Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2838 Berlin Street Racing Race (Part 2)

The four troop transport trucks that were smashed and crushed by IS7 were skewered with candied haws on the spot, or it could be said to be an "integrated Teppanyaki" that was stir-fried and extruded on an iron plate.

The final fate of the four troop transport trucks was that they were knocked to pieces by the three IS7s that were rushing towards them, and the wreckage was pushed forward. With the structural resistance completely destroyed, the tracks were finally rolled crazily. Crushed into iron sheets.

The IS7 here successfully opened up a path to move forward, and the infantry fighting vehicles that followed behind them, who were still firing wildly, did not pause at all, and ran forward at full speed at the fastest speed.

Thanks also to the fact that the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle is modified from the chassis of the new generation T43 medium tank. As a medium tank, it has a high power-to-weight ratio. The tank turret was removed and replaced with a small, lightly armored infantry fighting vehicle. After the vehicle turret, the weight can be further reduced.

Therefore, even these high-speed BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles are now equipped with a full set of external modular additional armor and are fully armed. However, its traveling speed on paved roads in urban areas can still keep up with the outrageously fast IS7 heavy tank, and it is fully capable of advancing at the same speed without falling behind.

If you look down from a high-altitude aerial photography perspective, the entire armored column now looks like a long steel dragon spitting fire, rolling wildly on the ruined and devastated streets on both sides.

Seeing that the four troop truck roadblocks smashed out by "spending a lot of money" actually had no effect at all in front of those Russian steel monsters. It was like the way four ignorant strollers got together and failed to block a speeding dump truck. It was funny, stupid and extremely ironic.

In desperation, the German paratroopers became even more aggressive and immediately took a desperate stance. They could not be more concerned about stopping you first.

"Russians, down below! On the road! Fire at them! Quick!"

"But! This is indoors, and we are still shooting from a high position. The wake will blow us all away!"

"Then fly! You won't necessarily die if you fly out, but if you don't do anything, you'll just wait to die! Fire! I want you to fire immediately!"


The forced German anti-tank pilots had no choice but to forcibly lift the "Tank Killer" 88mm rocket launcher on their shoulders, place it on the windowsill, and hold it steady. This new, later-improved "infantry cannon" has stronger power, higher armor penetration depth, larger types of rockets, stronger charges, and longer range.

And now it is still condescending and has excellent shooting range. The Russian convoy passed downstairs at a close distance. If this kind of actual shooting is easier than target shooting, it will only be a failure.

The German anti-tank pilot, who was holding his breath and praying that he would not be blown out of the window, completed his aim. The bazooka sight set on the window sill and aimed downwards was now completely aligned with the target - the "Stalin's Magic Monster Vehicle" that would vomit infantry from its stomach. ".

"God, bless me"


call out--

The violently spraying huge tail flame instantly surged out from the tail of the rocket launcher, and the powerful impact shot out of the tube diagonally and hit the indoor ceiling directly. The floor that was originally bombarded by the Red Army field artillery group was so shaken that it was full of cracks. Debris flew everywhere, and cement slag fell like rain. At this time, even if it was said that the ceiling would collapse in the next second. It will feel overly exaggerated.

But the more powerful destructive force must be directly in front of the rocket launcher tube, not the wake shock wave. The 88mm armor-piercing rocket dragged downwards with an orange-red tail flame, and finally hit the target accurately.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh——

"Damn Sokka! Got hit!"

"Suka! Suka Suka Suka!!! What's coming in, that thing is spitting fire!!!"

"Shut up, shut the fuck up!!! Stop it now—"

"Wait a minute, the fire is out! That thing won't spray anymore."

This extremely terrifying and unbelievable scene only happened in the blink of an eye, which is difficult for human thinking and consciousness to react to.

The roaring 88mm armor-piercing rocket indeed hit the bullseye at an extremely close distance and hit the target.

It's just that there was no explosion. This was the only "accident" that was not expected.

The rockets coming from diagonally above accurately hit the dome on the top of the turret of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle, which was fragile and did not have additional armor protection.

How could the lightweight turret, which was inherently fragile, be able to withstand such a powerful and heavy blow that hit the "weakest of the weaknesses" and the ridiculously fragile Tianling Gai. To be honest, this part of the BMP43 is so brittle that it cannot even defend against 62mm steel core armor-piercing bullets, so it is no surprise that the 88mm rocket penetrated the armor on the spot, which is the only possible result.

It's not surprising that it was penetrated. What's really surprising is that this rocket did not rely on metal jets to break through the armor. Instead, when the warhead fuze failed to trigger, it relied on smashing to forcefully smash through the turret dome with kinetic energy and pour it into the armor. inside the car.

The continuously running rocket engine continued to run wildly and spit fire from its butt until the moment the rocket with the failed fuse penetrated into the car.

The huge cloud of smoke and dazzling firelight created huge chaos in the already turbid air and small space in the car.

The soldiers who were screaming couldn't see clearly what was going on. They only remembered that in the last second before the smoke filled the car and completely blocked their vision, there was an unknown thing with a fire-breathing butt that penetrated the armor and scored. He entered the car and headed towards the position of the commander and gunner.

Just when the squad leader had decided to order the car to stop, no matter what, evacuate the people out of the car first, so as not to blow up the whole car and kill all the people in the car.

The order that was barely spoken was interrupted by a sharp-eyed soldier on the spot and stopped abruptly.

That thing that produced huge smoke and sprayed fire from its butt, somehow, it turned off on its own without anyone paying attention or banging it.

The soldier closest to the "incident scene" ignored the huge risks and completely ignored his personal safety. He only wanted to quickly pick up the potentially explosive thing and throw it out of the car.

But the scene he saw with his own eyes through the smoke immediately shocked him and left him speechless.

"The commander died, the comrade commander died!"


"how come"

At this moment, it's right in front of you.

Because the launch distance was too close, the 88mm rocket hit the armor plate and penetrated the armor with its propulsive kinetic energy before it even reached the safe distance to release the fuse.

Not only did it not explode because the fuse was not deactivated, it also killed the commander of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle who was on the path of its trajectory.

His chest was shattered by an unexploded rocket, and his entire upper body was almost broken into two pieces. Only his ribs were left barely connected to his muscles. It was really unbearable to look at.

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