Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2852 Let the blood dye the river red (Part 2)

It's like a game of hammer and mole, and the apartment building where Sulovchenko lives is itself the game machine.

The German tank playing the role of a hammer thought it had hit the mole with a hammer. In order to prevent the mole from dying and resurrecting, it fired a shot, completely blowing up the entire firepower point.

However, the corridors and stairways extending in all directions in the building are like mole tunnels. Sulovechenko, who made good use of this, and other combat engineers who also guarded the building, took advantage of the enemy's The tank mistakenly believed that it had "got the target".

In the most unexpected direction and place, someone appears from the window and attacks suddenly.

The explosive barrage like a torrential rain directly hit the SS infantrymen who were crossing the bridge with bruises, bruises, and swollen heads.




Screams and "plop-plop-plop" sounds like dumplings falling from the pontoon into the river were heard one after another.

The SS infantrymen who originally thought this was an opportunity gathered a large number of people and wanted to cross the bridge quickly. In fact, it cannot be said that they thought they were wrong. It's just that the "thinking" that actually happened did not develop in the direction of what they "thought they thought".

It is true that the Russian firepower was destroyed.

But the people in the firepower point have moved. This has nothing to do with whether the firepower point has been destroyed. There is no conflict between the two together.

The point of firepower is that a solid position cannot move, but a person with two legs can move.

Contact requires giving full play to people's subjective initiative. After all, the principle of moving dead people and moving dead people is applicable everywhere.

Some SS soldiers did not understand this truth, so they were fed a meal of fried raw meat with home-produced 92 mm peanuts, and then fell into the river involuntarily, which was the outcome they had to face.

The corpses of the SS soldiers who were beaten to death and fell into the water floated on the river. The bright red warm blood soon dyed the flowing river water around the pontoon scarlet in this spring season.

Spring is the season of resurrection of life, and the colors of life are floating in the river. And the SS infantrymen who failed one after another continued to struggle and continue to devote their precious and non-renewable lives to the river.


"Charge! Cover fire!"

Da da da da da——



The tank gun was aimed directly at the blown-up building. After one shot, the smoke and dust from the explosion had not dissipated and they rushed forward. Halfway through the rush, he was struck again by a mole. The Russians suddenly appeared from a window in the building and were swept away by a burst of black gunfire. With heart-rending screams, they fell into the river, completing their "attack on the river". Sacrifice”.

"These Russian guys are extraordinary! It's like they have set up a trap for us. They may have fallen into a trap!"

"It doesn't seem like it! It's for sure! These bastards from the National Defense Force deliberately asked us to deal with something they can't handle. They are afraid of dying and letting us die!"

"Then what should we do!? Should we fight or not?"

The SS leader who led the attack could only be said to be in dire straits. Several rounds of attempts to forcibly cross the bridge failed, and half of the company was folded in without even sending a single person across. And this is just a ferry on our side. We don't know what the situation is like on the other side of the Moltke Bridge and the other pontoon bridge, but judging from the current situation, it probably won't be too good.

There was no reason for the Russians to occupy only one apartment building. Everyone knew that the apartment buildings on the bridgehead were twin buildings.

If such a good defensive building is not properly used, then there is really something wrong with the Russians' brains. On the other hand, such a stupid opponent has no chance of defeating itself to what it is now.

This is simply not something that ordinary Russians can do. Those in the shabby building opposite are the elite Russians!

"Damn! How did those idiots from the Wehrmacht lose these two important buildings!? Also, how did the Russians suddenly attack so deeply!?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Keep fighting. We can't just retreat when we are here! The Russians don't have many troops, otherwise they would have taken advantage of the situation to counterattack. Increase the firepower to suppress us and--"

call out--


Bang, bang, bang——

A certain amount of capital has been lost, but the SS leader, who has no intention of withdrawing because he has not yet reaped any benefits, has not even had time to finish his words.

From behind the rows of houses on the other side of the river, a screaming shell suddenly hit everyone that was unexpected.

The powerful and heavy shells not only forcibly smashed the houses on the other side of the river, but also smashed the houses on our own side after crossing the river and continuing forward. Finally, it hit the target from an angle unimaginable to ordinary people and penetrated the armor. There was a huge explosion, followed by a series of German wails.

"Shasen! The Tiger King was hit! The Russians hit the Tiger King!!!"

Yes, it was a hit, but it was not completely hit, or it was not so accurate and effective.

The 130 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile fired into the rear armor of the vehicle body from the oblique side was so powerful that even after it penetrated the walls of two brick-concrete buildings, it still retained sufficient kinetic energy impact, enough to penetrate the Tiger King 80mm physical thickness of side armor plates.

It was the Tiger King's misfortune to be shot through two buildings by IS7 and hit a cow from across the mountain with one shot.

What was penetrated was the unmanned power compartment in the rear section of the car body, not the combat compartment in the middle section of the car body that contained personnel. This was another of the Tiger King's misfortunes.

Therefore, even if a loud explosion occurs, the warhead charge contained in the 130 mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile is quite powerful.

It even blew up the heart of King Tiger - the new upgraded 750-horsepower diesel engine - directly from the power cabin in a distorted and burning posture in one breath, rising high and falling heavily. The scene was like a meteor falling from the sky.

However, with the armor protection of the partition in the vehicle compartment from the power compartment to the combat compartment, physical means were used to isolate the fragments from damage and failed to penetrate the steel plate. Most of the chemical energy impact generated by the small-scale explosion was directly released from the heat dissipation window at the upper end of the power cabin, and followed the blown engine straight into the sky.

The principle is somewhat similar to the "homemade pressure relief valve", which can be regarded as an unexpected surprise in the upgrade and renovation project from 88 King Tiger to 105 King Tiger.

The thickened compartment grille armor was initially only fire-proof and flame-retardant. It was used to buy the crew members in the vehicle time to escape in the event of a fire in the power compartment. This time it was able to prevent a small-scale explosion in the power cabin and withstand the impact of shrapnel, but no one expected it.

"Abandon the car! Run quickly! Abandon the car quickly!!!"

Knowing that the car was scrapped, the SS armored soldiers scrambled and clamored to get out. This checkmate Tiger King, whose rear part was still burning, would soon catch fire and explode its ammunition. I didn't want to change it. It's best to get out of the sizzling grill.

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