Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2613 Blood on the streets (Part 1)

Alsim, who had tidied up quickly, was about to go downstairs with his men, but he didn't expect that as soon as his left foot reached the top of the stairs and before he could even lift his right foot, the company officer behind him suddenly shouted something: Stopped Alsim's footsteps.

"Hey, Alsim! Something's not right, something big seems to have happened ahead! Come and take a look!"

Although Malashenko tried his best to popularize communication methods and provide the infantry with real-time battlefield communication at the squad level, there are preconditions.

Once they are too far away from the infantry fighting vehicle and cannot reach the microphone due to the restrictions of the battlefield environment, the infantry of the leader division is actually no different from other ordinary infantry divisions. Real-time information on the battlefield still cannot be transmitted in a timely and effective manner. What exactly some unclear situations are about depends on subjective judgment, just like the company deputy comrade is now calling Alsim to come back to the gap and take a look.

"What? What happened?"

Alsim, who was mumbling and trotting on his feet, had already arrived at the gap before he could finish his words, and then looked out. What happened in the direction of the main force's advance no longer required any further explanation from the company deputy comrade. A large group of Germans came out of nowhere and pounced on their own side.

"Hey, are these scumbags tired of living? Leaving these coffin boards will only make them die faster.

Alsim was not angry but overjoyed when he saw the German guy using the "meat buns touching IS7" performance art. He even couldn't hold it back for a while and laughed out loud on the spot.

The company deputy comrade who was right next to him was not laughable. After all, he was much more serious than Alsim, the "veteran ruffian". This was why Kurbalov was able to assign him to Alsim as a partner. People who are too arrogant always need to have a more serious person around them to smooth things over and remind them a little bit about how to do business when necessary.

"We'd better act quickly. Maybe Comrade Division Commander needs support. He is only protected by the light infantry. We still have to go in at the critical moment."

The deputy comrade, who knew Alsim's nature, had to give advice and reminders in a way that Alsim liked to hear and could listen to. This was the way to deal with people in order to make "good advice less offensive".

"Well, this is to the point. It's unrealistic to expect those who don't even have a piece of iron in their bodies to protect our comrade. It's our turn to perform. Let's go."

Alsim, who led the team and hurried downstairs, was still on his way to lead the team.

On the other hand, on Malashenko's side, the forefront assault position of the entire middle siege unit, the current situation is "unprecedented."

"Suppression fire! Fire all the machine guns and cannons, push down the German infantry, and don't let them get close to the buildings on both sides of the street!"

"Each vehicle crew is loading high-explosive bombs and blasting the debris in the building into the sky! Clear the streets as soon as possible, quickly!"

The situation Malashenko is facing now is indeed a bit tricky, even if it is only a little bit tricky.

Before the buildings on both sides of the street, which were filled with countless Nazi fanatics, had time to be cleared, a group of German reinforcements came from nowhere and rushed towards them along the main road of the block.

If you really want to say how big a threat these German guys are, that's not the case. The main reason is that the timing of their appearance is a little awkward. It happens to be when Malashenko plans to concentrate his firepower on clearing the last remaining buildings on both sides of the street.

At this time, it is necessary to dismantle the main artillery fire point, machine guns and cannons to suppress the ruins of the building, and then allow the infantry to advance quickly under the cover of one's own suppressive barrage. Missing any link in the middle will not work, and it will affect the combat efficiency and lead to incompetence. necessary casualties.

A group of indifferent German reinforcements arrived in trucks, riding sidecars and on foot. Malashenko, who could not let them roam freely on the street, had to order separate units to suppress them. Firepower, use the most efficient continuous barrage to kill, suppress, and prevent the German infantry who have arrived with reinforcements from making any tactical moves.

But as a result, the battle that was about to be completed suddenly started to slow down a bit.

Although the IS7's main gun firepower is fierce, it is not a suppressive continuous firepower, and the IS7's huge body is destined to be the limit even on the wide streets of Berlin. Parking two vehicles side by side for forward combat is already the limit. You If you dare to put three IS7s side by side on the road, the road will be blocked.

There are only two IS7s occupying the real-time response combat position. Two 130-meter cannons and coaxial machine guns want to suppress more than a dozen firepower buildings on both sides of the street. It can only be said that although the 130 gun is powerful, it is not a magical cannon. It is really impossible for an IS7 to cover a street.

As soon as the suppressive firepower on the building was transferred, the German garrison firepower points that had not yet been bombarded by 130 cannons suddenly became active again, and even some of the "silence" that had been cleared by the 25mm cannon was like a hornet's nest. The firepower point was also resurrected again by taking advantage of the situation and investing new troops.

As soon as these annoying firepower points began to jump up and down, the infantry of the leader division, who had originally planned to move forward, clear the buildings on both sides of the street, and clear the way for their own armored forces, immediately felt the pressure.

Da da da da da——

Bang bang——


"Back off! Back off! Find cover! Don't rush forward, look for cover first!"

The few soldiers who rushed at the front were unable to dodge, and were swept to the ground by the firepower of a certain German soldier who suddenly came to life, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

As soon as he saw the bright green tracer barrage, he knew that the leader of the "cloth tearing machine" was not adamant. He was simply seeking death by using his mortal body to attack this thing. No matter how close you are to the target building, you have to find a place to hide first. Quickly call on the remaining soldiers to hide in the nearest house at hand.

If you continue to stay on the street, no matter where you go, you will eventually become minced meat stuffed into the "tearing machine".

"Suka! If you really know how to choose your timing, we'll be there within twenty meters!"

"What to do now? We have been exposed, and the German's broken machine gun is now 100% staring at the door."

"We have no choice but to wait. The smoke bombs being thrown at this moment are just to protect the Germans. We have no way to contact the tanks, so we can only wait for the Soka thing to be blown away."

It can indeed be said that the squad leader who was trapped in a small building on the street and his soldiers planned to "act according to the situation". Malashenko was extremely busy directing the crew and fighting at the same time.

No one expected that at this moment, Iushkin, who had been busy aiming the cannon and had no time to speak, suddenly came out with a sentence that made Malashenko pause his movements for an instant. It was "Don't cry." That’s it, it’s a blockbuster.”

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