Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2739 Slave of Destiny

No matter how much resentment she felt, Mary was already in a situation where she could not save herself. There was really no way for Jefferson, who "had everything under control", to gain more for her little apprentice who had passed away. What.

This man is really very good at calculating. There is nothing big or small, far or near that he can't calculate.

He likes the feeling of having everything under his control, and firmly believes that as an elite, he must have the power to control the fate of others and control his own destiny. However, things really develop according to his plan, without even making any mistakes. of.

After understanding all this, Mary gave up her plan to continue struggling. The reason she was still regarded as one of his "ones" was because she still had value that could be used.

When the hidden dangers and troubles she caused exceeded the value of being exploited, Mary had no doubt that the seemingly gentle Jefferson would turn every word he just said into reality. Not only can you say it, but you can also do it.

Living in a garbage dump on the streets of New York and sleeping in a bridge?

Sorry, this is already the best case scenario. Mary could guess that Jefferson had a "worse case scenario" that he didn't mention.

What kind of person in this world can best and most perfectly keep secrets?

There is only one answer: dead people.

Who among the busy New York citizens and the wealthy and wealthy elites would care about a homeless family of three who died inexplicably in a garbage dump in the corner of an alley? I'm afraid this won't even make it into the margins of newspapers.

Why, you ask? Of course, you can't even pass Mr. Jefferson's review. That's what people do. They can just crumble your leftover manuscripts like wipes and throw them into the trash.

This is a true death that is unknown and silent, completely wiped from this world without leaving any trace of struggle.

Guns kill people in times of war, and pens are just as powerful in times of peace.

As Mr. Jefferson himself said, it has also been his motto of trust since he started working in the industry.

The truth can be created.



Just as the despairing Mary was preparing to leave and carry out the "order" from Jefferson, Jefferson, who had calmed down, also planned to change to a cup of coffee and pour out the cold coffee that was so cold that it would be an eyesore when used to smoke cigarette butts. , but the door was suddenly knocked quietly by someone from outside.

"You shouldn't be followed, right?"

Instead of answering the knock and asking Mary, Jefferson needed an affirmative answer to confirm that the plan was still under control.

"No, I've confirmed it. I came to see you when Jill was already asleep. I didn't meet anyone on the way here."

"very good."

Jefferson, who had returned to his normal and confident smile, received a satisfactory answer, but the knocks on the door and the questions continued.


"Editor-in-Chief, I'm sorry to bother you so late. Are you taking a rest?"

As soon as the voice outside the door opened, he knew who it was, and Jefferson, who was even more relieved, responded immediately.

"Not yet. You came just in time. We are talking about work. Come in."

The person waiting outside the door received permission and quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The person who appeared in front of Mary and Jefferson was an accompanying editor from the press team who specialized in handling low-level tasks for the editor that did not need to be assigned to assistants. The kind of editor who does odd jobs.

"Editor-in-chief, this is the combined copy of the interviews you asked for in the past two days. I worked overtime to sort it out. I hope there is nothing wrong with it."


Jefferson, who took over a thick pile of copywriting and flipped through it, sat on the simple chair, and his aura was no worse than that of a real big boss.

Even in Jefferson's own opinion, with this success and a little manipulation of the connections and relationships he had in his hands, the position of editor-in-chief of the newspaper was already within his grasp. The deputy editor-in-chief and column editor I was already tired of sitting in such a bad seat.

It’s time to make your office a little more spacious and your desk a little bigger, and let go of that old bastard who’s been holding the position of editor-in-chief. Success and reaching the top are just around the corner. Far.

"Not bad. Andrew's performance during this trip to Berlin was very good. He was hardworking, diligent and serious and efficient. I think it's time for Andrew to show himself as the team leader. What do you think? Mary."

It happened that she was brought out for teasing again at this time. Mary, whose head was already in a mess, saw the young junior named Andrew looking at her expectantly and excitedly, and then saw a hint of anger hanging from the corner of his mouth. The smiling Jefferson was looking at him with interest, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and blurt out what he had to say.

"Yes, I think so too, editor-in-chief. Andrew has been performing well since he joined the company. I agree with you that we should not bury outstanding young people."

"Very good, then let's send Jill to be Andrew's assistant. This little girl's hairiness almost made our partners furious. It's time to find someone to train her properly. Remember to tell Jill when you go back. That's it. "


Not only was he threatened and warned, but now even Jill was noticed by Jefferson and included in the "list", and began to use his "direct relatives" to monitor the situation.

Mary, whose mind was filled with despair, had never regretted her choice of media career so much. Compared to the time when Jill was in a state where she had a dream and wanted to uphold justice, Mary felt like she was standing here, saying these words that went against her conscience in order to protect herself. This in itself was a huge joke and the most cruel irony in the world. .

But now it's too late to regret it. Now Mary knows very well that even resigning is a luxury.

The man behind the desk in front of him will not let him go. He knows too much and is a huge threat to him no matter where he is.

Saying that a man like Jefferson, a man with an outrageous desire for control, could let his own destiny be beyond his control, Mary felt that this was better than when he suddenly discovered his conscience, changed his mind, and decided to give part of the copyright and authorship rights to David. The possibility is still small, it is simply impossible.

What to do next, Mary didn't know.

Today, I am not living just for myself, I am also living for my husband who also has the same dream and joins the police force to uphold justice. He has the same goals as me back then and still does not forget his original intention. I live for my young children and this small family of three.

There are too many thoughts and feelings in this world that I have no power to destroy and cannot let go of, and they are worthy of being accompanied and protected by me at all costs to survive. However, the man in front of him, who had already taken control of his own destiny as the years passed, could easily destroy it all with a flick of his finger or a phone call.

He is not afraid at all that he has the upper hand on him. There is nothing better than this in which the weaknesses of human nature are tightly grasped and exploited.

The difference lies in whether the direction of utilization is good or bad. Malashenko and Jefferson are like the front and back sides of the same coin, showing completely different light and shadow in different ways in the same dimension.

Just when Mary's mind was blank and she didn't know where to go next, Jefferson was speechless and choked. Jefferson, who was still sitting behind his desk smiling contentedly, suddenly noticed Andrew carrying it through the door. An object that comes.

"What is that? Why are you running around with this thing? It looks pretty heavy, isn't it tiring?"

"Oh? You mean this?"

Hearing the editor-in-chief's curious question, Andrew, who was still ecstatic about being promoted and grinning from ear to ear, suddenly remembered that he was holding an object in his hand that he didn't even know what it was.

"I picked this up at the door of your room. I put it by the door when I came here. I thought it was someone who didn't want to disturb you and just put it there for you to collect, so I just brought it in for you. Oh, let's go together There's also this thing on there, it's a military badge, let me see the name on it, it belongs to David. Wait, David? Then, isn't that what's in this box?"

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