Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2559 Shocking Moment

The slowest ones in the team are all big guys like IS6 who are "moving as fast as flying". The teams are moving very fast.

It could also be that the conversation, laughter and cheerful atmosphere in the car further accelerated the passage of time.

All in all, when Malashenko was about to say, "My wife's cooking skills are so good, she's so good at cooking," and then went on to brag about it, the slowly decelerating convoy had already indicated that it was about to arrive at its destination. Be prepared to get out of the car.

"It looks like we've arrived. Shall we get off the car?"

Ke Jin, who looked out through the small observation window above the shooting hole, found that there were more cars and people in his field of vision.

This is obviously not a wilderness or a battlefield relic, but a Red Army garrison and gathering area. At first glance, it is just a sight of comrades and familiar equipment, which silently proves this point.

Similarly, Malashenko, who was looking out of the car through the observation window, also noticed this and responded immediately.

"Then get off the car. When we have the chance, we can sit down and chat slowly. After the battle in Berlin, there will be plenty of opportunities. Now let's go visit the big guys. I can't wait any longer."

Malashenko spoke out the thoughts of everyone in the car.

In fact, of course, it is not only big figures like Malashenko and Kotin who are eager to see such a legendary anti-city treasure like the "Red Stalingrad", there are also cars Other ordinary infantry and tank soldiers inside.

While staying in the car, Malashenko had not yet clearly seen the situation outside, but as soon as Malashenko stepped out of the car door and got out of the car, and the soles of his feet touched the ground, he suddenly appeared in front of him and almost filled his eyes. The huge object that filled the entire field of vision suddenly made our dear Comrade Ma scream in surprise.

"What the hell, is this thing so big!? I remember it wasn't this big last time? Did I remember something wrong?"

Although the terrifying giant thing in front of you has not been fully assembled and has entered combat readiness status, there is no doubt that the general outline of this thing that started assembly and construction not knowing how long ago has now basically taken shape.

The real scene in front of me is that countless engineering soldiers and artillery soldiers are busy working up and down around this giant thing. The scene of thousands of people serving the same war machine these days can only be seen on weapons of the aircraft carrier and battleship level, and it is also invisible to people inside the ship or outside and cannot be intuitively felt.

But the "Red Stalingrad" was different.

Almost all the engineering staff in the construction and assembly phase of this behemoth in front of us can be seen with the naked eye, whether they are busy looking and checking the condition of the rails under the huge gun body, recording it in handwriting in a notebook, or waving signals below. Flags and batons direct the construction, or those who stand on the pair of city treasures to debug and install equipment.

These are all existences that can be seen at a glance. It is such a kind of "thousands of people sharing the same screen" and a "monstrous war monster" appearing in front of you at the same time, violently filling your field of vision in an arrogant and unreasonable way, even to the point of Beyond the edge of vision.

Malashenko, who had only met the "Red Stalingrad" once, had almost forgotten how he felt when he saw this war giant with his own eyes. After all, the distance between it and the "Red Stalingrad" was a bit long.

But now, Malashenko, who was extremely shocked, once again recalled the "touch" he felt at the time. He stood there as if stunned, unable to move even half a step.

Even if Malashenko was like this, it was the first time he saw this thing nearly completed and showing a nearly complete posture. It was even more unthinkable that he almost wrote "Shocked my mother for a whole year" on the On his face, his mouth was half-opened and he tried to close it but couldn't. After a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

"What was your state like when you first saw this thing?"

"Have you heard of the classic fairy tales of Western Europe in the Middle Ages? It's about a female knight and a bandit."

It’s another classic “Marco-style dialogue” in which questions are answered with questions. This has almost become a feature of the two friends Malashenko and Kotin. However, this time it was Kotin who ended the dialogue first. .

"I've never heard of it. Do you have any details?"

"Yes, Miss Gustav Dora, the female knight of the Krupp Empire, led her servants to conquer the bandits. As a result, the bandits hired a group of foreign aid called Goblins without respecting martial ethics."

"The result is good?"

"Many of the servants died and the second female knight was also captured. The Goblins also captured the female knight back to the cave and kept them as trophies. The goblins who were good at fighting were shocked when they saw the female knight. ”

"Why does your fairy tale sound a little weird?"

"Don't worry, that's not important. What's important is that I am the leader of the group of goblins who captured the second lady knight. I was shocked when I saw how big the second lady Dora was. It was just like in the classic Western European fairy tale. It’s exactly the same as in the story, very vivid.”

Kogin turned around and seemed to be a little thoughtful and confused. He hesitated for a long time before speaking in a low voice to Malashenko, pretending to be mysterious.

"Do you have this fairy tale book?"

"no, what happened?"

"I want to take a look. It sounds interesting."


"There is no chance in this century, wait until the 21st century, if you can survive until then."

"But you just said that was"

"It's not important just now. Don't worry about it. Come with me and see the second female knight."


It’s hard to imagine what it would be like when a giant steel giant 3 meters long, 6 meters high and weighing 1,350 tons lies in front of you, so close that you can take two steps forward at any time and within easy reach.

Especially when you see this thing on land instead of on the sea where water bodies are naturally buoyant, this ferocious reality that is beyond common sense and almost defies logic and common sense will tear apart your thinking and cognition. It must be broken into pieces, and your eyeballs and brain will be struck together with a powerful blow, shocking the place.

"I really can't understand why the Germans didn't build this kind of thing? If we hadn't captured Baina without spending a penny, I can't believe how much this kind of project cost from design to final completion and delivery. The cost is in all aspects, including manpower, material resources, time and money.”

Kogin's shock and confusion stemmed from his professional perspective, and the same was true for Malashenko, but it corresponded to destruction and destruction.

"Then you should think about whether the German guy would sigh when he was hit by this thing, "Why is this thing so powerful?" "Ah, no, the Germans won't say that, because they don't even have time to think like this. They have no chance to feel the impact of this thing and then think about it or express their feelings, at least not the person involved."

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