
The door that originally seemed quite solid was kicked open so suddenly. The force was so strong that no one doubted that it was nothing like the gangsters carrying Thompson submachine guns on the streets of New York who ran into the enemy's house to ransack the house. Both.

However, the large group of people who rushed in immediately after him had nothing to do with the gang.

Mr. Jefferson was stunned for a whole year, and the whole room was filled with those heavily armed men carrying AK44 assault rifles in an instant.

Although he has not yet been pointed at by a gun, his life is not in danger, and he is not threatened, but looking at the posture and the murderous look in the eyes of these Russian soldiers, the well-informed Jefferson has no doubts about these Russian soldiers. I'm really kidding.

"What are you doing!? What are you doing!? I am Jefferson, the head of the American press corps. Call your superiors to speak! You'd better give me a reasonable explanation for breaking into my office, otherwise I will definitely report it to your superiors Your rudeness and rudeness undermine the cooperation between the two countries!”

The editor-in-chief, who is good at criticizing others, raised the seriousness of the situation to the level of "undermining the cooperation between the two countries" as soon as he opened his mouth. This would probably scare ordinary soldiers and junior officers who have little knowledge.

But it was clear that Mr. Jefferson was destined to be disappointed and miscalculated tonight.

"Act as planned and start searching!"


Before they had time to panic as these heavily armed Russian soldiers took action again, the person who gave the order walked into the house from outside the kicked-open door frame.

"Is it you?! Major Kovanov? Do you know what you are leading people to do?!"


Kovanov did not comment on the questions that came to him. He had a cold face and showed no intention of retreating. He just came to stand in front of Jefferson, who was a head shorter than him, like a routine cold robot, and then took out his hand. The search warrant that had been prepared was issued.

"We received a report that extremely important and highly confidential military information is hidden in this room. Once leaked, it will cause immeasurable huge losses and devastating effects to the Red Army."

"Following the orders of Major General Malashenko, commander of the leading division, Major Kovanov is responsible for leading the special operations team to recover suspected leaked military secrets and search any suspicious targets. If there is any obstruction, disobedience or failure to listen to warnings, they will be punished. Arrest on location and authorize the use of lethal force against those who resist arrest, translation completed.”

Speaking at the speed of a machine gun, he held the warrant in his hand, which was written in pure Russian, signed with Malashenko's name, and stamped with the seal of the leader's divisional agency, and showed it to Jefferson for browsing. Translation is completed quickly.

Before Jefferson even tried to reach out to take the warrant into his hand and take a closer look, Kovanov, who had never thought about giving this thing to anyone other than himself, immediately took it with quick eyes and hands. One of them took it back, not giving the other a chance. Jefferson, who was left with big eyes and small eyes, froze on the spot, speechless and choked.

"Don't touch me, what are you doing? Yeahhhhhh!!!"

"Back off! Stay away! Don't hinder the execution of military duties. This is a serious warning!"

Before Jefferson could say anything, the little secretary beside him, who was so frightened that his face turned pale, was like a little chicken, being chased away by the big and powerful Red Army soldiers who searched the house, running and jumping, screaming in fear. Continuously, so noisily.

The screams of annoying women and the scoldings of Red Army soldiers

How could Jefferson, who was already upset, endure this?

I don't have the ability to use the Russians as a vent, but what the hell do I have the ability to deal with you, a crazy bitch?

"Shut up you bitch! I'll tie you up again and throw you off the window sill!!!"


The source of the noise was temporarily stopped with a loud and angry shout. Jefferson, who had neither thought nor planned to coax the bitch, now only wanted to do one thing: let these vulgar and rude people The Russian realized the folly of his actions and hurried out of his room.

"Military secrets? Ha, okay, this is all suspicion on my head, good!"

"I'm telling you, you have to listen carefully, Mr. Major. If you can't find anything good in my room, then don't blame me for turning my back and denying you. All the consequences of undermining the cooperation between the two countries will be You take the responsibility!”

"Of course, if you stop now and withdraw, maybe I will..."

"Comrade Major, we found it!"

Jefferson, who had his hands on his hips and was so angry that his eyes were crooked on the bridge of his nose, had not finished speaking when an unexpected shout suddenly came, interrupting everything.

"Have you confirmed it? Are you sure it is what we are looking for?"

Kovanov didn't pay attention to Jefferson's random beeps in front of him, and just asked the squad leader who just ran over with the "Seized Key Item" next to him.

"We checked it under the light. The content is what we are looking for. This is the correct set of films."

"very good."

With a surprised expression, Jefferson looked at what Kovanov and his "lackeys" were doing in front of him, and blinked hard again, almost unable to believe what he saw and heard. The stuff is actually real.

"Wait a minute, this thing originally belonged to us! You sent someone to return this set of films to us together with the camera. Have you forgotten all about it? You have no right to take away assets belonging to citizens of the United States of America! This is simply They are committing a crime and committing a blatant armed robbery!”

At this point, Jefferson was completely anxious. The film he carefully placed in the drawer of his desk was the key to whether he could become successful, realize his long-cherished wish, and prosper in the rest of his life.

Now that he was about to be snatched away by these vulgar and rude Russians, it was not an exaggeration to say that it would cost Jefferson his life. At this time, as long as he was still a wealthy man, he would definitely be anxious.

However, no matter how anxious Jefferson was to get angry, he even had the urge to go up and grab something, but he was probably too timid to do so. Kovanov still had a "calm-faced and heart-beating" expression, as if everything that was happening now, including Jefferson's anxious state that had nothing to do with being polite, was also It was bound to happen as he expected.

"There is no mistake. This is what we are looking for. We have confirmed and confirmed that this thing involves extremely important and highly confidential military information. Once it is leaked, I have made it clear to you the consequences and will not repeat it twice."

"Until the detailed investigation is completed, your personal freedom will be temporarily restricted, Mr. Jefferson. This is also a clearly stipulated part of the terms of the security contract involving military secrets. Please understand and cooperate with the investigation." It shouldn’t take too long.”


Before Jefferson, who was so shocked that he was struck by thunder, could calm down and say something else, Kovanov, who had properly put away the "key seized items", turned around and left with his comrades.

"Mission accomplished! One team will be left to guard, and the rest will close the team!"


On the street downstairs where the American press group stayed temporarily, Malashenko, who was sitting alone in the back seat, rolling down the window and smoking, was still waiting until Kovanov, who had left for a while, opened the car door and returned again. He sat in the front passenger seat.

"Is everything done?"

The interested Malashenko spoke quietly, and the only answer he received was Kovanov's words with a little excitement in his tone.

"It's all done, Comrade Commander, it's as perfect as you expected."

"Really? That's good, let's start. This is only the first step."

The convoy slowly started following Malashenko's order and had not driven far. Kovanov couldn't help but was too curious to know the answer.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it should be a question that I could ask, and then I turned my head again and blurted out to Malashenko who looked dull in the back seat and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Comrade Commander, have you planned it for a long time? I mean returning the film during the day. I always feel that this seems a bit..."

Without too much waiting or hesitation, the only answer left to Kovanov was the short words with a smile on his face.

"I said, Kovanov, this is only the first step of the plan, and the fun has just begun."

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