Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2629 Father and Son (Part 2)

It would be a pity if there was no audience for the interesting story. Malashenko, who was interested, didn't mind letting Lieutenant Colonel Adam finish telling the story. Wouldn't it be too boring if he swallowed it back in the middle of the story?

"Well, go on, I'm quite interested.

One was willing to listen, and the other happened to be willing to talk. It was indeed a long time since Adam had talked to anyone about these old stories and precious memories that he cherished.

"But there is one thing, that old boy Huo Te is very sorry."

"His precious son is not interested in the military at all. The environment he grew up in was too lonely when he was a child. In Freeman's impression, his father was separated from his family because he was a soldier, which makes him look like a weirdo compared with other children of the same age. It’s different. So even though the status of soldiers is very high and respected, it’s different in Freeman’s eyes.”

"He even felt that his father was not around when he was born, so his mother lacked companionship and encouragement and died in childbirth in loneliness and pain. Grandparents rarely get into this child's inner world. He preferred to write poems, articles, and literary creations to express his inner emotions. It was because of this that he was admitted to the University of Berlin. There was a professor who worked at the University of Berlin who appreciated his literary talent very much and continued to tutor and encourage him until he took the exam. Go to college.


The kid who seemed quite brave in the co-author turned out to be a "problem child". Not only was he not interested in the military, he even hated soldiers and his father. Malashenko looked down at the photo frame in his hand and couldn't help but feel confused.

"But, I'm not smiling happily up here."

"Happy? Well, I am indeed very happy, but do you believe it when I say that this kid performed it? He can act as the protagonist of the articles he wrote himself, and perform the entire play on the stage. This kid I haven’t even graduated from college and I’m already a famous screenwriter and actor, playing the leading role, can you believe that?”


His father is a colonel of a dive bomber wing, and his son is a problem child, a talented screenwriter, and an outstanding actor, Miao Zi.

What kind of fucking father-son combination is this that cannot be beaten? Even if you were randomly reincarnated eight hundred times in the game, you wouldn't be able to get such a weird father-son combination, right?

"Okay, I have to say that I really didn't expect it."

"What happened next? Since Freeman hated soldiers and couldn't see his father, why did he join the army again in the end?"

Malashenko still had not solved the final question, but the answer given by Lieutenant Colonel Adam next made Comrade Ma even more unexpected.

"Because the amulet his father left for him has expired, and some things are completely different when the person is alive and after death."

"When Holt was still alive, although he never interfered in his son's life openly, he knew that his son didn't like him at all and hated him even more. But out of inner debt, Holt always used his personal connections to secretly To help his precious son, he has to repeatedly remind the person who is helping him not to let his precious son know, sometimes it can be hard for the person doing the job. "

"Freeman doesn't know these things until now. No one, including me, has ever told him. This is what Holt meant. I don't understand why this old boy told us old guys in his suicide note. Never tell his son what he has done secretly in the past, this is his most important last wish."

"Many times, before Freeman actually encountered any big trouble that he couldn't solve, the big trouble was already solved by his father using his connections, at least when Holt was still alive."

"But after Holt died, everything changed."

"The whole situation is very bad. The Americans, the British, and the Soviets all came in. Even if there is a relationship at this time, sometimes it is difficult to achieve results. The generals are running into obstacles when asking people to do things, let alone Hott That’s just a colonel, and a dead colonel.”

"In these days of war and chaos, it doesn't rain and bombs drop, and ordinary people have difficulty surviving. Who has the heart to read new books and articles, or go to those drama performances? Freeman, a brat, has no work experience and no connections of his own. , he soon lost his job, and most of his father’s previous connections were gone, and they could hardly care about this kid, let alone give him any care.”

"But what I didn't expect was that the guys in charge of recruiting had no shame at all. Holt has already sacrificed his life. His wife died of childbirth more than 20 years ago, and Holt never remarried until his death. But even so , those shameless bastards in charge of conscription and mobilization still sent the summons for compulsory conscription to Freeman. That was when you attacked East Prussia, and even Holt's only descendant, such a precious son, didn't Let it go.”

"After I heard about this, I really couldn't stand it anymore, but the summons for compulsory recruitment was handed out by those bastards from the SS. The relationship between the Wehrmacht and these black dogs is extremely tense. Sitting across from each other at a table drinking coffee, the coffee didn't smell of coffee but of gunpowder. As a little lieutenant colonel, I couldn't get involved in the affairs of the SS, even if I asked for help. no."


Malashenko, who patiently listened to the story, felt that it was so exciting that it could be selected into the "Excellent Storytelling Club". Even the cigarettes in his hand unknowingly reached the fourth one one after another. Seeing that Adam paused for a moment when he reached the key part, Malashenko just kept talking.

"What happened next? Quickly continue, here, I'll refill the cigarette for you, don't show off."

Malashenko was excited to hear this, and Adam was equally excited when he spoke.

The more he talked, the more he talked, as if the memories of the past were happening right in front of him. Adam's blood was rising. He really hated those black-skinned SS soldiers to the point where his teeth were itching. Even his pale face, which had lost a lot of blood, was somewhat red again. , but it’s not a healthy red but white and rosy.

Adam took the cigarette offered by Malashenko and lit it for himself. A puff of smoke hit his forehead and Adam quickly continued to speak.

"I know the virtues of those SS soldiers. If Freeman is captured by them, he will definitely be stuffed into those bullshit stormtroopers. Those things are worse than cannon fodder. The moment they enter, it is basically equivalent to death. It’s settled. I can’t fight against the SS, that’s true, but I can’t just watch something like this happen.”

"I have no other choice, but someone gave me an idea."

"I used my connections to forge a recruitment summons. The signing date of the Wehrmacht recruitment summons was fake, but it was earlier than that of the SS. I had this summons secretly delivered to Freeman, and so on. At least I can have an excuse to fend off those black dogs who come to visit me again."

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