Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2586 Take action!

“There’s just one on the first floor, next to the stove.

"The others stay here, leave this to me."

Alsim, who was absolutely confident in his abilities, did not let the soldiers follow him but ordered to stay put. This may sound a bit conceited, but in Alsim's view, it is actually quite troublesome to protect his comrades during battle. thing.

If one or two are not done well, the dish may even be ruined.

This is not to say that there is a problem of team awareness, but that when Alsim feels that he can do it alone, he really does not need help from others, at least that is what he feels.

"A little flower blooms in the wilderness. Her name is Erica. Thousands of little bees are flying to Erica~~~"

A big hand quietly grasped the ajar door frame and there was no sound. However, the man in the room with his back to the door was still sitting by the stove, stirring the food in the pot with peace of mind while humming a little tune, waiting for the scurrying old man. return.

"What is that Kraut singing in the room?"

"I don't know. I can't hear it clearly through the wall. It seems like it's singing "Fuck."

The soldiers waiting at the wall outside the door raised their ears to pay attention to what was going on in the room, while discussing the situation in the room in low voices.

Alsim, who tiptoed open the ajar door, had already entered the house at this moment, controlled his feet steadily, and quietly came behind the German guy who had his back turned to him with silent steps.

"This idiot will be cooked to death if he doesn't come back! Forget it, I'll eat it myself first."

The food has not yet reached his mouth, and the words he is mumbling and complaining have not yet finished.


Even though there was no warning, and of course he was caught off guard, he suddenly felt that the back of his helmet was lightly hit twice with something, making a crisp metal impact sound.

Subconsciously, he twisted his neck and turned his head. Before he could even curse and curse, he saw a cold light coming towards his face like a whistling wind.

"Why are you doing this now?"

Using his flat-head razor, which looked like the head of a bastard shark, he first hit the German guy's helmet on the back of his head, as if it was some kind of evil prank.

Before the German guy turned his head completely, his half-open mouth didn't even have time to finish what he mistakenly thought was that his comrade-in-arms was back.

After the prank was over, Alsim started to get down to business. He had already raised his knife and lowered it. The flat-headed but also sharpened knife head was driven into the flesh like a guillotine.



A large ball of blood spurted out instantly.

The unfortunate German guy didn't even have time to get up from his chair.

He held the corpse of the German man who was about to fall to the ground, and after stabilizing his movements, he slowly and lightly placed it firmly on the ground, so as not to make a huge sound of the corpse falling down together with the chair, and thus disturbing the people upstairs. prey on.

Alsim, who was used to being around warm blood, didn't care how much German blood was splattered on his body, hands, and face. It didn't matter.

The important thing is that the first step of stealth has been completed, and now it is time to start the second step. There is not much time left before dawn, and we must race against time.


While putting the knife back into the scabbard on his waist with his right hand, he raised his left hand to make a gesture. The soldiers who had been waiting at the wall outside the door for a long time saw Comrade Company Commander's gesture through the window. Without saying a word, they immediately followed him or climbed over the window. Either go through the main entrance and file in.

"Knock one out and kill one. The number of Nazis left upstairs should not exceed single digits. Split up the operations and control all the rooms immediately. Don't use guns if possible, and attack at the same time as planned."


He said he didn't need a gun, but when it came time to use one, everyone, including Alsim, walked upstairs with an attitude of being ready to pounce on someone with whatever they were doing.

The situation upstairs was similar to what Alsim and the others learned. The entire second floor was divided into four rooms, two bedrooms, a storage room, and a toilet.

So since there is a toilet upstairs, why did the German guy who was knocked unconscious just go outside to deal with it?

Alsim didn't know and wasn't interested. He had no time to care about these trivial matters. He just gestured to the soldiers behind him to divide into two groups according to the original plan and prepare to stand by.

"Get ready, use the knife as much as possible, I'll go first, follow me."

The soldier on the left and right of Alsim's separated door understood the eyes of Comrade Commander, and then put down the AK in his hand, carrying the gun belt hanging on his waist, with two free hands, one on the left and one on the right. Armed with bayonets and pistols, they could break through the door at the command of the company commander and surprise the Germans inside who were still dreaming.

Seeing that his brothers were ready, Alsim was about to take action. Unexpectedly, before he had time to move, the originally closed wooden door in front of him suddenly opened from the inside out.


"I'm here, don't move!"

The soldier who was only leaning against the wall on the left side of the door was about to take action, but at the last critical moment, he saw the gesture of Comrade Company Commander on the wall on the right side of the opposite door. Like a fully drawn strong bow, his body just waiting for the arrow to explode was forced back. .

Soon enough, at the same time as the soldier retracted his action, the person who opened the door had already followed up.

"Hehe, hehe, damn, I peed for the fourth time tonight. I shouldn't have drank so much water last night."

The sleepy-eyed Degun was completely unaware of the danger outside the door. He just yawned and clapped his mouth and walked out.

As soon as I went out, I turned around. Regardless of whether I could see the way with my eyes or not, my feet were already walking towards the direction of the toilet in my memory. I don’t know whether this guy is too stupid or Alsim is just too lucky. This idiot who got up in a daze to urinate at night didn’t even notice that there were still people standing at the door, and there were quite a few of them.



"Uh huh huh"

He covered his mouth with his left hand and stabbed the razor into his heart from behind with his right hand. He saw the right moment and struck out with a killing move. As a result, Alsim missed the second target who entered the building and dragged the body to the wall. The eyes that were slowly lowered were filled with murderous intent.

"Okay, let's do it!"

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