Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2661 We have known each other for a long time

"Rejecting promotion on your own initiative? Ha, if you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten about it. Thank you for reminding me.

Alsim, who didn't care how he became famous within the leadership division, really didn't know that he actually became famous as a leader by "actively refusing promotion". Alsim originally thought that he should be famous for killing people, which was also his favorite and most hoped-for way. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be the case with the two comrades in front of him.

"Okay, stop chatting here. But I'm curious, what are you two doing in this building? How did you manage to kill such a bunch of naughties?"

Just as Alsim was speaking, the corpses of German soldiers in various postures were lying on the ground at his feet and around him. There must have been at least twelve or thirteen.

If we include those who were killed by Boris and Alexei upstairs, this would be the strength of two squads. It’s really impressive to have two squads in one building. It's quite a lot.

Alsim was curious about how someone could be more powerful than him, and two people dared to poke at the nest where two bander sticks were stationed.

But after seeing the uncomfortable expression of the bearded man in front of him, the understanding Alsim immediately realized that the truth might not be what he imagined. There might be a reason for this, and Boris was worried The answer that followed was indeed what Alsim expected.

"It's not that they took the initiative to stab the nest of nuggets, it's that the nuggets were hiding upstairs to trick us. We didn't expect there to be so many in this building.

"The two of us moved to this building, but when we went up to the second floor, we encountered a booby trap set by the Nazis. We were almost killed on the spot, and then a large group of Nazis rushed down from the upstairs. We had no choice but to I hid in the closet, but finally I couldn't hide anymore and was about to be found. I just threw a grenade and fought with those nazis, but I didn't expect you to break in. "

"The explosions sounded almost at the same time and continuously. These nazis didn't even realize that there were people on the second floor. It was the noise they made that covered us. I never thought that a coincidence would save my life, but today I did. We took care of the remaining ones on the second floor and went downstairs. On the way, we encountered someone who was so scared that he peed his pants and rolled down the stairs, and then this happened. "


Alsim, who nodded slowly as if he suddenly realized something, then poked his head again and found that there was indeed a living person huddled up at the stairs not far away. Now he was crying and shivering, huddled in the corner.

The bearded old Ivan next to him, wearing a battle armor and holding an AK, looked at the prisoner no better than the butcher who had sharpened his knife and was waiting to kill the pig for the pot looked at the live pig.

However, that's just for viewing.

Alsim admits that he is bloodthirsty, but that has its merits.

Counting unarmed and unchallenging enemies into the head count will only cause you to lose your standing. If you want to get it, just get the ones that are challenging. The stronger the nemesis is, the more sense of accomplishment you will have if you kill him. If you open a bottle of Vought and drink a wave, there will be plenty of stories to tell.

The soldiers are in a raging state, and the generals are in a raging nest. What kind of soldiers will be brought out by what kind of commander.

Alsim himself is like this, and the soldiers under his command naturally look down on those useless cowards who will lose their status if they kill them. Especially this coward who can't even be cruel to the enemy is not worth going to. kill.

"Well, if that's the case, it's quite a coincidence that we came at the right time. Maybe I should consider whether you owe me a favor, huh?"

Alsim, who was squeezing his nose and face, now has the smell of "treacherous people" brought from the poor mountains and harsh waters of Siberia all over his body.

Regardless of whether the words were serious or joking, Boris had no intention of giving Alsim a chance, so he blurted out the words without thinking.

"Why don't we ask the German machine gunner who had his head smashed and see what he said? I think he must have some opinions on what you said, absolutely."

The implication is simple.

If I hadn't killed that 1.83 meter German machine gun guy with one shot, how could you, Alsim, still be here? Are you here bargaining like a vegetable market vendor selling vegetables in the morning?

The rescuers were given priority, and it was Alsim who returned the favor. Even if the party who owed the favor paid it back afterwards, it would still be the disadvantaged party in the tie.

Alsim, who has been on the battlefield for many years and has long been as slippery as a living loach in a blood pond, must understand this simple truth.

It was just a joke and he didn't take it seriously. Alsim, who opened the situation with a smile, took a step forward and extended his right fist.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours. Would you mind telling me your name?"

Alsim, who rarely acknowledges people when they first meet, prefers fist bumps to shaking hands. It just so happens that old Boris, who "heroes think alike", has the same idea as the kid in front of him.

"Boris, I am the only Boris who is almost fifty years old in the whole division, the rest are all brats."

The moment the two fists collided, a look of one-sided surprise burst out. Alsim never expected that the real name of the bad old man in front of him was this.

"Boris, are you the Boris who has three hundred German heads under his command? The one who uses two snipers and hires people as coolies to carry the guns for him?"

As soon as Alsim said these words, not to mention Boris's reaction, Alexei on the side first had an expression as if he had eaten a fly, something was very wrong.

Something's wrong, isn't it? If anything feels wrong, you have to hold it in, and now even if it leaks, it has to escape in your crotch.

Alexei really didn’t want to start a killing spree with this gang, so he just showed off to people who were discussing what to eat for lunch today, especially when the person in front of him was a captain, and he was a little brat and wanted to show off in front of others. “The hair-washer beats the Soviet Union—lack of fatherly love.”

"It's average, not worth mentioning. It's still far behind Vasily. My old bones are no match for you young people."

Well, Vasily, that’s right, when he opens his mouth, he competes with the best person in the Soviet Union.

Although Alsim thinks he is a ruthless person, he is not ruthless enough to open his mouth and say, "How can I do this in the Red Army?" But in front of him, he is nearly half a year old and has collected the heads of German soldiers who can pull a truck. The little old man dares to speak based on his strength, you can’t help but deny it.

"Actually, you and I have known each other for a long time. We fought together more than two years ago."

"Huh? Huh? This? Are you sure???"

Boris finally figured it out. The guy in front of him with the rank of captain and sitting in the position of company commander was really just like the rumors. He only recognized your strength and did not recognize your status. At least, he was more concerned about military rank than him. When a person is low, he is like this, both inside and outside.

There's no airs about him at all, and Boris, who is still just a lieutenant, really likes him. Such young people are rare.

"I'm sure, in Stalingrad. At that time, you were in my sniper scope, using your weird machete to remove the heads of Nazis. You had no fewer heads than me."

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