Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2857 Bloody Massacre

"So what took you so long? It's almost dark, and I thought you would be able to get here in the afternoon.

The fierce battle lasted all day until dusk. Alsim Company, which stood firm at the ferry station and repelled one attack by the SS and four attacks by the Wehrmacht paratroopers, still maintained a high enough combat effectiveness to continue fighting.

Moreover, when the day's battle was about to come to an end, the long-awaited main reinforcements arrived.

The commander of the tank battalion leading the team was an old acquaintance of Alsim. They had fought together in several tough battles in East Prussia, and they were considered close comrades.

Therefore, Alsim, who generally didn't talk much to his acquaintances and was too lazy to do anything, didn't even have a basic greeting. He went up to chat with the battalion commander who had just gotten off the car and was making arrangements for the arrival of the troops.

The comrade commander of the tank battalion, who has the title of major, is not the kind of person who cares about minutiae and likes to show off his identity. In fact, if he was this kind of person, he wouldn't be able to make a brother like Alsim, so he turned to Alsim and replied without much thought.

"Well, there are many reasons. First of all, the enemy's resistance is very tenacious.

He casually scratched his name on the document in his hand and handed it to the messenger next to him. The battalion commander, who had clarified the matter at hand, then walked and chatted with Alsim beside him. While looking around at Alsim Company, the battlefield that had been fighting for almost a day looked like now.

"You also know that when things have come to this point, the remaining Nazis who are still fighting are basically die-hard fanatics. We don't even need to persuade them to surrender. As for them, they have already decided that their death date has already passed. Destined."

"The main problem lies at the train station. If the large forces want to penetrate the German defense area, they must capture the Berlin Main Station. But that place has a tall and solid waiting hall building, as well as intricate platforms and rails extending in all directions. , various warehouses and so on.”

"It's difficult for tanks to rush in, even from the front. The infantry has already entered the waiting hall, and we are still stuck outside. We have no choice but to take a detour and knock down the German garrison building next to it, and then Surround the train station from both sides of the railway, drive the tanks along the freight yard to the platform, and approach for support.”

"Where are the nazis stationed at the train station? They are all lunatics. Although they don't have many decent heavy weapons, the only direct-aiming artillery in the station was from the previous construction of fortifications. Who is stationed at the train station? Anyone can use it, but their fighting will is absolutely crazy.

"Those paratroopers tried their best to survive under our guns, and then used the guns in their hands to hit targets that could be killed by them, our people, soldiers of flesh and blood, those crazy Nazis Try every means to cause casualties to us."

"If we forcefully charge and fight, we will definitely fight much faster, but whether the extra casualties are worth it is another question. So I used my advantage in the fight and blew up all the targets that could be blown up. In the end, almost half of the roof of the waiting hall was destroyed by TOS-1.”

"After solving this main problem, we cleaned up the remaining nazis along the street, and then we drove towards you guys with all the accelerator. And um, didn't you fight well? Comrade Division Commander said that he believed it You must be able to complete the task, and you have accomplished it.”


Alsim looked a little surprised when he heard what Comrade Battalion Commander said.

"Wait a minute, you said Comrade Commander believes that I can complete the mission? Why haven't I heard this? Where did you hear it?"


Before Alsim finished speaking, the battalion commander who was walking beside him laughed out loud, which made the "silly, big, black and thick" Alsim a little confused.

"Do you need to hear this in detail? Who doesn't know these days that you, Alsim, are the popular person around Comrade Division Commander, and anyone else who can often talk to Comrade Division Commander must be at least a colonel. You, a little captain, the division headquarters is like the front door of your home. If you want to see your comrade, you don’t even need to make an appointment. "

"Brother, your treatment is not available to everyone. Guess how many people envy you even though they don't have enough time to envy you. In other words, if Comrade Commander didn't trust you, you would enjoy this treatment and receive such a battle. Mission? Are you right?"


If you really want to say that, it's right if you think about it carefully. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

It was during the time that Alsim was thinking about "this statement is true" that the battalion commander comrade who was walking looked at the scene of the remains of the battlefield on the street. First he looked at the wreckage of the smashed vehicles, then at the surfaces of the two apartment buildings dotted with bullet holes and explosion craters, and finally looked down at the various blood stains and bullet casings at his feet.

It is not difficult to imagine how fierce the battles that broke out here were. Those corpses of German paratroopers that had just been processed and temporarily piled on both sides of the road were still hot. The number was only four to five hundred, if not seven or eight hundred.

Such a result, considering the extremely limited strength of the Alsim Company, can indeed be said to be "quite astonishing."

"How many Nazis have you killed? How many enemies are attacking you? I just saw that the corpses of paratroopers piled up on the side of the road are like a hill. The total adds up to at least four to five hundred. Just The number of troops killed by you is far greater than your own. It’s amazing, Comrade Alsim.”

Comrade Battalion Commander's "admiration" was sincere, and Alsim's "nonchalance" was also sincere and unadulterated.

Alsim smiled casually and answered.

"That's not all. You should go to the building to find a vantage point and look at the river and the river bank. The scene there is even more exciting than here."


While the sun has not completely set, the golden afterglow and the last trace of daytime visibility fill the land. Comrade Battalion Commander, who knew that time was not waiting for him, became interested in Alsim's words and seemed a little impatient.

"Then take me to see it and open my eyes."

"Okay, come over here."

When Comrade Alsim came to the window on the fourth floor with Alsim, he raised the telescope in his hand and scanned the scene on the river bank and on the river. The look of amazement on his face could only be said to be something that even he himself had not expected.

"Oh my god, Sukka! How many people have you killed in total? Even the entire ferry was dyed red by the Nazis."

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