Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2625 War and the Old Man (Part 2)

"You! Put the gun down!"

"Surrender! Damn the pig!"

"Drop the fucking gun, final warning! Sokka!"

A total of seven or eight guns were pointed at the man who was slumped on the bed and leaning on the head of the bed. His face was pale due to excessive blood loss but he was still forcibly raising the gun. He was yelling and yelling in broken and impatient German and Russian. , resounded throughout the room.

"If I were you, I would put down the gun. Your life was saved by that kid who risked his own life. It is so meaninglessly wasted and you are barely qualified. His desperate purpose is to let you You are not alive, you are not lying on his grandmother's bed and being beaten into a hornet's nest because of your stubbornness."

Lieutenant Colonel Adam was so weak that even his breathing was a little cramped, and it was difficult just to hold the pistol in his hand steady. Soon I heard the long voice coming from outside the door, and followed the unusually tall figure into view.

"Comrade Commander, it's dangerous! I'll handle it, please stay back!"

Alsim tried to stop Malashenko from entering the house, but Malashenko stopped him with his eyes saying "it doesn't matter", so he had no choice but to give up.

However, they still pressed their bodies tightly in front of Malashenko, and the pistol in their hands was pointed at the empty group on the bed, but the German guy refused to put down the gun. The officer's uniform and the rank badge of lieutenant colonel that he didn't have time to take off obviously proved that this guy was the ultimate target of this trip.

But Alsim still didn't mind killing him with one shot, leaving his brains and blood splattered on the spot.

As long as Alsim feels it is necessary, he will do it mercilessly even without an order from his comrade, the division commander.

Alsim, who has absolute confidence in his strength, firmly believes that his shooting speed must be much faster than this weak German chicken. Killing such stubborn scum only takes the blink of an eye, and it is no better than crushing an animal to death. How difficult is it to get rid of bugs?

"Adam Friedrich Reinhardt, is that you? I look like you're interested in putting the gun down and chatting with me?"

The unusually tall man was standing behind the armored soldiers looking at him. Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was so weak that he couldn't even point his gun at the big man's head, was breathing heavily. In a daze, he just felt the speech in front of him. The man looked somewhat familiar.

"Talk about your mother, who are you?"

Alsim didn't understand German, so he didn't get angry. Knowing that the words were meant for him, Malashenko just smiled without caring when he heard the words.

"Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko, the major general commander of Stalin's 1st Guards Division, or the "Leader Division". But I think it is my other name that is more widely known among you. ? Called "Steel Butcher", am I right?"

"What!? You are Malashenko, the "Iron Butcher"!?"

Malashenko was used to seeing this expression, especially on Germans.

When many captured high-ranking Germans saw him for the first time, they all had this expression that was close to "fuck you, I've seen a ghost." Malashenko was already used to it.

So even if Lieutenant Colonel Adam looked like this now, Malashenko just casually spread his hands and smiled softly.

"There is no reason to lie to you. My troops have just shattered your defense zone. You have already experienced the combat effectiveness of my most elite soldiers. The opponent you are facing is the leader. Still don't want to believe it?"


Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was sitting on the head of the bed, stopped talking, or should he say he had nothing to say? That's roughly what it means.

No one knew what was going on in his head at this moment. He was just silent and stunned like a disconnected character in an online game. However, the gun in his hand still showed no intention of putting it down, and it was still very dangerous. .

It was also when Alsim was about to ask Malashenko with his eyes whether he wanted to take action and take coercive measures to let the German guy "rest". And Malashenko also planned to say something else. It would be best to let Lieutenant Colonel Adam put down his gun himself. Relieving him of his alertness would be conducive to questioning later and save time.

Something unexpected happened suddenly.

"Adam, kid, what are you doing with your gun? God, didn't you promise me? You will live well. Have you forgotten that I bandaged your wounds so carefully? You have to live, kid. "

A full-on martial arts and tense confrontation was taking place in the bedroom, and there was a danger of gunfire erupting if not careful.

The old woman who led Malashenko and his party into the house and found Lieutenant Colonel Adam took the initiative to stand up at this moment, walked directly to the direction where Lieutenant Colonel Adam raised her hand to aim, and raised her gun at the combat engineers. In the enemy's gun line, he stood directly in the middle of the sight lines on both sides regardless of the danger. After persuading Lieutenant Colonel Adam, he spoke again before he could finish his words.

"You are all young children, why can't you put down your guns and talk properly? This war is about to end, why can't more young people be allowed to live? Old women like me have survived this war , you young people should live to see the end of the war. There are still many things waiting for you in the future world, why do you have to fight to the death? "


The old woman stood under the guns of the two sides and asked a series of rhetorical questions that hit her heart. An emotion called "accident" once again emerged in Malashenko's mind. His intuition told Marashenko Shen Ke, an old woman, may not be as simple as she seems on the surface.

But in the end, it was Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who had been persuaded by the old woman with more words, who put down his gun first. But Malashenko felt that the reason why he was able to put down the gun was not because of himself, or because he was subjectively afraid of death. I'm afraid there was another reason.

Of course, the important thing is that this guy is finally willing to put down everything he is doing and surrender in the true sense.

Malashenko, who had achieved his goal, also stepped forward. When passing by the soldiers, he raised his right hand and placed it on the barrel of the gun. With just a slight force, he slowly pressed down the steel gun held tightly in the soldiers' hands.

"It seems that the old man can understand this war better than all of us, what do you think?"


Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was sitting on the bedside, remained silent. The Ruger P08 pistol in his hand had been thrown to the ground on his own initiative.

"You are the winner after all. You win on and off the battlefield."

"Tell me, what do you want to ask from me? Isn't that why you came here? Seeing that you have not harmed this family, I am willing to answer you that this war is indeed almost over."

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