Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 270 Emergency Departure

The crash of the pilot aircraft commanded by Major Hank undoubtedly had a great impact on the remaining Heinkel 111 bombers. The bomber group that was still in a defensive formation was instantly missing like cheese that had been chewed by a mouse. A large piece, which is undoubtedly adding insult to injury to the German bomber group that is already in passive defense.

The Soviet MiG-3 fighter jets hovering around the German bombers were like sharks smelling blood. They swarmed in along the missing position of the crashed Major Hank's pilot plane and fired wildly. The dense barrage swept across the German bombers like a whip, causing sparks to appear on the German bombers.

With the barrage of thin and small-caliber aviation machine guns in hand, it was almost impossible to cause any effective obstruction to the Soviet fighter jets. The Heinkel 111 bombers, whose engines caught fire and dragged long black smoke, fell like dumplings. In less than three minutes Within that time, six Heinkel 111s fell down and were buried with Major Hank.

The overwhelming one-sided safari massacre in the sky was in full swing. Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who raised their heads on the ground and looked at the scene above them, couldn't help but marvel.

"Look at these fascist bastards, Malashenko, looking like wild birds shot to death with a shotgun. There's nothing more beautiful than this, I swear."

Faced with the unstoppable admiration from his deputy Lavrinenko, Malashenko, who was also shocked by the one-sided scene of fighter jets massacring bombers in the sky, couldn't help but speak.

"You should be lucky that those Germans were careless and underestimated the enemy and did not send fighter jets to escort them. Otherwise, the scene probably wouldn't be like this."

Malashenko, who was wondering why the Germans didn't send fighter jets to escort him, had just finished speaking when a loud shout echoed over the position.

"The Germans! Those Germans are coming! Everyone enter the position and prepare to fight!"

Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were only looking at the scenery in the sky, were stunned when they heard the loud roar. It was only natural that after bombing the position, it would be followed by a ground attack. However, the two were unexpectedly careless. People are left behind at the same time.

"Quick, quick, quick! Go to the tanks and start them no matter how many vehicles are intact and can start!"

Malashenko and his team of tank soldiers, running wildly on the broken position like a moon crater, soon came to the tank parking area that had just experienced a wave of land-washing bombing and began to take action.

The power of dozens of 250kg aerial bombs dropped accurately at low altitude cannot be underestimated. Looking at it, Malashenko initially estimated that at least nearly twenty tanks had been blown into parts or the turrets and hulls were separated. It is obvious that The land has been completely destroyed.

How much of the remaining half of the tank is usable is still unknown.

The KV1 heavy tanks that appear to be intact on the surface may be damaged by two parts due to the shock wave of the bomb, or the tracks may be directly blown off. These KV1 heavy tanks that survived the German air raids still need to be inspected and confirmed before they are correct. Heading to the battlefield.

"Phew, I was scared to death! Fortunately she is okay, I thought those German bombs had blown her away."

Malashenko, who was panting heavily, finally found his car behind the wreckage of a KV1 tank with a bombed turret separated after running around and around the wreckage of the tank.

The welded additional armor hung directly in front of the turret and car body has been scarred by the high-speed impact of aerial bomb fragments. There are even several deformed bomb fragments stuck in the strong and wide track gaps. Malashenko's battalion This shows how tragic a disaster the class command vehicle has experienced.

"Quick! Everyone get in the car! Iushkin checks the main gun, Nikolai adjusts the radio, Seryosha, check if there are any problems with the driving transmission system and gearbox engine, Kirill and I will go and fix the tracks. Pull out those bomb fragments and take action!”

The crew members who immediately dispersed under Malashenko's loud wave climbed onto the tank, opened the turret and hull hatches and quickly got into the tank to start relevant inspection work.

"Damn it! This thing is stuck too tight! Comrade Commander! I can't pull it out!"

The fragments of the aerial bomb embedded in the crawler tracks had been severely deformed due to the high-speed impact during the explosion, and were stuck in the gaps in the crawler tracks and were difficult to pull out. He picked up the Kirill clip of the maintenance tongs in his hand. I held the end of the fragment and pulled it outward with all my strength, but it still wouldn't budge.

After seeing this scene, Malashenko immediately ran forward after pulling out the palm-sized piece of aerial bomb fragments in his hand, squatted down and got closer to carefully check the jamming angle and degree of deformation of the aerial bomb fragments. , and at the same time, he stretched his right hand into the tank guide wheel, trying to feel where the deformation of the front end of the aerial bomb fragment was stuck.

"It doesn't seem to be serious. The front end of the shrapnel is not stuck in the guide wheel. It should be able to be solved."

Malashenko stood up on the spot and patted his hands lightly. He immediately raised his hand to signal Kirill to step back, and then turned towards the driver who was repairing the tank driving control system and the chassis transmission shaft. Seryozha spoke loudly.

"How is the situation? Seryosha, can the car still start?"

After hearing this, Seryosha, who held a wrench in his left hand and a small hammer in his right hand, immediately stuck his head out of the driver's hatch like a mole with his face covered in black engine oil and a tilted tank hat. After witnessing this rather funny scene, he originally thought The nervous and serious Malashenko almost didn't laugh out loud on the spot.

"No problem! Comrade Commander! The gearbox gear position is normal. I touched the drive shaft with my own hands and there are no cracks. It is in good condition. I just tightened the fixing nut of the joystick and it can start immediately!"

After hearing this, Malashenko quickly concealed the smile that almost made him laugh out loud, and then gave an order to the driver Seryosha, who still stuck his head out of the car and was on standby.

"Move up to first gear and try to start the tank! There is an aircraft bomb fragment stuck in the gap in the track in front of the guide wheel, but it does not extend into the guide wheel. If the track is twisted, the aircraft bomb fragment should be able to be winched. broken!"

After hearing Malashenko's order, Seryosha ignored the oil on his face and immediately threw the tools in his hands aside without saying a word, sat down in the driver's seat and stepped on the pedals with his feet, which were a little sticky. A pair of big, greasy hands immediately grasped the gear lever and direction lever flatly and began to draw the bow in unison from left to right.

"Yes, that's it, put it in first gear! Take your time! Okay, move forward, be steady and be careful not to break the track!"

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