Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 251 Escape from Death

The German 500-kilogram aerial bomb, which contained a 260-kilogram warhead charge, was extremely powerful. The huge explosion carried high-speed flying fragments of shrapnel, and even several surrounding Red Army soldiers were instantly reduced to a pulp. They were in the commander's position. Malashenko, who was commanding the battle, suddenly lost consciousness after his eyes darkened.

The 500-kilogram aerial bomb fell from an altitude of more than 200 meters at an angle of five degrees. When it landed and exploded, it deviated nearly 100 meters from Malashenko's car due to the inertia of the pylon.

It happened that the final explosion center point of this 500-kilogram aerial bomb was a relatively low-lying pothole area. Malashenko, who was located in a relatively high hilly area from a horizontal perspective, successfully escaped. The aircraft was The Soviet Lager 3 fighter jet directly broke the wing of the Stuka, which ultimately failed to finish off Malashenko and his crew.

It was about a minute later, maybe longer.

All in all, when the unconscious Malashenko opened his eyes again at the call of the person next to him, Malashenko, who immediately realized that he should not be dead, immediately subconsciously shouted.

"Is everything okay? Everyone! Report the situation!"

"Everyone is okay, Comrade Commander, you are the last one to wake up!"

The person who shouted a reply to Malashenko was Kirill, the loader who woke him up by patting his back.

Malashenko, who felt that his whole body was sore as if his bones had been cut and cramped, couldn't think too much after hearing the most optimistic result. Then he gritted his teeth and held on to the commander's periscope in front of him and closed his eyes. Get closer.

But Malashenko, who put his eyes in front of the commander's periscope, never expected that the commander's periscope, which had a narrow field of vision, would directly turn into a pile of broken glass. The extremely sharp and sharp glass It was so bad that Malashenko's eyes were directly pierced.

"Damn it! It's not a good idea to destroy the position, but the periscope was blown to pieces! Now you're blind!"

Without the commander's periscope, the only observation device in the battle in the vehicle, Malashenko truly became blind. The result was almost the same as the commander being killed in action.

"Iushkin! How is the sight of your main gun? Is it still usable?"

Hearing the loud and fast question from Malashenko's mouth, Iushkin, whose face was oily and sweaty, immediately answered while gasping for air.

"The main gun sight is fine! I'm looking for those damn Germans. Comrade commander, can you give me the direction?"

The main gun aiming angle with narrow viewing angle and high magnification, and the commander's sight with wide angle and low magnification are originally a set of complementary equipment.

The gunner Iushkin, who was in a highly concentrated and tense state during the battle, could only see an extremely narrow and limited field of view in the high-power main gun sight, and had no time to think about anything else, and it was difficult to proactively search for the enemy.

Malashenko, who holds the commander's periscope in his hand, which is mainly responsible for detecting enemies, is responsible for overviewing the battlefield situation and making decisions before issuing orders to find the most threatening attack targets and inform the gunner Iwu through verbal shouting or slapping actions. Shi Jin's general attack direction.

Iushkin, who held both the turret steering gear and the main gun elevation machine in his hands, immediately began to turn the main gun after receiving the order. In a series of one-stop movements, he simultaneously operated the elevation machine and the steering gear to point the muzzle at the target.

At the same time, he estimated the target distance and the ballistic descent of the main gun based on combat experience, manually corrected the elevation angle of the main gun by adjusting the density of the main gun sight, and finally opened fire to destroy the German tank.

But now, the commander Malashenko, who uses a crew as a combat unit, has lost the crucial commander's periscope in his hand. This is almost equivalent to the gunner Iushkin who can only use a narrow viewing angle and high magnification. He was half-blinded when he used the gun sight to "look for enemies through the cracks in the door".

On a cruel and deteriorating battlefield where the sound of gunfire continues and it is almost impossible to identify the enemy by listening to the sound, the current situation is no exaggeration to say that even if a German tank approached him at close range, the incompetent gunner Iush Jin and the blind Malashenko may not have noticed it, and then they were shot into the soul and completely ascended to heaven without knowing why.

After several seconds, Iushkin, who didn't wait for Malashenko to reply, turned his head around in confusion. Malashenko, who looked as gloomy as the bottom of a pot, sat in his commander's seat. , as if he was making up his mind for something extremely dangerous and crazy.

"The commander's periscope was blown to pieces, Iushkin. Stay in your gunner's position and continue fighting, waiting for my orders!"

After saying that, Malashenko, who didn't wait for Iushkin to reply, straightened up in an instant, and with his right hand over his head, he directly pushed the top cover of the commander's turret above his head outwards and then smashed his whole head. He reached out.

After being stunned for a moment, the gunner Iushkin immediately understood what Malashenko's intention was, and he blurted out a loud roar that almost shocked his jaw to life.

"Comrade Commander! Are you crazy!? This is on the battlefield. The German infantry is everywhere. You will die! Come back!"

Malashenko, who had already eaten the weight and became determined, turned a deaf ear to the loud shouts of the gunner Iushkin.

Instead of dying in a tank like this or abandoning the car to escape like a coward, Malashenko, who has experienced so much since coming to this strange world and has had some subtle inner touches, would rather act like a real The Lieutenant Colonel of the Red Army Tank Corps also used practical actions to live up to the Lenin Medal lining his protective suit on his chest.

Only the small half of the head above the bridge of the nose and at the corner of the eye was stuck out of the turret, in order to obtain a field of vision while minimizing the chance of being shot. He picked up the binoculars hanging on his chest to act as the temporary commander's periscope. It didn't take long for Malashenko to give the order in a loud shout.

"One o'clock direction, three hundred meters! The German Panzer III is aiming at us! Kill him!"

"Crazy! They're all crazy! Not only are those Germans crazy, but you are so crazy that you even risk your life!"

Iushkin, who was muttering some unreasonably bad words, did not stop what he was doing.

The skillful and rapidly rotating steering gear drove the 7-ton main gun turret and tried its best to change the direction. Iushkin, whose entire arm was about to be dislocated, ignored the pain in his wrist and paused for a moment, almost clinging to it. The right eye that was looking at the main gun sight immediately fixed its gaze on the enemy target that had appeared in the center of the field of vision.

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