"There is no such thing as being a cook and cooking. Your husband has been forcibly conscripted into the army. If I guess correctly, he should be learning how to use a gun now. Whether he accepts it or not, whether he learns well or not, it may happen in two days, or even maybe Tomorrow, he will be kicked out of the training camp and use that broken gun to fight against us and the Red Army. "

"At that time, there will be someone behind him with a gun to his head to force him. He must obey orders. They will even threaten you and the children to make him fight. He will have no choice."


Malashenko's words were hard to hear, but they were true.

At this point, there is actually no need to lie anymore. This woman is qualified to know the truth, know the dangers her husband faces, and know that their family may not have been very supportive in the past, but she would never dare to object. What kind of evil things have evil beings done?

If they are kept in the dark, the Red Army might end up taking the blame.

This is how the breeding ground for hatred was left, and Malashenko did not want to see such a thing happen to him. It's not a big deal to explain the situation to this woman in a few words and concisely, it's also necessary.

"But, why do they want to arrest my husband? I don't understand why they want a man like him who can't even use a gun to serve in the army?"


It may be that this woman really doesn't understand at all, but it may also be that she didn't explain it clearly just now.

All in all, now that everything has been said, Malashenko does not mind continuing to speak more clearly.

"Because all the Nazi minions and lackeys on the front line are almost dead, and the Fascist hawks and dogs were killed by us until corpses and blood flowed everywhere. The Nazis no longer have enough troops to resist the Red Army, but they don't want to sit still and wait to die. , Waiting for death, intending to use all available methods to survive and fight to the end. "

"Forcing civilians to be forced into the army is only one of the methods. If too many soldiers die, then capture the strong men to make up for it. As long as you can make a gun move, run, and shoot bullets at the enemy, it is valuable. Your husband was killed by them Being treated as a victim of cannon fodder is nothing more than that in their eyes.”


The woman's expression was as expected by Malashenko. Her eyes were dull and dull, just like a cyber hacker who was doing something on the Internet and his network cable was suddenly cut short, and his brain suddenly shut down.

This expression lasted for several seconds, shock mixed with disbelief, and uncontrollably muttering to himself was the best expression of this.

"Yes, but newspapers and radios keep saying that we are winning, that the enemy has been driven out of Germany."


At this time, not only Malashenko sneered, but even some of the surrounding soldiers who could also understand German laughed out loud, as if they had heard some really shocking joke.

"Okay, it seems that you believe this statement, at least you once believed it."

"Then let me ask you, if what is said in the newspapers and on the radio is true, then who do I and my brothers have to be? Are we standing here a friendly visit to Germany by the Soviet Union, or some kind of joint military operation between the two countries? exercise?"

"No, this is the fact. We are here to kill tons of Nazis and plant the red flag of the Soviet Union in that evil heart. This is our mission."

"Lies, deception, deceit and deceit without regard for the facts, this is what your rulers do, and it is also their true nature."

"Lies and falsehoods are like birthmarks that can never be erased. They are born and die with Nazis. Your experience is the best proof. If I hadn't appeared here to expose all this to you with the facts before your eyes, You were still deceived into lies until the second I finished speaking, weren't you?"

As Malashenko thinks

The truth is often cruel, but this woman has the right to know the truth and must know it if conditions permit.

But cruelty should only be endured by adults. For children, Malashenko does not want to let everything that they cannot even understand become the only thing they know.

Lies distinguish the method and purpose of use, just like a weapon that can kill the enemy but also oneself. Many things in this world have two sides and are a double-edged sword.

Even if it is a lie, Malashenko has to say it now.

Even if it's temporary, at least let this child have a childhood with a father.

People, after all, we still can't lose hope. No matter what happens at any time and at any age, it is the same.

"You're right, kid. The Red Army specializes in fighting those who do all kinds of evil. We will rescue your father and teach those black dogs a lesson! We will kick their butts hard to let them know how powerful they are. Never, never If you dare to do such obscene things again, your father may be able to come back and play with you soon, just like before."

Just like when they first met, Malashenko stretched out his big hand and rubbed the head of the little boy with a tiger head and a tiger head.

He no longer had the same expression he had when he was talking about serious matters, but instead showed a smile. There was nothing in his words or actions that could make people suspicious.

"But you just said that my father would be driven to the battlefield, wouldn't he be in danger? My uncle told my mother that many people died on the battlefield every day, and I heard them all."


The child "bravely" told the truth, but the child's mother still looked surprised, helpless, and even a little bit stunned.

Malashenko smiled again, but did not move away from the big hand on the child's head, continuing to convey the warmth in his palm.

"Then I will bring your father back from the battlefield and tell him that Xiao Shaote misses you. A father should go home quickly to accompany his son. What are you doing in a place like the battlefield? I will give him another bag of flour. Will he come back and bake some bread for you?"

A child is a blank slate, born into it.

What children believe depends on what adults want them to believe, at least at the age this little boy is now.

Malashenko's "lie" finally got a perfect result, at least for the time being.

"Comrade Commander, maybe I shouldn't ask, but how can you guarantee that the child's father will come back alive? Or is it just me overthinking it?"

It’s no wonder that Kulbalov can say this. Malashenko rarely lies, or there is almost nothing he can’t do even though he promises it, at least not in Kulbalov’s mind.

Maybe the teacher and comrade just casually talked to the children and didn't take it seriously?

Kulbalov thought that might be the case, but Malashenko's next sigh was clearly not the answer.

"That child expected a result from me, just like a child would expect a birthday gift from his or her parents to be fulfilled. No one gave me the power to take away that child's hope, period."

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