Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2825 Invisible Confrontation (Part 1)

While Malashenko and Lavrinenko were chatting, the Pe-8 propaganda machine soaring over the city of Berlin continued to carry out the "forced broadcast" that stunned the German soldiers below, and it continued unimpeded. .

"Compatriots and comrades, please listen to me."

"When I led the Sixth Army to fight against Stalingrad, my thoughts were the same as yours. I thought that I was fulfilling the will of the Führer, opening up and expanding territory for Germany, and bringing back the country with swords for countless German compatriots. The survival resources we need to regain the glory we have been deprived of and lost.”

"With this belief, I fought side by side with all my colleagues in the Sixth Army until the last moment. When I surrendered, I was despondent and thought it would be the end, but it wasn't until I surrendered that I realized that I had to wash my hair. He lied to all of us."

"He fabricated lies to cover up his ambitions, sins, and various atrocities. Those Jews who the Nazis claimed were sent abroad and deported were actually dead long ago, mutilated and poisoned by the Nazis' black hands in gas chambers and execution chambers. . There were countless dead bodies piled up in the crematorium. They were women, children, and even babies a few months old."

"And we, as an armed force used by the Nazis, have become the accomplices and protectors of such cruel atrocities. This is not what the German soldiers who have inherited the spirit and glory of Prussia should do. The Wehrmacht should be loyal to Germany, not A tyrannical maniac who slaughtered the old, weak, women and children until they were covered in corpses and seas of blood.

"There are countless similar situations. When we were deceived and exploited by Nazi lies, there were countless victims who were harmed by what we did."

"And the Nazi propaganda machine is just spinning lies and fabricating stories over and over again, overdrawing the future of Germany and the lives of the most loyal and brave soldiers of the Wehrmacht, using mountains of corpses and seas of blood to pave the way for the tyrant's ambition and personal will. , This is not at all for the future of Germany and our nation.”

"On the contrary, today we are embarking on a path of self-destruction due to Nazi deception and deception."

"Here, I implore everyone, every comrade who is still deceived by the Nazi lies and who fights at the cost of his life for the so-called "defend Berlin" lies. I implore you to put down your arms now and join the real German patriots, and among those who saved the country from danger and restored it.”

"The Soviet Union will not carry out extermination against us, and the Nazis will eventually be brought to justice. Don't be deceived by the Nazis' lies anymore. The lives of all surrendering soldiers will be guaranteed."

"Now, hope still exists in this land. Please cherish your life and accumulate strength for a better tomorrow for our motherland. One day we will stand together on this land we love deeply, as a true Patriots, let us face the future with our heads held high.

During the period when the pressure offensive was stopped by Malashenko, there was really nothing else to do.

Lavrinenko, who was with Malashenko, sat on the window sill and listened to the "forced broadcast" to pass the time. And I have to admit that the oversized loudspeaker hanging in the belly of Napei 8 is simply extremely powerful. It does not have to be more powerful than the air defense siren, but it must be at least the same level. It is comparable to the FAB-5000 aerial bomb and the 5-ton gas tank in the loudspeaker industry. .

What surprised Lavrinenko even more was that the whole city of Berlin could hear the content of this broadcast.

"I didn't expect that Paulus' transformation was so complete that he could even say this?"

"Then who asked this hair-washing guy to do this to his whole family? When you do this stupid thing, you should have expected the consequences. This is called reaping what you sow."

Malashenko, who was also leaning on the window sill, smoking a cigarette and listening to the live broadcast to pass the time, sounded very calm.

It feels really good to see my carefully organized plan being implemented bit by bit, so our Comrade Lao Ma is indeed in a good mood now, with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but who wrote this manuscript? Did Paulus write it himself? Or did someone else write it and give it to him so that he could read it and record it?"

"Him? Save it, although his transformation is okay, but if you want him to write this thing by himself, then he is still a little behind."

Before he finished speaking, Lavrinenko continued to ask questions. Malashenko, who had no intention of concealing anything or making any reservations, continued immediately.

"The manuscript was written by me. It was written a few months ago. At that time, it was just a preliminary plan to use the "Red Stalingrad" to smash Berlin's anti-aircraft towers to destroy the symbol of morale and will deified by the Nazis. "

"However, after several rounds of discussions, we found that it can go beyond this. Marshal Zhukov and I both believe that this should go further. There is still room for further efficiencies and should be effectively utilized."

"It just so happened that I thought of Paulus at that time. He decided to join us in 1944 and has not played a big role yet. It just so happened that his whole family was ordered to be killed by the hair-washing man. It made my teeth itch to hate him. No one believes it. This is a good opportunity to use him as a trump card at the last moment in Berlin and choose the most suitable moment."

"I wrote the script and sent it back to the rear, and a special person arranged for him to record it. I heard that Paulus was also very cooperative, and basically agreed without asking any unnecessary questions. Then we prepared a little more actions and plans. The props and equipment used, and then, the scene you see now.”


Once again, it was a precise plan started a few months ago, and once again it was executed with precision a few months later. At least so far, it was accurate and under control.

Lavrinenko no longer wants to describe Malashenko as "planned", but don't get me wrong, it's just that Lavrinenko feels that Malashenko should stay at a higher level.

Just how to use language to describe it accurately, Lavrinenko has not yet thought about it or thought of the words.

"But don't think too much, the matter is not over yet. It is obviously a dream just to expect that Paulus will give a forced release, and then the Nazi minions will switch sides and surrender with courtesy."

After putting out his cigarette butt on the window sill, Malashenko got up and returned to the house, then came to the table and turned on the radio.

The manic shouting that had just begun was once again exactly what Malashenko expected.

"Don't believe the Russians' lies! The traitor Paulus had already failed to defect to the Russians. After being squeezed out of his last vestige of use, he was tortured by the Russians and finally executed. Any German who surrendered to the Russians would be killed. This remains true. No change."

"The Russians are just deceiving us with disguised false voices! We must unite and keep fighting! Those Jews were just driven out of our country, there was no Holocaust! The enemy is trying to alienate us! Don't listen to the Russians Lies, victory will still belong to Germany! I, Goebbels, still believe that the warriors of the empire can defeat all enemies!”

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