Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2598 No assists, all assists!

Malashenko, who can no longer wait any longer, now wants to personally go into battle and teach the stubborn rebels a lesson, trying to avoid risks to the lowest possible level.

For all the comrades present, this is not a surprise, and it can even be considered reasonable.

When it comes to stopping Malashenko, the idea has almost never crossed anyone's mind.

After all, "comrade division commander takes the lead in the charge" is almost as stereotyped in the minds of the middle and senior commanders who lead the division. Comrade division commander was not the one during any large-scale attack. Go to the front line and command operations in person?

This small-scale street battle, which was inconvenient for the group's forces, was rare and stable, and the troops were commanded from the Kulbalov brigade headquarters outside the city. Instead of driving his mighty and domineering No. 177 IS7 heavy tank into the city as a meat grinder, grinding all the Germans who dare to use the mantis as a car into minced meat.

So now Malashenko said that he couldn't help it and wanted to take the lead in the charge and open up the situation as a decisive force to quickly seal the victory. In the eyes of the surrounding comrades, this is what "should be", and this is in line with the comrades' usual "stereotype" of comrades as division commanders.

After all, in the leadership division, "Comrade Commander, I am with you" is what every soldier has the right to shout proudly. This is of course why the leadership division can explode with strong combat effectiveness and morale every time it encounters a battle, regardless of the intensity. One of the important reasons for the table. Malashenko's IS7 heavy tank, dressed like a Christmas tree, is one of the best mobile morale boosters on the battlefield.

However, although it does not prevent Comrade Commander from doing this, it does not mean that he will not say anything else and become mute. Some things that need to be said and things that need to be reminded are kept by Malashenko's side. Kurbalov felt that he still needed to say something.

"Three siege troops have been deployed so far, and the offensive progress of the three troops is almost as smooth as expected. We only need the last little time."

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't go, Comrade Division Commander. But, taking into account the issue of troop density and operational efficiency optimization of rationally investing offensive forces, wouldn't it be less necessary to open a fourth offensive channel? If so, wouldn't it be necessary? If we go up along the attack path that has been opened, we must also consider the problem that the troop density of this offensive path exceeds the upper limit. No matter how many attacking troops are invested, it may not be able to deploy. "

Of course, what Kulbalov said cannot be regarded as stopping Malashenko. At most, it can be regarded as a reminder to Malashenko: Comrade division commander, if you lead the team up here, how should you solve these two swings? The problem at hand?

In this headquarters, Malashenko is the official who has the biggest final say at the moment. It is of course necessary for Kulbalov to ask Malashenko for instructions.

On the other side, Malashenko, who had actually been thinking about these two issues and things in his own mind, was also thinking about it.

As Kulbalov's words faded, Malashenko, who had already thought of the corresponding solution, blurted out the prepared plan.

"What you say makes sense. These two factors really need to be taken into consideration."

"The fastest progress currently is made by the siege troops in the middle. Am I remembering correctly?"

Malashenko suddenly asked, and Kulbalov, who was staying close to the side, glanced at the map to confirm and immediately replied.

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander. The center siege force just sent a message five minutes ago. Their attack process is already halfway through and they are advancing across the central block towards the enemy's last core defense area. It is expected that they will be able to defeat the enemy in about fifteen minutes. If the enemy defenders in the core defense area come into contact, it will be fine as long as more enemies don’t jump out to cause trouble.”

"Middle of the road"

"By the way, is Alsim responsible for clearing the perimeter?"

Malashenko suddenly remembered that Alsim had also volunteered to lead a team to rush forward, and the heavy-armed infantry such as combat engineers should not be responsible for the task of clearing the perimeter. Light infantry such as scouts should be used to clean up the perimeter.

Unexpectedly, Alsim not only accomplished the job, but also did it beautifully.

The first one to receive the news of "mission accomplished" was the middle lane that Alsim was responsible for. Now the offensive is progressing the most smoothly and advancing fastest is also in the middle lane. This inevitably reminds Malashenko of this humanoid war machine whose mind is filled with "ten thousand and one ways to kill German sticks". It is estimated that he is now attacking in the middle, carrying the steel under his hands. The tough guys are doing some hard work.

"Yes, the middle road is indeed the direction where Alsim leads the team and is responsible for clearing the outer security points. You are asking this?"

Kulbalov still had some unfinished thoughts and even before he finished speaking, Malashenko had already made the final decision.

"Very good, that's the middle!"

"Contact the center siege troops and tell them that I will bring a heavy assault detachment to support them. Their Panthers may encounter a lot of trouble in the final stage of the attack. We do not rule out the possibility that the enemy has heavy anti-tank firepower. To At that time, I brought the heavy tanks in front to open a breakthrough, and positioned the center as the main attack direction, and we won the battle from here."

Speaking of the main direction of attack, one surprising thing is that Malashenko did not decide which way the main attack would be at the beginning.

As for the reasons, they are quite complex and diverse.

One of the first problems is that this combat operation itself is full of early uncertainties.

For example, you can't determine which of the three siege directions can complete the penetration mission as expected, clearing the outer security points without alerting the Germans in the city, thus opening the first stage of the attack path.

If the established main attack direction is exposed in advance, causing all the Germans in that direction in the city to rush out, and the feint attack direction with support successfully solves the peripheral warning points, and can catch the Germans by surprise in their sleep, then What to do?

What else can be done? Is it possible to replace the troops in the main attack direction with the troops in the feint attack direction? Is it fun for you to transfer troops and change troops when the war has started?

Therefore, there is no so-called distinction between the main attack direction and the feint attack direction in the first phase of the battle plan. Although the three siege forces have different equipment and slightly different troop compositions, their overall combat strength is basically the same, and they can all be regarded as the main force. level.

"There are no assists, so I'll be the main attacker! I'm going to smash these naughty dogs today with a three-pronged approach!"

The above are the "bold words" Malashenko left on the spot after formulating the plan at the combat meeting.

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