Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2860 This may be our last mission

"The National Defense Forces brought guns and surrendered to us not to die. Their only desire was to live."

"Well said! Comrade Division Commander, you have grasped the key point of the problem, and it is also the key to our ability to establish a "cooperative relationship" with these fresh prisoners.

Seeing that Comrade Political Commissar said this, Comrade Chief of Staff, who was standing next to Comrade Political Commissar, also nodded quietly.

Lavrinenko felt that if he continued to hold on to this matter, it would be a bit too "concerned". Besides, he had no more constructive opinions or methods to put forward. In this case, what should he do? It's already obvious.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it, but we still have to keep an eye on the new prisoners. To be honest, even if I can catch the key to the problem, I still can't trust them. I have to guard against them and hold the dog leash in my own hands. alright."

"Of course, it's not to the point of letting them run wild. The so-called "freedom" has always come with a price."

Malashenko's "meaningful" words were brought over by Kulbalov, who also went to the prisoner of war camp to select people, and repeated them again.

Facing this Soviet tank soldier colonel who wore a prosthetic foot and walked with a slight limp, but his appearance and overall aura should not be underestimated, he walked slowly on the podium and listened to his words. That sentence contains the profound words "So-called freedom has always come at a price."

The Wehrmacht soldiers in the audience, who had just laid down their weapons during the day and took the initiative to surrender, managed to survive and eat the hot meals prepared by the Russians.

Those who were shot and wounded on the way to surrender even received necessary medical treatment, just as the Russians promised and Marshal Paulus said, and the promise was fulfilled.

After experiencing the above, these Wehrmacht soldiers began to think about how long they had been deceived in the past and how many comments and lies they had heard. At the same time, they also began to feel that maybe the Russians were not so heinous, at least as described in the Nazi propaganda machine. There is a difference in appearance.

Now I heard this tall Russian tank soldier colonel with prosthetic legs and feet say this again. He also asked for their cooperation and once again promised that this would be a "very precious opportunity to redeem himself and meritorious service."

Those who complete the task can not only regain their freedom at the right time but not too long, they do not have to continue to endure the difficult days in prisoner of war camps and labor camps, doing manual labor day after day and missing their families.

Moreover, you will also get some "appropriate rewards".

As for what the reward was, the Russian colonel named Kulbalov did not say clearly. However, he added, "Compared to your future life, this will definitely not disappoint you. It will be a huge help for you to start a new life." He emphasized.

It must be said that this sounds very tempting, especially to this group of Wehrmacht prisoners of war who have lost their own use, have not yet settled on their future life, and do not know where they will lead tomorrow.

Proper space for imagination will actually arouse people's hopes and desires even more. This is what Malashenko specially told Kulbalov before leaving.

Of course, there is no need to repeat this sentence to these fresh Wehrmacht prisoners of war.

After all, whether you can think clearly and understand some things and some truths, others can't help you, all depends on whether you have the destiny and the ability.

"The opportunity is very precious, and my waiting time is limited, fellow prisoners of the National Defense Force."

"One thing I need to remind you is that the manpower we need is limited, and you are not the only one who can get this opportunity."

"The Germans in other neighborhoods and directions who also surrendered to the Red Army during the day today, your comrades in arms, and maybe even people you know and know well, were given the same opportunity as the choice now before you."

Tick ​​tock—tick tock—tick tock—

"Do you hear that sound? It's the sound of time passing, of opportunity slipping away."

"Every time the ticking sound sounds, the limited number of places may be reduced by one. Your wife, children, parents, brothers and sisters, what is waiting for you may not be you who comes home, but someone next door who comes home. They can only I envy the reunion of my family, and then wipe my tears and continue to write to you who are still working hard in the labor camp. Be strong.”

"You have to seize the opportunity by yourself. The first person responsible for adults is only yourself. There is no "if" in everyone's life. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in regret and trouble, now is the time to make a choice. The only choice is at any time. People wait for opportunities, rather than opportunities waiting for people. Time, patience, and quotas are all limited. "

"Me! I sign up, please let me join!"


Looking at the Wehrmacht prisoner in the audience who was originally squatting on the ground without saying a word, but now suddenly stood up suddenly, Kulbalov took a closer look and clearly saw the military insignia on his tattered military uniform.

"Very good, Mr. Lieutenant. Opportunities are reserved for those who can seize them, and you know how to cherish opportunities."

"Wait, I have one more thing!"


Kulbalov on the stage became interested, but did not interrupt or grab the right to speak on the spot.

Kulbalov knew that the Lieutenant of the Wehrmacht who suddenly jumped out from the audience and said that he wanted to seize the opportunity still had something to say, and he would probably say something "good".

"It's not just me! My brothers and I, my soldiers, we came together to surrender to you after killing the military police and the company commander during the day."

"Those Nazi fanatics with shit in their heads won't let us surrender! They want us to tie our lives to the Nazi chariot until we are smashed into pieces. My brothers and I hate these dogs. Son of a bitch, I hate these crazy lunatics who are obsessed with Nazis!"

"Emil, Zet, and Eric were all killed by their pursuers on the way here! They were obviously only one step away from surviving!"

"If I can regain my freedom and get some rewards, that's great! I'm willing to accept it, and so are my brothers. Not only can we get revenge, but we can also fight hard again! Just like you said, Mr. Colonel," The so-called freedom has always come with a price." My brothers and I are now willing to pay this price, besides"

As he spoke, the lieutenant prisoner of war suddenly grinned. The last words he blurted out were accompanied by the movements of more than a dozen or nearly twenty other prisoners who stood up at the same time behind him. Whether they were listening or watching, it seemed quite... Have momentum.

"We have been through life and death together countless times, and now it is no different than this time."

"This may be our last mission. The difference is that this mission is finally for ourselves, not for those Nazis."

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