Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2584 You poop when others eat!

"Hey Hoffman! Wake up! Hoffman, wake up! It's time to hand over your shift. If you want to sleep, go back to your dormitory and sleep!"

"What? It's time to change your shift??? Let's drink"

It is not a good thing to be woken up from sleep, but if you are sleeping while slacking off at work, and you are woken up and told that you can go back to sleep well after get off work time, this situation should be dealt with separately.

The German soldier named Hoffman yawned loudly and reluctantly woke up from his sleep with sleepy eyes. When he opened his eyes in confusion, he saw at a glance that his comrade who came to change his shift was stuck in his chest. before.

"What time is it now?"

Hoffman subconsciously asked casually, scratching his itchy scalp with his paws as he hadn't bathed for who knows how many days. He looked sloppy and lazy.

"Four-thirty, yes, it's just after half-past four now."

"Huh? It's only half past four? Didn't you agree that the shift would change at five? Why are you drinking? Why are you here so early?"

Hoffman, who still hadn't completely shaken off his sleepiness, kept asking casually. The brother who came to change the shift had already taken off the MP40 submachine gun on his shoulder, put it in the gun cabinet aside, and started tinkering with it. The small pot on the small stove in the room was ready to be filled with water. Most likely, he wanted to cook something to fill his stomach.

"I couldn't sleep. I had nightmares in the middle of the night. After I woke up from a fright, I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I tried. There was no point in tossing and turning on the bed. I just came down and walked around to see you sleeping soundly. I might as well change my clothes back. Sleep well. If I get sleepy on the night shift another day, you can come over in advance to replace me. This time, you'll be the first to pay."

"Huh? Is there still such a thing?"

With his sleepiness mostly gone, Hoffman slowly stood up from his chair, took out his Mauser 98K rifle from the gun cabinet next to the table, held the gun belt, threw it over his shoulder, and spoke quietly again. .

"What nightmare scares you like this? I remember that you usually sleep like a dead pig?"

The shift soldier who was standing next to the small stove and had already begun to pour hot water into the small pot did not answer directly. Instead, he poured half of the uneaten cans on the side and a handful of whole pasta. After throwing it into a small pot and boiling it, he found a chair to sit down and spoke slowly.

"You may not believe it, even I don't believe it myself."

"I dreamed that countless Russians were rushing into Berlin like ants. Their tanks were more numerous than all the rats in the sewers of Berlin combined. The streets, intersections, and houses were full of Russians. Man, they were waving all kinds of weapons and firing wildly. Our people were like weeds blown down by the wind, one after another, never able to stand up again.

"The Russian soldiers trampled over our bodies, and their tanks rolled over our streets. I don't know how long it took, but I finally saw them in my dream putting the red flag on the roof of the Capitol, whistling in the wind. The ground fluttered, and countless Russians stood over our corpses cheering for victory.”

"Oh my god, I'm so scared that I can't sleep when I think about this scene. It feels like we are mice in a cage, and the Russians are the people outside the cage, smiling and discussing how to kill us. , and all we can do is bang around in this shabby iron cage, unable to get out at all.”


In this case, what the shift soldier said just now cannot be said to everyone.

To be blunt, if you tell someone you don't want to deal with, not only will you not gain recognition, but you may even get yourself killed. It's not impossible to be shot as a traitor in the end. Are there not many unlucky people who lose their lives because they can't keep their mouth shut?

Fortunately, Hoffman, who had lost most of his sleepiness and was almost completely awake, was not such a person. To be precise, he had a good relationship with this shift soldier.

The two of them take care of each other on weekdays, help each other on the battlefield, and think of each other even when good things happen. Although they have not known each other for a long time, they are still good brothers in the same class, so the replacement soldier has the courage to say that only the two of them can hear each other. Confess the dream when the situation arises.

After hearing this, Hoffman wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start or how to speak. Mainly because he couldn't think of what words to use to comfort his brother. It’s hard to tell whether others will believe or not believe any words he can think of. Hoffman feels that if he doesn’t even believe those feeble and deceptive words, how can he expect others to believe them?

"Do you have enough food? I didn't eat last night. Can you give me some food?"

Since I can't think of any comforting words, I simply change the topic and say something that can make people feel relaxed.

I have to say that this method is indeed somewhat effective. At least after the shift soldier who was guarding the small stove heard it, the haze on his face seemed to disappear for an instant.

When talking about food, the shift soldier opened the lid of the small cooking pot and took a look inside. He found that there was a lot of filling food including soup and water, and the steam coming out was accompanied by the aroma of food. Visible appetite satisfaction is probably the best medicine to offset fear at the moment, although this "medicine" is not very effective.

"Hey, there's quite a lot! Come and eat together. This is the last bit of stock I brought back from Italy. It will be gone after eating it."

"Italy? Did you bring them back when you returned from Sicily? You haven't finished eating those things yet???"

"No, no, it should be said that I had finished eating. I thought I had finished eating. But yesterday I went through my luggage and found that there was still half a bag left. I had eaten very little and not nutritious in the past two days, so I just brought it. Improve the food, you're in luck."

"Well, I do have to say I'm lucky, so you're welcome."

With a smile on his face, Hoffman was just about to take a step and walk over to start, but he never thought that there was a sharp pain in his stomach without any warning. It was really the pain of twisting the intestines.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"My stomach hurts. Damn it. I need to go have a bowel movement, right now."


The soldier on duty who was cooking and eating next to the small stove immediately looked disgusted when he heard this, and blurted out the words "no mercy" without thinking.

"You shit while others are eating, so get out! Don't blame me for not leaving you if you come back late."

Feeling like he was about to escape, Hoffman ignored the scolding behind him and quickly grabbed a dusty newspaper on the table and rushed out the door.

As soon as I rushed out and looked around, I found that there wasn't even a soul or even a mouse on the street. I just hurriedly found a place to go back to fill my stomach after pooping.

However, what Hoffman didn't expect was that as soon as he clutched his stomach and rushed towards the alley next to him, a black shadow came out of nowhere and instantly covered his mouth and kicked his legs. Throw it to the ground.

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