Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2580 No choice

"The consumption of necessities such as food and drinking water is a bit too fast, Malashenko. At this rate, the weekly supplies we brought will be exhausted in three days at most. Karamov has already sent a convoy. We got water from the nearest water point. Although the road is a little far away, fortunately there are enough cars, so the water supply is not a problem for the time being. "

"But how to solve the food gap? This thing does not grow in the ground and can be brought back by sending a car there. This was originally our reserve for the first week of the offensive, but now it is all..."

At night, most of the leaders of the leadership division who had been busy all day were either already asleep or making final preparations before falling asleep.

This peaceful town can provide a refuge for comrades to sleep peacefully, at least for now. The Germans cowering in the city cannot use long-range artillery or air raids to bombard the town and cause trouble for the Red Army. You just need to send enough people on duty at night to prevent the Germans from sneaking up in the middle of the night to cause damage.

But for Malashenko, as well as the entire division leadership team of the leadership division.

After a busy day, it doesn't mean that you can just rest. After the first half of the day, there is still the second half of the night. The thorny problems before you must be solved as soon as possible without delay, even if it is in the new storage building under the chapel in the center of the town. There was no hesitation in staying up all night to hold meetings in the cellar.

"I know about the food problem. The relevant message has been sent to the Army Group Headquarters. Let's see what Comrade Commander has to say and we will find a solution then."

Malashenko sat in the main C seat of the venue with his arms folded and stated the solutions he had made. Lavrinenko, who had just finished briefly describing the situation with a report in his hand, blinked. He was probably not clear about what he was doing. He asked quietly as if it had any effect.

"Are you sure this can be solved? What I mean is that it is combat rations after all. The consumption of more than 10,000 people is not a trivial matter. Now all the troops on the front line are preparing combat supplies. There are so many excess rations allocated to Us?"

Lavrinenko's worries are not unreasonable. The current situation is that the Red Army units that are organizing the Berlin Battle are arriving outside Berlin one after another. The supplies that need to be raised for these units that are gradually arriving at combat positions can be said to be massive.

Necessities such as food and medicine are only part of them, and the more critical ones are those combat supplies.

These days, the artillery shells transported to the front line are calculated based on "how many trains". If some troops with tracked heavy armored combat vehicles come from relatively far away, they will also need to occupy train transportation resources. to conduct battle maneuvers. Wasting precious motorized hours on tactical maneuvers is really not worth the gain, and will only in vain reduce the combat effectiveness of the troops when they go into battle.

Almost all items that are large, in high demand, or needed urgently have to occupy train transportation resources. At this time, there are not many railway transportation resources that can be freed to transport food.

Now we are faced with the situation where the leader suddenly reaches out and asks for an almost doubled supply of food rations. It cannot be said that it is completely impossible, but just think about it, it may be quite difficult for the superiors to do it. Malashenko Bringing this up at this time is really a problem for his immediate boss.

In Chinese official terms, this is called putting a brick under the leader's chin and putting eye drops on the leader's eyes.

It was nothing more than Lavrinenko asking Malashenko a rather worried question, which is reasonable according to common sense.

After hearing this, Malashenko seemed a little tired and helpless at first. He lowered his head and leaned on the armchair, stretched out his right hand and gently pinched the aching forehead. This is the result of excessive energy consumption. Malashenko has long been accustomed to and learned how to adjust and adapt. When faced with his good brother's "kind reminders", he can answer directly without being affected.

"Again, if there is any other way, I don't want to do it."

"But the reality is that there is no such thing. The only choice left for us is this. Not to mention that we cannot watch more than 10,000 old, weak, sick and disabled people starve to death. If we really do this, riots and riots in the town will definitely happen first. One step comes."

"People who are crazy about hunger can do anything. Don't use the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled as the reason why people don't get hungry. This is our starting position, where the troops are assembled and the division-level material reserves are stored. It is impossible for me to leave a large number of troops in the town to maintain law and order and suppress riots at the most critical moment."

"Or what should we do? Just imitate those Nazis who exposed all the people and then dug a hole to bury them all? It is simply unrealistic. This is the rear of our division in the first stage of the Battle of Berlin, and a stable rear is the key to victory. First of all, you don’t want to see those crazy hungry people looking for trouble for us at the critical moment, or even the saboteurs of the United Nazis working together inside and outside to create trouble for us, right?”


Lavrinenko listened without saying a word. Malashenko's words, like what he just said, have corresponding reasons that must be considered.

To put it bluntly, in the final analysis, this matter is one of the most disgusting problems that you deliberately left behind.

When one problem is solved, a series of problems follow it. It is like pressing down the gourd and making the gourd float up, repairing the west wall and the east wall falling down.

"The baggage has been left to us, but those nazis can continue to use these people and use them as combat medicine to force those strong men to fight."

"Na Cui can just say, "The life and death of your relatives depends on whether you obey orders." Do you think those strong men who have their freedom restricted and have guns put to their heads know what is happening to their families now? Na Cui said Whatever they listen to and believe is their only choice. There is no room or opportunity for resistance. "

"The Nazis have enjoyed all the benefits brought by their evil deeds, and the mess has been left to us. This move is disgusting, scum, and not something that humans can do, but if it is purely based on the effect on the enemy and ourselves, we have to admit It really works."

Malashenko thought a lot about this matter, almost every time he had free time during the day.

The final result was that the more I thought about it, the more fucking disgusting I felt. It was like saying that all the benefits had been taken up by the nazis, and they could continue to use them efficiently. All the costs and prices to be paid have to be paid by themselves and the Red Army, and the Germans have seized on the weaknesses of human nature and morality, which is coercive.

How this matter will be evaluated by the world in the future is a matter for the future.

The key is that you have now poked at the weak point of the leader, and it has been poked so hard that you are powerless and have nowhere to fight back. You don't know where to hit him with all your strength. After a lot of rage, you are left helpless.

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