Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2582 Give the Germans some fun

The night was already quite late, and Malashenko, who had just finished the division meeting after burning the midnight oil to fight, had not rested yet.

Lying in front of his desk, he studied the map spread out on the table. From time to time, he used a pencil to mark here and there, thinking about what the troops must do and perform some tasks tomorrow. They couldn't just sit idle and do nothing.

According to the information Malashenko learned, the preparations for the Battle of Berlin will continue for several days.

The supplies of ammunition and supplies required for this final decisive battle are massive, especially ammunition of various calibers. Zhukov plans to unleash an unprecedented amount of ammunition that has never been seen before, using rain of steel and fire to inflict heavy losses on the city. Nasui stews a pot of steel broth, just like in history.

As one of the troops that arrived at the outskirts of Berlin first, stationed and deployed the offensive starting positions and carried out the blockade of Berlin, the Leader Division would not be able to just sit and do nothing.

Not to mention that Malashenko thought it was a waste of time. If Zhukov knew that Malashenko and his troops were sitting on a bench outside Berlin all day long, he would definitely not tolerate it.

Malashenko, who was constantly studying the map on the table, was thinking about how to effectively use the last period of time before the launch of the general offensive to do something meaningful. After taking a look around, I found that these cowardly Germans had abandoned almost all the peripheral positions in the suburbs of Berlin. At first glance, they gave people a very bipolar feeling.

Why do you say that?

That must be because you, the German guy, risked your life and risked your life to defend the Zero Highlands. Even the leader felt that the battle at Feiyakou really left a deep impression on Malashenko. impression.

If calculated in terms of serious distance, the Zero Highlands is still far away from the city of Berlin compared to the defensive support points on the outskirts of the city on the map in front of us.

But what's the result?

The result is that you Germans want to defend the Zero Heights at all costs, investing so much manpower and material resources and showing such firm determination. But in the end, the peripheral defense support points closer to Berlin were ignored and abandoned.

Anyone who knows something about military affairs will understand that Berlin is an isolated city without peripheral defense support. No matter how you look at it or analyze it, it is the most unfavorable situation for the defenders. But the Germans just chose this seemingly most unfavorable situation and jumped in first without the Red Army taking action.

Even the place where Malashenko is now, this time, if you strictly speaking, it is a peripheral defense support point that can be well utilized. At least there are so many solid buildings with masonry structures that can be used on-site, eliminating the need for time-consuming and laborious repairs.

However, in addition to looting the place, stealing the food, and recruiting all the useful people into young men, the Inde Man only left behind a bunch of disgusting people who thought they were useless "waste" and packed them up and gave them to the Red Army. Regarding the plan of using this place to carry out peripheral defense and blockade to buy more time, I chose to run away without even thinking about it.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters, this is the truth.

But after looking at the outskirts of Berlin on the map and then moving his gaze to the inside of the city, Malashenko didn't think that the German guy was up to some kind of moth or conspiracy. There was actually only one real answer.

"Here, I made you a cup. Seeing that you don't want to sleep for a while, I'll refresh you."

Holding a compass in his hand and drawing on the map on the table, Lavrinenko appeared from the side at some point, holding two steaming cups in his hands, one on each side, and reached out to hand one of them to Malashenko.

"Coffee? Don't tell me you disgusted me with that German thing."

Malashenko complained about many of the German military supplies. In addition to the cigarettes that tasted like "horse manure soaked in grass", there was also the "Hans, your coffee tastes really bad" brand coffee.

Marashenko would rather drink boiled water than drink this stuff. Although it does have a good refreshing effect, making a cup and drinking it is really like drinking hot mud. Marashenko looked at the stuff Lavrinenko handed him. Shenke couldn't help but frown a little.

"Don't worry, it doesn't belong to a German. Ever since what happened last time, comrades are all on tenterhooks. Not just chocolate, but simply anything German. If you hadn't said that we had seized it before, Those German cans and the like are no problem. Karachev wanted to throw away those crappy things. It just so happened that today they were all distributed as humanitarian supplies. It was considered as giving the Germans’ things to them and the Germans themselves could eat them. Anyway, there was no waste. that is."

"I brewed this stuff with Yankee's coffee powder. The new batch we got last month is pretty good. It seems that Yankee has changed the formula and the drink is stronger and more fragrant than before. I think Not bad, do you want to try it?”

When he heard that the steaming cup was Americano coffee, Malashenko's frown immediately relaxed a lot.

Although there is still a slight difference in taste, it cannot be said to be completely the same.

But among the things Malashenko has drunk these days, the Americano brewed with hot water is the one that is almost the most similar to the taste of the future world. After all, things like instant coffee were spread all over the world by the powerful influence of the United States. Basically, the American instant coffee powder on supermarket shelves was still there until the 21st century before Malashenko time traveled. in this way.

So to be realistic, a sip of this stuff can really remind us Comrade Ma of the "taste of hometown" that is not so serious.

After all, from a macro perspective, the earth in the 21st century can be regarded as the serious hometown of Comrade Ma, right?

"Phew, um~ You're right, the taste is okay. It seems that the Yankees have changed the formula and the food they sent is quite conscientious."

Malashenko immediately praised it after taking a bite, and after hearing this, Lavrinenko followed closely.

"The Americans sent a lot of good things. I heard that those P-39 fighter jets and those Sherman tanks are all highly praised by our Red Army. It's a pity that we haven't used those tanks. It’s not easy to express my opinion. I used those crappy tanks from the British some time ago. Ah, I get angry when I talk about it. Those crappy cars are simply more crowded than ours, and their performance is not as good. It’s terrible. !”

Looking at Lavrinenko who was recalling the past and complaining repeatedly, Malashenko just smiled and then got down to business.

"Those Shermans are easy to use compared to the equipment level of other brother units. If you come to the Leader's Division, you will definitely not like it. Believe me, that thing is far inferior to the captured Black Panther II used by our division." It’s not as good as it is. After you experience it, you will only think that what the Americans made is industrial garbage.”

"Besides, look here, I have some ideas. Let's mix it up and see if we can give the German guy some fun tomorrow."

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