Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2741 Let me go with you

Kovanov hugged the rice bowl and ate beef mixed with buckwheat rice. Malashenko, who was sitting next to him with a cigarette in his hand, kept thinking about the large number of messages he had just received. Those from Kovanov Those words that came out of his mouth, even when he heard them, he thought, "What the hell is this even happening?"

Another mouthful of smoke came out. Malashenko, who had sorted out the whole thing in his mind and basically tied it into a line, came to a rough conclusion, and then moved towards the place where the meal was almost done. Kovanov spoke slowly.

"So, that Jefferson is going to break the contract, not abide by the agreement he made with David, not pay any money to David's mother, and just rely on a small amount of compensation in the name of the newspaper to get over this matter? Is that right? Is that so?"

David came out to work to earn money for surgery for his mother who suffered from eye disease. Malashenko had already learned about this from the small note that David handed over before he died.

But what Malashenko didn’t know, or what he just learned now.

That stinky, shameless piece of shit—Jefferson, was going to throw David away like a napkin. Not only did the authorship and copyright of the photo have nothing to do with David, but he also wanted to refuse to pay the "buyout" agreed in advance because of his own selfish desires and the so-called "absolute safety."

Human death and human life are two completely different ways of playing, at least here in Jefferson, this is indeed the case, and Malashenko also really feels it.

When he heard the comrade division commander's question, Kovanov, who had just put down his rice bowl, didn't care about his mouthful of oil. He just wiped it casually and hurriedly replied.

"Yes, that's true, Comrade Commander."

"What's even more irritating is that that bastard Suka thing also scolded us, saying that we are just a bunch of delusions talking to poor devils and sweaty low-class people, and we only deserve to stay in our little world. They also say that they are born to be elites and are destined to be superior to us. Do you think this Suka thing is still human? "

"After hearing this, I didn't stay any longer, and I didn't want to knock on the door again and give the urn to him to make him suspicious. I just quietly put the things at the door while no one was around and left. That bastard wouldn't know. I've been here, let him guess."


The situation was confirmed again from Kovanov, but to be honest, Malashenko was not surprised by Jefferson's wild words.

That person was a bastard with deep knowledge and proficiency in controlling people. From the first moment he met Jefferson, Malashenko was very sure that his judgment was absolutely correct.

Why, you ask?

It can only be said that two people who are similar to a certain extent can smell some similar breaths in each other.

Even if the means, methods, and purposes of two people are completely different, their proficiency and mastery of skills have a high degree of overlap, and there will always be a trace of similarity between their speech and behavior.

Malashenko is convinced that he is his "kind". After all, the murderer and the patriot hero are biologically similar on the "human" level.

Therefore, no matter how crazy Jefferson said or did the most outrageous things, these would not surprise Malashenko. They would only make Malashenko understand better about being beaten to death by his own "kind". How miserable those unlucky people who were killed can be, after all, this is what you can imagine with your own ability and seriousness.

"Okay, the matter is basically clear. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Based on my understanding and understanding of that person, this seems to be something he can do with his style."

"However, I do care about you, Kovanov. Now that you understand the ins and outs of the matter and the truth hidden behind the lies, what are you going to do next?"

If you want to ask for a solution, Malashenko certainly has one, and he can implement it immediately.

But Malashenko would rather listen to Kovanov's opinion than make his own decision.

If possible, it's okay to let him tell you what to do and provide the necessary cooperation yourself. This incident is a very good opportunity, and Malashenko hopes that Kovanov can gain more and achieve greater growth from it. Making good use of Kovanov's respect and trust in him and giving him the right guidance will be the key to this process.

"I want to expose the darkness and expose his ugliness! Comrade Commander. There is no beauty in this bastard's eyes. All he has in his mind is all kinds of fallacies and how to deceive people, use them like tools and then dispose of them. dirty tricks."

"Although the beliefs and values ​​are different, I respect David. He should have become a hero of their country, respected and loved by others, and his mother would be helped and treated to accompany the old man for the rest of his life. But none of the above happened, and it was even worse. What’s more, there were conspirators who took advantage of David’s already tragic and incomplete life.”

"David's love for his mother, the responsibilities that a man should bear on his shoulders, the courage to risk his own life for his loved ones who need to be protected, and his trust in those who help him. These originally beautiful things have all become dirty. The object of dirty conspiracy.”

"I've thought about it a lot, and I've thought about it for a long time, but I still feel that for a disabled soldier who fought bloody battles for the country, is there anything more tragic and worse than this? That bastard took away the country Everything about Wei, squeezed out of his last bit of value, was thrown into the trash can like a piece of waste paper.”

"Maybe this kind of thing is rampant in their country, but on our territory, under our noses, that bastard's ability is not big enough to cover the whole world with one hand. I want him to see it. For my faith and my justice, even if I can’t punish such a bastard, I can at least help David and get what he deserves.”

What Kovanov owns is precisely the most important thing in Malashenko's opinion, the most valuable thing that money can't buy - a heart. After experiencing the baptism of war, seeing all kinds of cruelty and ugliness, and experiencing all kinds of human conditions, Still upright and upright.

"We will find a solution, Kovanov, let me help you."

With a smile on his face, Malashenko slowly stood up from the sofa, stretched out his hand and handed it to Kovanov, who was facing him in astonishment.

"Comrade Commander?"

"Instead of sitting here talking, why not take action now and let me go with you this time."

Although he didn’t know what Comrade Division Commander had planned or planned to do, just like every moment in the past, Kovanov, with perseverance and courage shining in his eyes, finally chose to hold Marashin tightly. Ke handed over the hand and stood up from the sofa, trusting and following the comrade as always.

This moment of comrade division commander will be forever engraved in Kovanov’s memory until the very end.

"Let David go down in history as a hero, starting now."

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