Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2862 Please remember me

"Yes, you are right. It is indeed not what I said, and the facts are indeed not what I said. I just repeated the words that left a deep impression on me, that's all."

"Then what you said"

The squad leader next to him was stunned after hearing this. Dan was not too surprised. He had obviously guessed what the answer should be.

But before he could finish his words, he asked again, but was quietly interrupted by the lieutenant's soliloquy in the next second.

"That's what a German Communist said, and I killed him myself."

"Oh, my god!"

"Holy shit, please keep your voice down! Are you trying to kill yourself!?"

"Hush! Be quiet! If the Russians hear us, we will all be doomed."

As soon as Mr. Lieutenant said this, the "brothers" who were surrounding him were startled.

Who doesn’t know the complex and close relationship between the German republicans and the Russians, who are all their comrades.

It was the Russians who were responsible for driving and escorting the car in front, and now they are saying behind them that they have killed their comrades?

Grass! It's fine if you're pulled out of the car on the spot without saying a word and shot to death. What really kills you is to work in a labor camp until you die.

Why did everyone choose to accept this order and cooperate with the Russians? To put it bluntly, wasn't it because they were afraid of the prestigious reputation of "labor camps"? Even the Russians themselves openly admit that the "labor camp" is not a comfortable place. Use your brain to think about what good things you can get from being thrown into that place. In comparison, being shot to death is considered a relief, right?

Maybe he realized that there was something wrong with his straightforward statement just now.

It may not matter what you are like, after all, it is your own personal problem.

The first person responsible for adults is themselves. The Russian tank colonel is right when he says that the trouble comes from his own words. If it is a big deal, he only needs to take responsibility.

But the problem is, if this affects the brothers who still want to live in this car, it may not be good.

If the Russians get together and throw the whole car into a labor camp, the result will obviously be that he will have "uneasy conscience" even if he dies, indeed.

Thinking of this, the lieutenant, who did realize that he had been a little rash just now, paused for a moment. When he spoke again, although his voice had weakened a lot, he still decided to whisper the story buried deep in his heart.

"That was in 1939. At that time, my first service was almost over. I was about to retire and go home to get married. I just wanted to finish my last few days, pack my bags, get my money, and leave."

"But I didn't expect that in the penultimate week, we suddenly received a task: to shoot a group of death row prisoners."

"Damn it! When did it become our turn to do such dirty work? At that time, I was with the troops who were resting in China. In East Prussia, in addition to training, there were exercises on weekdays. Why did I suddenly receive a bloody job? "

"Only when I asked at the last time did I find out that it was our battalion commander who was so happy with his success that he took the initiative to take over the job. Because there were several special characters among the death row prisoners who were to be executed, Goebbels had already asked about them, and they would definitely be published in newspapers and magazines afterwards. It’s an internal report. If you’re lucky, it can still be seen by the head of state.”

"That idiot battalion commander thinks this is an opportunity to get his name out in front of the whole country. If he's lucky, he can even appear in front of the head of state. At worst, he can gain a lot of popularity. If he's lucky, he might become famous. The result? We are left to do the dirty work, and he is responsible for the final reputation. What a fucking bitch!"

Recalling the past events, the lieutenant is still vivid in his mind. It can be seen that Mr. Lieutenant was very "angry" about this, but when he talked about the next key person, his expression quickly returned to calmness, and there was even a hint of guilt and sadness. expression.

"A female Communist named Alyssa."

"I met her by chance. That night I was called and arranged to go to the prison to record the information about the prisoners who were to be shot the next morning, preparing to use it as newspaper material. I cursed my mother and went to the prison, feeling in my heart I thought I had offended someone and bullied me like this, and then I met her in the cell. She was only breathing and was almost beaten to death. "

"Hey, it sounds hypocritical to say it now, but I felt a little pity for her at the time. Maybe it was just because she was a girl and was beaten like that, forget it, it's not important, let's not talk about it."

"I wrote down her name, age, and other information. When I asked her what crime she had committed and whether she knew why she was shot. She answered me that she was trying to let people know what Germany is like now. He was so sick that he tried to get people to wake up and stop rushing to hell, and then he was arrested as a traitor."

"Then what next? Those words I just said, those are her exact words. The reason why I have a deep impression and can write them down is because I wrote them down by hand. Anyway, this is what my superiors asked me to do. , she said it, and I memorized it, going through every word without missing a beat.”

"After she finished speaking, I asked her if she had any last words and if she had anything to say to her family."

"I didn't expect her to answer like that. She first told me no, and then asked me if I could agree to her request. I said you can tell me, and I'll decide based on the situation."

"She actually wants me to end her life tomorrow! Let me shoot her myself during the execution!"

"I was petrified at the time and more puzzled. I had no idea why she would do this or hope this would happen."

The lieutenant, who was completely immersed in his memories and looked more and more painful as he spoke, was indeed expressing his true feelings.

If there was a lie detector at this time, science would tell you that what he said was true. Even without this machine, his comrades who had been with him day and night and fought side by side for a long time were willing to believe it and continued to listen to the next words.

"She told me that I was the only person who was willing to listen to her words while wearing Nazi uniform since she was arrested. This was the only thing she wanted to leave to the world. Every time she was asked the same question and said the same words, she was beaten up by people wearing Nazi uniforms before she finished speaking, until she met me." "Killing someone with your own hands may be very impressive, and then I can remember her last words, or prophecy. When the prophecy comes true one day, and I am still alive, I will tell these words to others, tell people not to repeat the same mistakes, continue to step into the same pit, and don't let any hometown be destroyed by the Nazis again. This is her last wish." "I thought about it for a long time, not knowing how to refuse, and finally agreed." "Because I always kill people at dawn, my name is The word ""was already written on the list of the firing squad. I really want to remember her, I don't know why, I can't explain it clearly. And if this is also her wish, it's fine, I hope her final wish can be fulfilled, just this once. "

"When the gunshots rang out, she smiled and leaned against the wall and fell down, smiling at me, that sweet smile I will never forget in my life. "

"At that moment I felt that I was the unarmed coward, and she was the brave man with the most powerful weapon. I was afraid of her, afraid of her smile, and I couldn't sleep well for a long time afterwards, until I was discharged from the army for a long time before I recovered. But I can't forget what she said, I want to live, live, and see with my own eyes whether what she said is true. "

"Now, we all understand. The death row prisoner regarded as a traitor by the Nazis predicted the truth six years ago, and we are just accomplices of the Nazis, that's all. "

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