Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2627 Responsibility, Oath and Reason

Not long ago, your sworn enemy, who personally brought people here to fight with you, soon started pouring beans on you, spitting out everything he knew, and he was very cooperative.

This stark and strong contrast made Malashenko confused.

What prompted Lieutenant Colonel Adam to undergo such a big change in a short period of time?

Malashenko didn't know, but was certainly interested.

Anyway, there is no cost in asking, just to satisfy your curiosity, it depends on what Lieutenant Colonel Adam will answer.

However, what Malashenko did not expect was that Lieutenant Colonel Adam answered his own question with a rhetorical question.

"Want to know the answer? Well, let me ask you first, do you think there is still hope for us to win this war?"

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who lit the cigarette in his mouth and closed the lighter cap, returned it to Malashenko. Those eyes staring at Malashenko were obviously expecting an answer.

Although a little surprising, such a question is not difficult to answer for Malashenko, or for anyone with a normal mind and a clear understanding.

"If you want to hear the truth, there is no hope, not even a shred of hope.

"Not to mention that we broke into your capital. My troops became the first force to break the city. It is only a matter of time before a million Red Army troops capture this city. Just look to the west. Millions of British and Americans They are all sharpening their knives, cleaning their guns, and waiting to fuck you.”

"The Battle of Berlin is more of a game than a battle. The Red Army must win this game before the Allies, the game of capturing your capital, so that it can gain more benefits for my motherland in the post-war world. "

"We never think that those Americans and British people can still be brothers with us after the war. The bargaining chips on the future negotiation table must be played out on today's battlefield, but not against them, but against you. Whoever fights you will hit you faster and harder, it’s that simple.”

Malashenko spoke straightforwardly. Although such a truth was quite harsh to Lieutenant Colonel Adam, it was not unbearable for a person who had chosen to accept the truth.

"It's quite unpleasant. Yesterday or even a few hours ago, I might not have been able to accept this reality, but it's different now."

He reached out and flicked the cigarette ashes into the garbage basket containing medical waste next to the bedside table. The bloody bandages and various medical waste inside were what Malashenko ordered the accompanying hygienists and military doctors to leave behind after emergency treatment of Adam's wounds. It can be regarded as fulfilling the previous promise.

Of course, although Adam's injuries were serious, the bullet penetrated the thigh bone, and the wood stubble almost penetrated the entire calf of the other leg.

But fortunately, the wound showed no signs of infection and was treated in time. The rifle bullet that pierced the thigh bone flew out directly and did not stay in the body. Although a lot of blood was shed, the artery was not damaged. As long as professional military doctors operate, it is relatively easy to stop the bleeding.

In short, Adam is now out of danger, but he is bleeding a little too much, and his body is so weak that he looks like a pretty boy who was holding on to the wall for ten and a half months after entering the Spring Tower.

In short, he is fine now, conscious and able to speak. This is why Malashenko can sit here and talk to him about something else.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who had flicked the ashes and showed a fiery red light, put the cigarette back into his mouth, with a fairy air oozing out of the corners of his mouth, and quickly continued to speak, using that slow and unhurried tone.

"As you said, this is also what I know. We all understand that there is no hope of continuing to fight this war. This is the main reason why I am willing to cooperate with you."

"From a personal rational point of view, since there is no hope, this war should be ended as soon as possible. Continuing the war will not change the outcome. It will just continue to write names and add numbers to the list of victims."

"The war will eventually end, and this land will eventually usher in peace. I thought that if more people could survive at that time to rebuild this land that was devoured by war, full of ruins and devastated, then It is a good thing after all, and there will be more hope for the future of this country and nation.”

"The process is bloody and cruel, but the result is not bad. Since there is no suspense about victory or defeat, if I can help you end this war faster, even one day earlier, I want those who survive because of this There may be thousands or even tens of thousands of them, not just the soldiers fighting on this land, but also thousands of ordinary people trapped in this city. They all have the right to live and should not be deprived of it. "

"I don't know if I will regret today's choice in the future, but at least I won't now, and I hope I won't in the future."

"I just don't know how future generations will judge me? Hehe, maybe they will point at my photo and name and call me a traitor and a coward. Who knows? I won't be able to see you anyway, so I can go wherever I want."


Malashenko did not say anything directly, but crossed his legs and put his right hand holding a cigarette on his knee, as if thinking about something.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who was smoking quietly with his back against the bedside, was also silent. Finally, it was Malashenko who took the initiative to break the silence.

"This is the second half, what about the first half?"

Adam understood what Malashenko was referring to, and of course there was nothing to hide, so he just said it.

"That is me fulfilling my duties and oaths. Before I obey my reason, the duties and oaths of the military are more important and more priority. I must insist on fulfilling them until the last moment. This is my principle."

"You defeated my troops and won the victory honorably on the battlefield. Then you used the ideal attitude of a true winner to defeat my last resistance to you. You did not let your soldiers embarrass Free. Man and his grandmother, aren't you? Even though your soldiers are uncultured and like ruffians, you still restrain them, I can see that."

"Whether it is as a commander or as a soldier, I am convinced to lose, and I am willing to admit your victory. I have nothing to say if I lose at your hands. You are entitled to enjoy the victory." He deserves everything, at least that’s what I think.”

"That's all I want to say, and the reason is that simple. Now can you connect the two parts?"

After taking the last puff, Malashenko put out the cigarette butt on the sole of his crossed leg, then put the cigarette butt into the trash can. He smiled and spoke in a tone that sounded as normal as chatting.

"If all the commanders of the National Defense Forces could be like you, we wouldn't have to take off our pants and fart, and the war would probably end sooner."

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