Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2659 Accidents come one after another

"Fuck you! Fight with them!"

Alexey, who was silent, was already shouting angrily in his heart, and Boris, who quietly pushed the closet door open a crack, had already stepped out.

The spinning and smoking grenade was like a firecracker set off by a kid during the New Year. It was passed straight in front of the person in a parabola with just enough force, and was thrown to the feet of the three German soldiers.




Boom boom boom——

Da da da da da——

? ? ?

Relying on the cover of the relatively thick solid wood closet door and leaning in as much as possible, I barely managed to escape the close indoor explosion without being embarrassed and killed by my own grenade.

However, what followed was not rejoicing, but a look of confusion and question marks on each other's faces.

"What the hell is going on?"

“You ask me who I ask???”

Not only Alexei, but even Boris, who was more battle-hardened and experienced than Alexei, was stunned. He had no idea what was going on with the loud sound of gunfire outside at this time.

The explosion followed the grenade he threw, and a series of crackling explosions and gunshots were completely unknown.

Now that the matter has come to this, it is better to rush out than to stay here and continue to stare blankly.

It may be difficult for Boris to figure out what is going on, and it will not be possible to get an accurate answer for a while, but if you want to ask Boris to answer what should be done now, there is no problem at all.

Just fuck it and that's it!



The closet door that was originally only open a crack was violently pushed open from the inside out. Boris and Alexey, each holding a short-range AK in their hands, immediately jumped out, holding the thing in their hands. Before he could even stand firm, he was already aiming at the position where the enemy was standing in his mind.

"Everything is dead, you threw it very accurately."

"They are dead, not all of them. There are still a large group of people outside."

Finally able to speak softly instead of continuing to use gestures to "mute", I looked at the three corpses on the floor that were full of holes due to the explosion being too close, almost close to their faces, and all of them with blooming faces.

He didn't think that this was the end of the matter and that he could take a breath. On the contrary, he felt that the big trouble had just begun. Boris had no time to look at these three dead people.

Reminding Alexei not to let down his guard and prepare for a firefight, Boris, who was nervous but knew that he must not be timid, was already slowly moving forward, and in one step he came to the door.

"Follow me! Hurry, it's on the first floor, go to the first floor!"

"Sokka! They're coming!"

"Wait, don't drive"

Da da da da——

"Damn it!"

Young people are young people after all. One of the biggest characteristics of young people is their inability to suppress things when they are in full swing.

Seeing that Alexei had already squeezed the trigger and started shooting, Boris had no choice but to follow the "fucked" young man and go berserk.

Regardless of anything else, let's kill the group of German sticks passing by at the door first. Even if the sky is about to fall, we have to wait until this group of passing German sticks lie down.

Da da da da——


"Ah ah!!!"


This group of German soldiers passing by the door while running fast were really unlucky. No one would have thought that after several explosions were heard one after another and gunshots were heard on the first floor, there would be someone right under their noses. There will be enemies sneaking up on you.

After all, they are two real automatic firearms. Even if the barrel is shortened, the effective range is shortened, and the accuracy is reduced, they are still explosive in rate of fire and fire intermediate-power rifle bullets. One shot can knock off the target. An assault rifle that shoots a piece of meat. Of course, not to mention that at this close distance to the face, the enemy is unprepared at full rate of fire and fully automatic burst.

Without any suspense, Alexei and Boris, who had emptied their magazines one after another, started their own reloading movements smoothly and quickly without saying a word.

After inserting the new magazine into the receiver and backhand loading, I cast my sight again. Directly in front of me, there were only those lying on the ground lying on the doorstep, as if they came to the door to pay New Year's greetings and kowtowed to ask for New Year's money. The dead body of a street stick who is willing to get up.

It is so fresh that it is still flowing with the color of life, and the residual warmth brought by the warhead has not faded yet.

"Huh-all killed???"

"The one in front of you is, but the one downstairs is not."


After seeing the group of dead men passing by, Boris basically understood what was going on. He boldly came to the door, stuck his head out and looked around, and found that there was no one on the empty second floor. All that was left was the floor under their feet, that is, under the ceiling of the first floor, where continuous firefights were coming from the table tennis table.

"There's no time, follow me downstairs! Move quickly!"

"Going downstairs? Now??? Where to go downstairs? Wait, are you going to take the stairs?"


With his backhand, he pulled out the bayonet from his waist and hung it under the head of the gun. There were very few situations where he needed to defend himself, and there were even fewer situations when he could use the bayonet to hold the head of the gun. But Boris still felt that it was necessary to see someone in action. It was just a headache. He said without replying.

"You don't think it's the Nazis who are fighting downstairs, do you? Hurry and support our comrades, now is the time! He is your savior."

"Damn it, Sokka! Just leave!"

Alexey, who is accustomed to being an observer with Boris, is actually a bit timid. Although he is a veteran who fought in Stalingrad until now, but you really have to say that there are only a few times when he has faced a German stick face to face. , most of the time, I just give Boris a point and then use my binoculars to watch the German sticks rush to the street to finish the job. Other than that, he just helps Boris with his work, such as carrying the other long rifle of this dual-sniper guy and acting as a battlefield tool.

Now we have to fight with the Germans and fight with the Germans on the bayonet. It would be false to say that it is true.

But fortunately, Boris took the lead. Alexey, who had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running, still managed to maintain his status as a veteran.

Under Boris's instigation, he also pulled out the bayonet hanging from his waist, and put it on the short-cut AK gun head that was actually not suitable for stabbing due to the length of the gun. Without saying a word, he stood up and followed Boris's footsteps. He grabbed the door and rushed straight to the stairs.

The two brothers, who were really a bit slow to go out today, had just rushed out of the stairs on the second floor and came to the corner leading to the stairs on the first floor, when a burst of chaotic and nervous footsteps sounded rapidly from bottom to top.

It was the unanimous choice of Bao and A to immediately raise the steel guns in their hands and prepare to face the enemy. However, the scene that followed was even more unexpected.

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