Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2784 The enemy is a freak

"How did they do all this?"

There was no excitement, no laughter, and the man squatting next to a row of corpses was recognized at a glance. It was Alsim's Malashenko. There was no unnecessary nonsense, and the first sentence was to get straight to the point. .

"I don't know that I have never felt so dead in my sleep, but it was at this time that everything here was over when I found out."

Alsim's expressionless words had not yet finished. Malashenko had already stepped forward and stopped beside Alsim. He recognized the corpse closest to Alsim at a glance. Looks familiar.

"How much of a loss?"

"One person is missing from one class, and the rest are all here. Everyone who stayed on guard on the first floor."

"Including him, my deputy and partner."

The sun has not yet risen from the distant horizon, and the thick darkness of night still covers the entire cold land.

All the remaining members of the Alsim Company were no longer sleepy at the moment. They were fully armed and guarding everywhere in the building and on the street at the entrance of the building, occupying favorable terrain and commanding heights to monitor everything and every disturbance around them.

The security platoon accompanying Malashenko was also facing a formidable enemy. The Alsim Company, which assisted in the on-site defense, almost surrounded the entire crime scene on the first floor.

At this time, let alone an assassin, even a rat wandering down the street would be shot to death and then beaten to death.

It's just that it's too late, the tragedy has happened, and no matter how tight the defense is now, it can't change the reality of the whole row of corpses in front of them.

"I can't even think of which group of people did it. I have never encountered similar enemies, methods, and all these circumstances in the past. They touched the entire security post on the first floor without any movement. If it hadn't been for the change of guard. The night watchman goes downstairs, and we don’t know how long it will take to find out.”

Alsim did not shirk any responsibility, and what was his own was his own.

It doesn't matter what you think, how unexpected it is, or even if you are said to be derelict in duty and incompetent to accept military justice. Now even Alsim couldn't tell what was going on in his head, he just wanted his comrade to quickly understand the real situation.

"Is there any damage on the second floor? Did you notice anything strange at that time?"

While checking the condition of the body, he asked Alsim.

Malashenko, who had a premonition that this matter was not that simple and that it was definitely not a simple night attack, focused his main energy on the dagger inserted on the top of the corpse's forehead and tried to remove it from the dagger. Find some clues.

"No, the damage on the second floor was zero. It was precisely because they didn't even touch the second floor that they never discovered anything happened on the first floor. The hidden sentry placed on the commanding heights of the second floor didn't find any abnormalities. The enemy is familiar with the terrain. The degree is above us.

"The footprints showed that they came in through the window, but there was no sound or exposure. They used all available concealed approaches to infiltrate, and then left us with this scene."


Malashenko, who was silent, did not comment on Alsim's words, but with wide eyes, he made a discovery as he studied the dagger that penetrated into his brain.

"Look here, come closer, here."

As the direction of Malashenko's fingers shows, these daggers are really not ordinary daggers in the hands of ordinary German soldiers.

There is a small ring relief on the front end of the seemingly plain handle where it connects to the blade, and the shape engraved on the relief is the pure swastika.

"The ceremonial dagger of the SS, used for swearing oaths and engaging in their evil ritual ceremonies. It is not suitable for use in fights, let alone assassinations. This is not something that ordinary troops will carry around and take to the battlefield."

Malashenko would recognize this thing simply because he had seen this kind of dagger in a book in his past life when he read a lot of historical records about the Patriotic War out of interest in the library of the future Moscow State University. Photos and related documentation.

Even though time has passed and the memory has long been diluted by time, this special ceremonial dagger that should not appear on the battlefield still suddenly evoked Malashenko's memories from the distant future.

The object in front of him was exactly the same as the one in his memory, no matter the details or features. Malashenko believed that his judgment would not be wrong.

"You mean this was done by those bastards from the SS?"

Alsim's tone was a little surprised, but Malashenko could understand it and thought it was normal.

After all, there are only a few people in the SS who can fight, and most of these few bastards who can fight are a bunch of reckless lunatics. A perverted murderer who is so fanatical that he can throw away his own life like a tissue.

To put it simply in down-to-earth terms - most of them do rough work, and they can only do rough work.

There were these bodies in front of him, and the result of last night's unnoticed attack on a sentry squad on the first floor, avoiding the sight of the secret sentry. If you say this was done by the SS, that doesn't mean it's impossible, but at least it must be considered "unexpected."

"Absolutely, except for this dagger, after thinking about it, only the gods in the SS can do this. Making the murder scene look like a black magic sacrifice ceremony is the style of some of them who are mentally retarded."

Everyone knows that the SS are cruel and inhumane. They are just a bunch of animals that walk upright on two legs.

But what many people don’t know is that these beasts are actually a bunch of living “gods.”

Himmler, the leader of the SS and the owner of a chicken farm, was first and foremost a fanatical fan of the supernatural.

This chicken farmer tried to prove how outstanding the pure bloodline was by searching for ancient cultural relics and sacred vessels, excavating historical sites, and deducing the origin of human race.

With such a leading leader who engages in feudal superstition and ghosts and snake spirits all day long, it is not difficult to imagine that those 250 people below who are licking their ass and fawning would do something they like to do.

Why invite witches, dance with gods, perform sacrifices, and dig ancient tombs?

The SS group called the "Heritage of the Ancestors", a paranormal and occult research association, does basically everything. This group of gods even planned to find the legendary Atlantis. Can you believe it? But people really dare to think and do it.

It's like customizing a batch of "magic weapons" and using them in the evil's crooked sacrifice ceremony to invite gods.

This kind of nonsense can only be regarded as "daily team-building activities" among the SS gods, and it is not worthy of surprise or mention.

After basically locking in the general direction of who the enemy might be, something happened that made Malashenko narrow his eyes slightly and frown slightly in confusion.

A group of armed SS gods who are tough and skilled in infiltration, but also believe in these evil, evil and evil spirits.

This is truly an opponent that I have never encountered before.

The battle is almost over, and a new enemy type is unlocked.

It seems that Alsim, who will not let this matter pass so easily, will definitely have work to do in the coming days.

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