answered his subordinates' questions with a grin and a roar.

"What else can we do? Charge forward and kill the nemesis. They can't move! Everyone spread out, commando type, and charge forward!"

The thin mist at the edge of the vast sea of ​​fog could not cover the huge dark shadow of King Tiger, nor could it stop several SS armored soldiers from clearly seeing the despair coming towards them.

"Do you want to abandon the car and surrender?"

When the captain's slightly thoughtful words sounded in the car again after a moment, the slightly stunned face just gave an answer without thinking.

"Fuck abandon the car, I will never surrender! I will never surrender to those trash and incompetent Americans! We killed and injured so many of them, we don't expect these bastards to let us go! Let them come, I Fight them to the end, my main gun can still be used!"


Wittmann, who looked directly into Wegner's eyes, knew that this was his true thought and was not trying to be brave, so he turned his gaze to the surroundings in the car again and looked around.

"Don't ask, the answer is the same! We will never surrender! Let's fight those Americans! We will fight to the end! Just like we once swore, all this should come to an end! We can compete with Germany's strongest ace car We will die in the same steel coffin without any regrets!"

"Yes! Die without regrets!"

"Fuck the Yankees, let these cowards come! Fight!"

"Long Live Germany!!!"

Wittmann had clearly learned the thoughts of all his comrades. He nodded slowly and then issued what he thought might be the last battlefield order in his life and military career.

"Then let us fulfill our oath! All members of the No. 007 crew are ready to fight!"

"Load the silver bullet, the gunner repeatedly aims at the target and prepare to fire!"


The violently galloping tank group continued to approach, and Major Anderson, who had completely opened the distance between the vehicles and charged forward in an assault formation, was confident that everything would end here. The road leading to the last three hundred meters of sprint distance. This is the countdown to the death of the German guy!

"Don't open fire! Don't blow up that coffin, I want to capture them alive! Drag those who are still alive out of the car to me, and I'll take care of them myself!"

The King Tiger, who was fighting to the death, reloaded his artillery shells and prepared to take aim at the target for the final battle. Thomas, who was unwilling to let his opponent go with his life, could not let go of his obsession with revenge and led a large group of tanks with an absolute numerical advantage to charge forward.

The scale of victory seems to have tilted to the bottom, and the dust has completely settled.

But the most unexpected things often happen at the last critical moment in a way that no one expects.

Never give up until the last lesson. This may be the key to victory that every armored soldier should master, regardless of faith or nationality.


When the familiar sound of cannons that had not been heard again across a long land distance and a long time roared again from the other direction on the battlefield.

Wittmann, whose eyes were as wide as bells, would never have imagined that he would actually hear this violent loud noise again at the final moment "before his death" that would make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

That, together with the violent sound of artillery that had not been heard for a long time, was a memory of gun smoke that was buried deep in the memory.

A distant memory that even Wittmann himself thought he would never have the chance to regain again, never imagined that it would reappear in such an "impossible" way at this moment.

When the cold wind carried away the smoke, the huge figure of the Tiger King was finally fully revealed.

Wittmann, who was still alive and not dead, finally saw clearly what the thing that he would never think of in any case was.

The Western Front chapter is a little long, but it does meet my expectations and basically presents what I want to present. Although this battle plot is short, I believe it is exciting enough. The important thing is to lay the foundation for the subsequent merger of the east and west plots.

Tomorrow will be the last chapter of the Western Front plot. After that, the Eastern and Western Front plots will be officially merged, returning to the perspective of Lao Ma, and what follows will be an even more exciting battle.

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