Malashenko prepared a special "big gift" for Kotin, which he got from a German and was just freshly baked when he was cleaning the battlefield today. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

He looked at the huge, familiar-looking "big baby" in front of him.

Kotin, who was standing next to Malashenko, blinked hard and rubbed his eyelids, as if he felt a certain degree of disbelief at what was happening in front of him.

When Ke Jing adjusted his vision and took a closer look at the big guy in front of him, he was deeply shocked by the outline of the ferocious iron precious thing in front of him. It was shocking from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, let alone seeing it with my own eyes, I had never seen it in the design drawings or in my dreams when I slept in the middle of the night.

The top of the huge car body was bare, not even a turret or a simple fighting room. There was only an iron frame that didn't look so strong. The top of the iron frame also supported an even more surprising huge column. shaped object, I don’t know what it is used for.

But at least judging from the appearance of this huge cylindrical object, especially the four small wings at the tail.

Ke Jin felt that this thing was definitely not ammunition being carried, and the huge headless chassis in front of him was not an ammunition transport vehicle either.

This thing looks like something similar to a rocket. It should be a projectile weapon. It is definitely not just a decoration placed on the roof of the car to look good.

Intuition told Ke Jin that there was a high probability that the thing in front of him had never been seen before. I don’t know what the German designer had dreamed about last night. He got up early the next morning and quickly put pen to paper. A crazy industrial work drawn, a war machine with a weird shape.

In other words, a collection of weird industrial garbage that is neither flashy nor realistic.

After all, it's been several years since you German started the war. Don't you just love doing these bad things? There have been quite a lot of bad things done in the past, and this valuable thing is not worth it.

"Where did you get this thing? Could it be the German R\u0026D workshop or testing ground?"

It was basically certain that the thing in front of him was a war machine, but Kogin was more curious about where Malashenko found this valuable piece of scrap metal with an obvious German flavor.

Unexpectedly, Malashenko's next answer was quite surprising.

"R\u0026D workshop? No, no, no, you got it wrong."

"This thing is not an experimental vehicle. It is an active equipment of the Germans. It is a heavy armored combat vehicle that has been put into actual combat. It caused a lot of damage to me and my soldiers on the high ground during the day. Trouble is, you must act quickly to deal with this thing, otherwise you will definitely be killed by one move, without any ambiguity. "

"Although this is not particularly good equipment, I have to say that after fighting with this thing. It is effective against the heavy tanks of the Red Army. This has nothing to do with its shoddy manufacturing and lack of technical attainments."


Listening to what Malashenko said just now, Kogin felt even more shocked.

"You said this thing is used to deal with heavy tanks? How can it deal with it?"

Maybe Kogin can guess the rough answer, but this does not conflict with his desire to get a definite result from Malashenko. After hearing this, Malashenko did not intend to show off and speak directly.

"Did you see the half of the telephone pole above? The Germans use this thing to deal with our tanks, especially the high-value heavy tanks."

"You should have seen and obtained German infantry anti-tank missiles, so I won't talk nonsense. You should know the specific performance parameters and working principles."

"This thing on the car, this thing in front of you, is essentially the same type of thing as the gadgets in the pile of wooden boxes over there. They are all the first generation lines developed by the Germans. guided anti-tank missiles.”

"It's just like the difference between an anti-tank rifle and a 122 tank gun. They are both the same type of kinetic armor-piercing weapons used for anti-tank, but they are fundamentally different in size and destructive power."

"This oversized anti-tank missile is also wire-guided, but it has been upgraded in the enemy tracking process. It has changed from the visual tracking of enemies by infantry anti-tank missiles to a vehicle-mounted optical channel with adjustable zoom magnification. So in tracking enemies At the enemy level, this thing's reaction speed is faster, more sensitive, and more accurate. Of course, the dynamic tracking and strike accuracy after launch are also greatly improved, and it is a very dangerous thing. "

"But the most troublesome thing is its mobility. The thing in the hands of the infantry requires setting up a fixed position, deploying the launcher, and then connecting the wires to confirm that the missile is powered on, then it can track the enemy, aim, and launch. So unless it is an ambush or defense, generally It doesn't pose much of a threat in mobile warfare, and you can definitely blow away the German guy running around with this thing before he gets down."

"Even if it can be successfully launched, it will be very difficult to reload and move the position. There is a high probability that you will die on the spot due to the concentrated fire attack. According to the captured German guy, they privately call this thing " "The Kaiser's Invitation", whoever is drawn to fight with this thing will take a big step forward in the time of meeting the Kaiser."

"But the thing in front of you is different. It doesn't need to be deployed in a fixed position or deploy the launcher. This thing is fixed like a telegraph pole mounted in a truck compartment. It can be stopped at any time, fired at any time, and fired at any time. Withdraw. Except that it cannot fire while moving, it can fire under almost all other circumstances. It can run much faster than a person's two legs. It is also the heavy armor defense of the Steel Body, but the target is a bit larger, and its other performance is almost the same. It’s an all-round improvement, and the threat to us has skyrocketed.”

During the daytime battle, the Leader Division encountered more than one "Headless Tiger" and "Headless No. 4", both of which were valuables that had been temporarily transformed by the Germans into anti-tank missile destroyers.

Of course, most of them were "humanely destroyed" on the battlefield by Malashenko's order, including people and vehicles, but a few survived and were captured by the leader's division after the war.

What Ke Jin saw in front of him was that he was in the best condition. He didn't fire a single bomb during the entire battle. He accidentally fell into a huge crater caused by a 310mm rocket while driving. He was shaken to the ground for unknown reasons. The engine stalled and the "Tiger No. 6 anti-tank missile destroyer", referred to as the "Missile Tiger", was abandoned after being unable to fire for a long time.

When cleaning up the battlefield after the war, Malashenko ordered two IS7 vehicles with amazing horsepower to be mounted together, tied with steel cables and pulled directly out of the crater. It is temporarily parked here with the intention of waiting for Karamov to finish the important things at hand, then come over to take a look, find a way to repair it, restore its ability to move on its own, and then drive it back for research and testing.

Unexpectedly, before Karamov could finish his work and come over to "deal with his condition," a super boss who was even more awesome than Karamov would already arrive late at night.

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