Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2758 Fighting with Heavy Armor

Alsim, who was sitting around the fire, gnawing dry bread to recover his physical strength, didn't know at this moment how much noise the "harsh work" he had just led people to do on the ground caused.

At that time, the ground battle was still in an extremely fierce and intense stage, and the German garrison troops who fought to the death refused to give up every building, street, and block they held.

Even though the Red Army's siege force had an absolutely overwhelming advantage, and the roaring firepower of ground bomber formations destroyed one building after another, the remaining fanatics fighting among the ruins still regarded death as if they were home.

call out--


"Sokka! Ricochet!"

There was a burst of fire from the muzzle, and the powerful and heavy 122mm full-caliber armor-piercing grenade hit the thick frontal armor plate. The result was like a BB gun hitting a frying pan, and then ruthlessly bounced away with a crisp sound.

The Tiger King's turret took a heavy hit, leaving a huge dent in its face. King Tiger, knowing that he had not been penetrated and could still fight, was slowly turning the turret, and the main gun with an extra-long fishing rod Then he aimed at the direction where the enemy attack was coming.

"Then Sokka is targeting us! It's too late, prepare to attack!"


call out--

The comrade commander yelled for the crew members to sit still and be ready to withstand the impact. Before he finished speaking, the King Tiger on the opposite side, which had reacted very quickly after being beaten, was already roaring and firing. The armor-piercing projectile, whose muzzle velocity exceeded the kilometer per second mark, immediately roared towards the direction of the IS6 at three times the speed of sound.

The commander of the IS6 originally thought that he would be the revenge target of the King Tiger, but after the artillery shells whizzed past the turret of the IS6 with call sign 232 at an almost passing distance.

There was no huge impact sound of the shell hitting the armor plate and being bounced off, nor was there the maddening sound of metal tearing that was heard all around when the armor was penetrated.


Accompanied by a loud explosion at the five o'clock position on the rear side, the commander suddenly realized that he had made a mistake and immediately held the periscope in his hand, turned sharply towards the place where the explosion sounded, and looked back.

I saw a BMP43 infantry fighter immediately behind my car. At this moment, it had been turned into a pile of blazing torches.

After penetrating the main armor plate of the car body, the 88mm armor-piercing projectile exploded in the central fighting compartment, which immediately triggered a chain explosion of the fuel tank and ammunition, causing the entire turret to collapse. The 25mm cannon magazine filled with ammunition racks was like a firework pile of firework, exploding incessantly as it crackled and was devoured by fire.

"These naughty bastards!"

Obviously, knowing that there is a high probability that there is nothing he can do about the rough-skinned and thick-bodied IS6, the King Tiger is already in ruins.

Since I can't hit you, I won't shoot you, so I won't waste the shells and precious firing opportunities. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Just behind the IS6, the BMP43, which is smaller than the IS6 and only has a mid-tank body type, looks easy to bully, so it naturally became the first choice target of the King Tiger.

As soon as the BMP43, whose cannons had been firing at intervals and firing continuously, was destroyed, the anti-personnel suppressive firepower was immediately cut off in half, and a large portion was missing on the spot.

The German soldiers who were originally suppressed in the street buildings without even daring to show their heads, now had a chance to breathe, and they saw the opportunity and immediately dug out their burrows like field mice. The two of them swarmed out of the building, seized the possibly fleeting fighter plane, and began to change positions, alternately covering and advancing forward.

"Target, Russian heavy tanks! Anti-tank crews prepare!"


The ever-increasing German army not only wanted to defend the block, but also wanted to take this opportunity to suppress the Russian offensive momentum and resolve the crisis. At this time, they did not forget to say "offense is the best defense." translated into practical actions.

The German anti-tank team that quickly moved to the bomb crater on the street moved very quickly. When the IS6, which had not yet retreated, was facing the German infantry running around the street and was trying to block it with a coaxial machine gun, it had already found the opportunity to lie down. A tank-killing bazooka was set up in the crater, ammunition was stuffed into the barrel, and an attack spraying thick smoke and flames went straight towards the target.




"The front of the car was hit by a bullet! It didn't penetrate! The Germans want to break our tracks!"

The solid frontal defense of IS6, like a wall of sighs, once again saved the lives of all the comrades in the vehicle and held the last line of defense.

But this attack is not simple. The driver responsible for operating the tank in the center of the front of the vehicle body can clearly feel that the final impact point of the bullet is right next to his left foot through a layer of rolled uniform steel armor plate. Not far away, and a little further 20 centimeters to the left, it will directly hit the track.

The Germans used their precious heavy mobile anti-armor firepower to destroy enemy anti-infantry firepower, and then directly handed over the task of anti-heavy armor vehicles to the large and well-managed anti-tank infantry.

Maybe the Germans' tactics are simple and mindless, using infantry purely as expendable cannon fodder, but you have to admit that this method is still effective.

Without the BMP43 as a mobile anti-infantry fire stop, the Red Army infantry firepower, which could no longer suppress the German infantry, was very busy at the moment.

On the one hand, they have to compete with the firepower of the German infantry occupying the commanding heights in the buildings on both sides of the street. On the other hand, they have to beware of the German infantry running around on the street causing chaos to their side. It is necessary to use as much firepower as possible to try to knock down and suppress the enemy, but after several attempts at shooting, there is still little effect.

"Damn it! There are too many Germans running around in the streets upstairs and downstairs! There are many more people than us!"

"Stop talking nonsense and keep firing! Keep the tanks and shoot the ones that are close first!"

It was temporarily impossible to continue to advance. The platoon leader, who understood the current situation, began to push the second phase and focused his firepower on priority to kill the German infantry who tried to counterattack and got closer to his own side, especially those with hands and shoulders and leaders. German anti-tank teams running around with various cannon barrels and mop sticks.

If these cockroaches and bugs crawling all over the ground are not dealt with, IS6 will sooner or later be left here by the Nazis who come one after another.

And once the IS6's legs are broken, there is no hope at all.

Even if they want to continue the attack, how to remove this huge immovable obstacle is an extremely troublesome problem. This is probably why the Germans want to kill this IS6, which is the backbone of the offense, at all costs. Blocking the enemy's attack channels and creating favorable conditions for the subsequent defense is probably what the Germans really want to achieve.

The enemies may be weak but they are not stupid, and even if the enemies with online IQ are weak, they can still cause you some big or small troubles, such as now.

Seeing that their advance was blocked, the siege team could only retreat temporarily. The temporary retreat does not mean the battle has failed. After quickly replenishing the missing strength and strengthening the firepower, the siege team will soon return again. IS6 has switched to reverse gear. The slow reversing represents the beginning of it all.

However, before the group of German soldiers on the opposite side, who had just looked happy, could shout out with joy, an unexpected disaster had already hit their heads.

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