Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2772 Similar Brothers of Steel

Even if I guessed in advance that the German would say this.

But when the German guy in the white coat really said this, Sulovechenko's first reaction was still roughly "hell."

What kind of plane?

A Nazi military doctor saved a Red Army soldier and then voluntarily returned it to the Red Army. He then gave alms and begged for some medicine, which he used to save lives and heal the wounded in a battle that even he himself thought was unwinnable.

This kind of thing is so outrageous that if you tell it, you may not even be qualified to "make up a story". You will definitely be treated as nonsense and have something wrong with it, and laugh it off.

But reality is often so ironic.

People's subjective consciousness thinks that things are impossible to happen. The reality is more outrageous than imagination. It can be thrown violently in your face and you can't help but deny it.

"Do you think this is possible? The Red Army used precious life-saving medicines to help the enemy to save a group of bloody enemies who killed and wounded our comrades during the day. Are you crazy?"

Sulovechenko's voice fell quietly. Whether it was the tone of speaking or the actual content of the words, he still did not leave any good looks to the enemy, which was harsh and heartbreaking.

But facing Sulovechenko, the German military doctor in a white coat still refused to give up, as if there was an endless force supporting his firm will, and then blurted out words with a hint of sadness again.

"But what about us? Countless familiar people have fallen under your hail of artillery fire, but I still believe that every wounded person, regardless of camp or country, has been The right to rescue is also the respect that human beings and human beings should have for life.


Sulovechenko was noncommittal and did not say anything, which did not mean that he agreed with the German guy's statement. It was just because the sad and slightly excited German guy had not finished speaking.

"Please, think about it seriously."

"These seriously wounded and disabled wounded have no ability to fight against you anymore. They are either lying in the cemetery or lying on the hospital bed. They heard you singing the song of victory in this city, but I really I don’t hope the final result will be the latter, it’s too tragic.”

"Many of them did not fight voluntarily at all. They were picked up from home, from the streets, and from various places. Some are even locals who live in this city. The war is threatening each of us. I just want to Doing what I can, even if it is small and insignificant, I just hope to save as many lives as possible and do something truly meaningful after the war is over."


Sulovechenko still didn't speak, but his mind was rapidly thinking about all the words he had just heard.

"Asshole! Does this bastard know what nonsense he is talking about? Do you want to betray us all?!"

There is no shortage of brainless and fanatical idiots at any time, even at the last moment when they are about to be trampled to death. This is one of the most classic representative characteristics of Nazis.

That is to say, the little German leader who was swearing, rolling up his sleeves as he walked, and was about to hit someone on the spot. He didn't know if he was a squad leader or something. He was about to walk behind the doctor, only a few steps away. hour.

Sulovechenko, who had remained silent, spoke, and his words were filled with cold cruelty that even the enemy would not doubt.

"If you take another step forward, you will become a sieve. There will definitely be more bullets left in your body than your dog teeth. If you don't believe it, you can try it."


Fluent and high-level German has become the best weapon at this time.

I saw that vicious dog that was baring its teeth one second and trying to bite, but the next second it froze in place as if it had seen a wolf, unable to make any further progress.

What's interesting is that even things have come to this.

But among the ordinary German soldiers around, none of the soldiers whose faces were filled with the devastation of war and exhaustion and numbness, rushed out and cursed like this fanatical lunatic, and no one supported him, raised their guns on guard, or even raised their weapons. No one is willing to stand up and speak for him.

The dark clouds in the night sky above finally passed by, revealing that the bright and cold moonlight once again filled the square, illuminating every face standing on the battlefield ruins.

"Please! Please! Life is passing and they don't have time to wait any longer."

The doctor who never looked back from the beginning to the end was still holding on, not even caring about what happened behind him.

Knowing that there was really no point in spending so much time, Sulovchenko thought for a moment, and finally chose to make a "wait a moment" gesture, turned to Alsim again and slowly spoke, telling all the words in the conversation just now Retell it truthfully.

"Do you want to give it? Don't think about anything else, just tell me what you think."

This was the first thing Alsim said to Sulovechenko after listening to the whole process.

It must be said that this was somewhat difficult, and even Sulovechenko himself could not explain the reason, but in the end he gave the answer after a short period of thinking.

"The war turned us all into monsters, but we will eventually use the humanity that we have persisted in during the war to transform back into humans after the war. This is the biggest difference between us and the Nazis."

"That's what Comrade Commander said, am I remembering it correctly?"


Alsim is not a person who can memorize big principles and long speeches that make people sleepy, but the exception comes from the mouth of his comrade.

"Is that your answer?"

Sulovechenko nodded, but did not hesitate.

"I think so."

Alsim took a deep breath and couldn't help but raise his head and glance at the bright night sky above his head.

Only when the darkness and smoke merge into one can people think that the war seems to be over. The dark clouds that had just blocked the bright moonlight were now completely gone and would never come back again.

"That's it. It seems that I have another steel brother who has the same temperament."

"Then you have to teach me a few tricks in the future, just as a brother-in-law."

"Do you still need to tell me? Everything is arranged."

It must be said that Alsim and Sulovechenko each made a good brother with a good relationship tonight.

Even when a group of old comrades gather together again many years later, they will still remember this scene freshly and laugh heartily when they remember it.

We will talk about the future later. What is important is that the German military doctor in a white coat held a whole box of medicines and medical supplies from the enemy Soviets with his hands and tremblingly. A pair of The eyes that are over fifty years old are indeed shining with hope and tears.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much. I thank you on behalf of the children who can survive for this! Thank you!"


Although the contents of that suitcase could not save everyone, or even only a small number of people, it still resulted in such huge gratitude and outpouring of true love.

Looking at the back of the German military doctor hurriedly running down with his people, rushing to "do the work", Sulovechenko couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart, and he subconsciously spoke slowly.

"One day, I mean, what if, can we really let go of our prejudices and past with them? It won't always be life and death."

Alsim, who could pause his fighting but couldn't stop smoking, gave himself another cigarette, blurting out the words in the curls of green smoke without any hesitation.

"Forget it. As for the Germans, I think it's okay. After all, the division commander also told me so. Now I'm beginning to understand why."

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