Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2537 Dean injured

Malashenko didn't want to take Kotin to visit the repair shop now. The situation described by Karachev's assistant was simply unprecedented, and it just sounded so damn scary. It had to be Go check it out quickly.

Fortunately, Kogin also knew his priorities clearly. Before the impatient Malashenko could say anything, Kogin, who realized the urgency and seriousness of the problem, had already taken the lead in speaking to Malashenko. said.

"I understand. You have important matters here. It's not too late to go to the repair shop later. Do you want me to accompany you there?"

It seems that he can't think of any reason to reject Kogin, and since he has already made the request, Malashenko immediately nodded in response.

"Okay, let's go there together. Come on, get in my car, and you too."

When he asked Kotin to follow him, he also asked Kalachev's assistant to follow him. Malashenko, who did not bother to find "Mr. Driver" Iushkin, planned to ask someone to help him drive, and happened to meet him. Stenev, a tough man in a sea soul vest who was smoking not far from the car, simply recruited this super Slavic guy who was a guard and bodyguard as a temporary worker.

"Take us to the field hospital, Stenev, start immediately."

"Okay, Comrade Commander. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m]"

Most of the soldiers in the guard company have their own special skills. Some are extremely accurate in marksmanship, some are good at throwing grenades, and some are experts in unarmed combat. Others are infantrymen who master what are still advanced technical arms these days. A skill only mastered by automobile soldiers - driving.

Stenev, the squad leader of the security company, was an exception. He took advantage of all the above-mentioned advantages.

Not only is he an expert in using hot weapons, but he is also proficient in using cold weapons or unarmed combat. In fact, just because of his huge body and waist, which is extremely rare for a human body and comparable to a black bear, he is enough to kill most opponents in close combat.

Moreover, he can also drive. He has also driven the division commander's favorite "Walker Happy Car" before, taking the division commander to some places. It can be said that as long as Iushkin is away, Stenev is the "second person" that Malashenko thinks of immediately. Now he is just doing his usual job, working as a guard for the division commander and comrade. Just be a driver again.

"Comrade Commander, we are here."

After the car drove wildly and bumpily on the off-road road for a while, Stenev, who was in charge of driving, warned Malashenko, the co-driver next to him.

Of course, Malashenko could see that the place in front of him was his destination. Without saying a word, as soon as the car stopped, he opened the door and jumped out. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately moved towards the place in front of him. Walk to the field hospital just around the corner.

The half-buried underground bunker in front of us used to be a relatively large German field hospital on the outer position.

The defeated Germans failed to take away most of the things in this field hospital: the wounded, medicines, medical equipment, and even those who were still busy rescuing the wounded when the Red Army rushed in. The combat engineers were scared to death and the female nurse was scared to death.

Of course, Malashenko doesn’t like most of these German things.

With the field medical conditions of the leading division, there was no need for these shabby gadgets in the hands of the Germans who were at the end of their rope. The Leader's Division brought together all the scarce medicines and equipment supplied in large quantities from the three sources of British and American aid, Soviet production and those captured by the enemy. In terms of field medical conditions, it was one of the best in the entire Red Army.

In accordance with Malashenko's order, Kalachev cleared out the wounded Nazis who were originally piled up in this place and were lying in a mess. He buried the corpses of the Germans who had died but had not had time to clean them up in a large pit. , do harmless treatment.

The vacated space and the remaining things that could still be used, such as high-quality medicines and medical equipment, ready-made operating tables and other items, were taken back for personal use, and they were quickly used to rescue the wounded who had just been sent to the front line.

These things, although there is no shortage of leaders, no one can have too much, right?

Since it can be used and is needed, there is a reason and necessity to use it. This is Malashenko's consistent principle.

Now, Malashenko, who was leading three people behind him, strode into the field hospital as soon as he got out of the car. He didn't even have time to return the salute from the two guards at the door, let alone the medical staff he met in the field hospital along the way. Say hello to yourself. He felt like a little cat scratching his head, eager to find out what was wrong, until Malashenko met Karachev who had just come out of a small infirmary.

"What's going on? How did it end up like this!?"

There was only one reason that Malashenko was surprised when he met him, and that was that Kalachev in front of him was already in a disfigured state.

There were several deep blood marks on his face, as if he had been scratched by some crazy woman. The handsome young man's face was now completely disfigured. Not only was it miserable, it even looked a little funny, just like the cat with the colorful face.

Looking further on, I found that even the right hand was bandaged. This was even more serious. You must know that Karachev's hands were used to perform surgical operations, and in many cases he was responsible for performing serious injuries. Commanders at all levels play a very important role in ensuring the current stage and future recovery of the leadership division's combat effectiveness.

Now Karachev's right hand has been injured for unknown reasons and to what extent, and has been transformed into this bandaged appearance. How can this make Malashenko not anxious?

Facing the urgent inquiry from his comrade, Karachev, who knew what his current situation was, smiled lightly and said it was nothing. He raised his right hand and shook it lightly, clenching his fist, indicating that it was not a serious problem. , and then he smiled at Malashenko with a slightly helpless expression and spoke.

"It's nothing, Comrade Commander, please don't worry. The wound has been treated and I can still perform surgery. This will not have an insurmountable impact on me. I know my own situation."

"Just now, when I was checking on the crazy wounded comrade and looking at his eyelids, he suddenly struggled, bit my right hand, and scratched my face. Fortunately, there was a whole class around me at the time. The comrades of the guards immediately pushed him back and forced his mouth open, and rescued me. As a result, I only had some skin bites and some blood. All the necessary treatments have been done, so it doesn't matter. What a big problem.”

Kalachev repeatedly emphasized that he was fine and asked Malashenko not to worry, but this only aroused Malashenko's strong curiosity about what all the matter was going on, and he couldn't wait to find out the answer immediately. the truth.

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