Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2831 Swinging the sword angrily and becoming famous in history

"I really didn't expect those German guys to fight over such a trivial matter. I always felt that they could at least be on the same page.

"Then you think you are wrong. People who are eager to die will not satisfy those who want to live. No matter when it comes, you can't escape this essence. Even if you die, you will have to drag the people around you to be buried with you."

When night fell, the leader who had been working intermittently all day could finally take a breather.

A large hot lunch box of stewed pork and buckwheat rice is the best reward for a hard day's work. The satisfaction of appetite is already a rare joy in this age of material scarcity.

Among them, of course, are the two brothers Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who are sitting together to eat with their arms around their lunch boxes.

"Even if those Germans shoot to kill their own people, they still come and surrender. It seems they still want to survive. I just don't know how many such Germans there are. I mean, the more the better."

Listening to Lavrinenko's unintelligible words while chewing, Malashenko, who was also taking a big mouthful of food, just answered casually.

"No matter how much, they only have the last time tonight. When tomorrow dawns, the Germans who are still hesitant or simply don't want to leave don't need to pay attention to them anymore. Copy guys and fuck them. Since you can't make up your mind to make a choice You can't blame others, the opportunity and time have been given.

Since the hard work that lasted for most of the day began in the evening, the siege teams of the leading divisions assisting the various forward contact line blocks in Berlin were surprised one after another.

It was expected that those Germans, at least most of them, who would fight to the end with a high probability, the stereotypical die-hard Nazis, actually chose to lay down their weapons at this critical point when the final moment was approaching and came to surrender.

Thanks to Malashenko's advance warning, the Red Army soldiers who knew that Germans might come to surrender did not shoot. Even when necessary, he took the initiative to help those enemies who had been fighting to the death just a few hours ago, covering them with firepower and evacuating these "enemies" to a safe place.


Because the firepower attacking these "enemies" came from behind them, who could believe that at the last moment of the Battle of Berlin, the wonderful drama of "Kuts fighting Germans" began to appear on a large scale.

The Germans who managed to escape from the front kept running away, and the guys behind them beat up the other group of Germans and chased after them.

"Cover! Fight down, Germans, and fight those Germans who are chasing us!"

After clarifying the general situation, the grassroots commanders responsible for commanding at various forward garrison points immediately ordered the Red Army soldiers who could distinguish which enemies needed to be fought and which enemies did not need to be fought for the time being to open fire immediately.

Bullets rained down from the commanding heights, and all kinds of artillery shells hit them all over the face, sending the pursuers flying all over the streets.

Just the Russian "pregnant tank" lying in the middle of the road. The rapid-fire cannon on the small tank that can vomit infantry. The burst of fire is enough to make the flesh and blood infantry go to pieces. Some kind of In a sense, this is even more terrifying than a simple explosion of a large-caliber artillery shell.

After all, no matter how powerful the shell explosion was, it only lasted for a moment, but the crackling cannon never stopped breathing at all.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to even protect oneself, let alone the "hunt for fugitives". The Germans are quite witty in pursuing them. Most of them retreat after losing a few to a dozen people and take the initiative to retreat. .

And what about the leader? There was no further order to move forward and no pursuit. Instead, the group of "escape enemies" they had just rescued were brought over for questioning.

"Why are you being chased by your own people? What do you want to do here? Don't you know we are enemies?"

The questions here were asked three times in a row before he could finish his words. The unlucky man who had fled all the way in front of him was already out of breath and barely had one life left. He just spoke in a hurry.

"No more fighting, no more fighting! We are here to surrender, but those stubborn fools with brain problems won't let us."

"If they want everyone to die, and they don't want us to live, then fight. It's not a loss if you fight for yourself and get killed. We are here to surrender to you, and we believe what Marshal Paulus said. Really! Please treat us favorably. We are willing to cooperate in any way. Where is Marshal Paulus? "

The answer is obvious. Paulus, a well-known and well-known figure in Germany due to Nazi propaganda, was promoted to the public. With various auxiliary means and the right timing, the actual effect was better than that of horse racing. Rashenko expected it to be even more fierce.

It's just that these surrendering German troops who came all the way to escape made a mistake, and they still need to be reminded by the Red Army.

"Your Marshal Paulus is not here, but General Malashenko is here."

“General Malashenko???”

The leading German company officer who was "kindly reminded" had a look of horror on his face. He blinked and almost thought he had been tricked. It was like leading a group of brothers into a meat grinder by jumping from a fire pit.

Fortunately, the "kind-hearted" Red Army company commander promptly eliminated his misunderstanding and clarified to him that at least what Paulus told them was not a lie or as deceptive as the Nazis.

"Don't worry, the "Steel Butcher" is also a pure lie. Our comrade generals do not kill people indiscriminately, at least they do not kill Germans who have voluntarily surrendered."


The German company officer who led the surrender with a surprised look on his face had not yet recovered, and the Red Army company commander who had no time to continue talking had already clapped his hands and signaled loudly.

"Okay! That's it for the situation description! When we arrive at the prisoner of war camp, everyone will have hot food to eat and hot water to drink, so what are you waiting for? Take the time to eat. If it's late, you won't even be able to lick the pot. "


It is true that these German soldiers, who had been without food for several days and were constantly eating every day, could not resist the temptation of a hot meal. Even if they knew it was a prisoner of war camp, they would go there happily. It was better than It is better to continue to be deceived by Nazis and lead you to a dead end.

Recalling these things that happened before dark, these were reported by the various siege teams below, such as "sudden surrender incidents" that were different but similar.

Lavrinenko, who was quite emotional, smiled and shook his head. There was indeed unconcealable joy and admiration in his words when he spoke to Malashenko again.

"Your method is better. Those nazis have lost all their basic organizational skills and grassroots control. Your plan is implemented at the right time. If you push it to the city center now, we can save money." Too much effort, ha!”

After stirring the last bite of rice with the spoon in the lunch box, Malashenko put his mouth down and casually licked it. He was also full of expectations for what was about to happen next.

"The Capitol, this is our next target!"

"Take it and let the leader's name be remembered forever! The story of the red hero slaying the evil dragon with his sword will surely go down in history!"

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