Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2714 The poisonous shadow hides

While Kurbalov was reporting, Malashenko was also flipping through the documents in his hand.

Without the help of a translator, regardless of whether it is German or German, Malashenko has now achieved the ability to speak and read. He quickly read the concise and comprehensive documents at a glance and then raised the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, but how did this thing appear on that German guy? Who is he? According to my understanding, the place where this thing should appear is not in our control area, but somewhere with high authority. On the desk of General Nacui.”

Facing the questions raised by Malashenko, Kulbalov also looked puzzled.

Although there are various possibilities in theory, in Kurbalov's opinion, most of them may not be tenable. After thinking about it, he can only follow his guess a little bit. explain.

"I'm not sure, Comrade Commander."

"The German guy who was captured said he was a lieutenant colonel's staff officer and was affiliated with the Berlin Garrison Headquarters. But he didn't carry any documents that could prove his identity. When asked what was going on, he just said that he was leaving in a hurry and didn't care. And he doesn’t think he needs those things anymore.”

"He also said that he stole this thing specially to prove his sincerity. The purpose of his trip was to surrender to us. He kept saying that he felt that this war was hopeless and unwinnable. If he continued to fight against us, he would only be dead. One, so he had already planned to join us and get some confidential things to prove his value. "

"But I don't think this makes sense. If he really came to surrender, why did he run away after seeing our soldiers?"

"The squad leader who interrogated a few words on the spot also mentioned this issue, but the German guy actually said that he thought the top soldier was too low-level to understand the information he provided, and he wanted to find someone who could really understand this stuff. People came to explain the situation, so the first reaction was to run away.”

"I think this statement is pure nonsense. He just made up excuses for himself and made up any reason to fool us. I even think that this document may be fake. It's just that the Germans saw that they couldn't stand it anymore and made it. This is a fake trick to scare us to buy them time and delay them as much as possible. I think we should not be fooled by them and must continue to attack, comrade division commander."


After hearing this, Malashenko did not say anything directly, but just nodded noncommittally to show that he understood the general meaning.

In fact, as far as the document itself is concerned, the things recorded above are quite "shocking".

The document itself is not long and only describes one incident.

The general idea is that the Wehrmacht has confirmed something: the armed SS responsible for defending the city has unsealed a batch of poison gas weapons and has been transported to the front line and distributed to the troops.

Because the unsealed weapons warehouse is under the jurisdiction of the Waffen-SS, and since the Cherkasy gun shooting incident in 1944, the relationship between the Wehrmacht and the SS has become unprecedentedly tense and sensitive, and has taken a turn for the worse. It has become a situation where both sides look down on each other, "You think I am a traitor, and I think you are cowardly and incompetent."

Unless there is no necessary contact, the SS and the Wehrmacht basically stay within the same boundaries and play their own roles. Anyway, both sides have their own independent command, logistics, and combat systems, so it's not like anyone can live without the other.

To sum up, the Berlin Garrison Headquarters controlled by the Wehrmacht only knew that what was stored in the warehouse was a batch of poison gas weapons that were transported into the city by the SS shortly before the Battle of Berlin. According to what the lunatics of the SS said at the time, it was "just in case of emergency" and "it would be better to have it and not use it than not to have it when you need it."

Due to the sensitivity of the tense relationship between the two armies, and the imminent battle of the Soviet Red Army to the city of Berlin.

The National Defense Forces, which had already reached the point where "the clay Buddha could not save himself when crossing the river" and had no time to care about others, had neither the time nor the inclination to intervene in this matter.

So even now, the gang of SS lunatics have opened the weapons warehouse and distributed gas bombs to front-line troops.

The Wehrmacht still does not know what type of poison gas weapons the SS distributed, how many in quantity, and detailed combat orders on whether to use them, when to use them, and how to use them.

Of course, the document did not go into detail about the grudges and grudges between the Wehrmacht and the SS. It only briefly described the whole incident as "only a general idea, but no details." However, Malashenko had previously learned from various sources that They had heard these things from the mouths of Kraut prisoners.

After reading this document, Kurbalov thought it might be a fake, and the German lieutenant colonel who claimed to have surrendered was also lying.

The purpose of doing this is most likely to frighten the Red Army with the horror of "poison gas weapons". Even the time it takes for the Red Army to make large-scale anti-virus preparations is enough for the Germans who have been cut off by sausage-slicing tactics continuously for the past two days by the leader of the division, until their waists are about to fall off. To take a breather and strengthen their defenses, to put it bluntly, it is to give Our side creates a favorable situation and buys time.

It cannot be said that Kurbalov's analysis is wrong or that there is no possibility at all. If you think about it carefully, you cannot rule out this possibility.

But if you think about it again and analyze it from another angle, and combine it with the relationship between the SS and the Wehrmacht, the tense relationship is "just one centimeter away from breaking up". The situations and events described in this document are logically self-consistent, and there is nothing that can be proven to be false.

Therefore, the difficult problem was thrown in front of Malashenko at this time.

Should the frontline troops be required to maintain the offensive and continue slicing sausages without giving the Germans a chance to breathe, or should they immediately withdraw their troops to prepare more complete gas and chemical weapons defenses?


Malashenko, who was holding the document and said nothing, was thinking. A thorough decision based on all currently known factors would take some time.

When Kulbalov, who understood the situation, did not interrupt, Malashenko, who leaned on the chair with his eyes closed and thought for nearly a minute, slowly spoke when he opened his eyes again.

"So far, have there been any reports of encounters with SS troops from the troops on the actual contact line?"

"Not yet. So far, all the enemy garrison forces we have encountered are the Wehrmacht. From the German prisoners captured, there is no interrogation about the presence of SS troops in the war zone. It seems that this area is completely defended by the Wehrmacht. "

After repeated weighing, Malashenko had already made up his mind after hearing this. There can never be a situation on the battlefield where one does not take any risks and earns pure zero-risk profits. That is not called a war, it is called free prostitution.

There will be risks in any situation on the battlefield. The difference lies in the assessment of the risk coefficient and whether the benefits obtained are worthwhile.

Obviously, Malashenko's words that followed were enough to give the final answer.

"I understand, in this case"

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