Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2578 A gamble without foundation

Before Malashenko could finish his words, worse things followed.

A hurried figure quickly ran to the motor shaft room, and before the people in the room could react, they had already entered through the open door.

"Comrade division commander, comrade brigade commander, it's not bad! All the water sources in the town are..."


The visitor stopped talking in the middle of his words. The reason is obvious when you look at the corpse on the ground that has been transformed into a "giant view".

Of course Malashenko knew why this man who came in a hurry, this brigade staff officer who was ordered by Kulbalov to go down to check the situation at several other water sources in the town, acted like this.

In fact, it was the staff officer's current posture that made Malashenko feel that it was not surprising and corresponded to his suspicion.

If someone came rushing to report the good news with an excited face, saying that all other water sources in the city were intact, then Malashenko would have to say, "This is fucking weird."

Either the people below are lying about the military situation, or your German guy's brain may have been caught in the door, and you can't do dirty things easily.

Faced with the expected worst-case scenario, there was nothing else to say. Malashenko, who slowly got up from the ground, just waved his hand casually to signal for the team to close, and he would not lead everyone to stay in this stinky place any longer. There is no point in the airy shaft room, and all the facts that need to be found out are now available.

"Comrade Commander, I know the Germans are trying to pollute the water source, but do they think this can stop us from moving forward? Isn't that ridiculous?"

As soon as Malashenko walked out of the shaft room, he was overtaken by Kulbalov who came out from behind.

Kulbalov, who kept asking comrade the division commander, didn't look so pessimistic?

Maybe it can only be described like this. After Malashenko saw the expression on Kulbalov's face, he felt that he couldn't find any more accurate words to describe it.

After all, from a purely military perspective, Kulbalov is right. This is in line with the way Kulbalov should think as a military officer.

But the problem is that this is not just a military issue. If you only consider the military impact, it will not make Malashenko feel big at all. There are other reasons.

He was noncommittal to the questions raised by Kurbalov.

First, he took out his cigarette case and slowly lit a cigarette for himself to soothe his taste and moisten his throat, so as to quickly get rid of the olfactory experience that seemed to only occur during the most tragic period of Stalingrad.

When the smoke lingered between his lips and teeth, and his nostrils and mouth were filled with smoke, Malashenko slowly spoke to Kulbalov beside him.

But the answer is not what was asked.

"I asked you just now, how many people are left in the town? Have you calculated it?"


The span of Malashenko's question was a bit too huge. Kulbalov was stunned for a moment before he recalled it, and then he spoke immediately.

"There are probably less than 18,000 left, and that's just a rough estimate. But judging from the photo area and what we already know, there shouldn't be much difference. The number is not expected to exceed 2,000."

"Eighteen thousand, eighteen thousand, that's eighteen thousand mouths for eating and drinking."


Although Kulbalov didn't quite understand it just now, it was only for a moment at that time.

If you still don't understand after hearing Malashenko's words, then Kulbalov should stop messing around and go to the cooking team to shoulder the blame. The position of brigade commander of the main synthetic brigade is a bit too difficult for him.

"Comrade Commander, do you mean that we should be responsible for the more than 18,000 people in this town???"


Malashenko did not answer immediately. Instead, he took a puff of cigarette and exhaled the smoke in his mouth before speaking slowly.

"If you have a better solution, I'm all ears."


Kulbalov was astonished, and in his astonishment was also intense uneasiness.

"But we didn't cause all this, and they are not our people. Why should we wipe the butts of those naughty bastards?"

"Because we are not human beings, but we are still."


Kulbalov was speechless for a moment, with his mouth half open as if he wanted to say something but he didn't know where to start, let alone how to speak. In the end, Malashenko continued to speak and broke the silence.

"Those nazis are betting on the opponent who is about to kill them, that is, whether we still have humanity."

"This is a gamble with no capital, Kulbalov. For those nazis, it is a gamble with no capital and free play. At most, it is a gamble that neither wins nor loses, and the important thing is to participate."

"When they cut off their own humanity and morality and the people they were supposed to protect, just like cutting off their tails, and threw the bodies of those they killed into the well, everything became insignificant."

"Nazi doesn't care about the life and death of the remaining people in this town. In the eyes of those bastards, these people are of little use, and they are trash with mouths open to waste supplies. They are not even consumables."

"The bastards are more than happy to use this bunch of trash as chips on the table and gamble with us on a 'no win, no loss' bet that is as bad as it gets."

"If they lose, all they lose are these junk products that are of no use at all. In their eyes, they are not even considered "living things" as consumables."

"But if they win the bet, it will be different."

"Eighteen thousand mouths is not a small number at any time. No matter how much our division's supplies are, we cannot sustain such consumption. For us, this is almost double the usual supply consumption rate."

"The vanguard of the Red Army that is eager to attack the city will definitely not carry too abundant supplies. Those nuns have reason to make such a judgment, and of course their judgment is indeed correct."

"Not to mention too much, even if we use this bunch of useless waste products to delay the launch of our attack for two or three days, or force us to end the attack hastily due to insufficient supplies and inability to follow up after the attack is launched, the first The wave offensive turned into a botched battle."

"Both the situations before and after are those who are happy to see the results. This is a gamble worth taking no matter how you calculate it. The premise is that your own humanity and anything related to conscience must be completely eradicated, and those nazis There is no such thing, so they can do it, effortlessly and easily.”

He threw the burnt cigarette butt between his fingers on the ground and stepped on it with his foot. Malashenko's next words were as calm as his expression at the moment.

"Not only are we unable to supply supplies on the spot, but even the waste products are packed and dumped to us, but after all, they are still living people. As you just saw, there are ordinary mothers and ordinary children here, just like us The motherland is the same as my hometown.”

"Contact the political commissar comrades and arrange for the logistics troops to arrive as soon as possible with ration supplies. We are going to arrange for the distribution of humanitarian supplies in the town and set up several more distribution points to divert the crowd. Act now and act quickly."

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