Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2864 Leash your dog

"We will hold our ground for a while and let Krauser and his men deal with the SS. If the situation changes and there is really no other way to open fire again, our firepower and troops will not be superior. How can we not follow them?" Try to avoid those SS soldiers fighting hard.”

When the agreed time for action arrives, all lighting and warning lights in the two apartment buildings at the ferry will be extinguished one after another.

Both Alsim and Sulovechenko knew that the SS troops on the opposite side must be staring at this side, so these seemingly inconspicuous small details can only be regarded as the opening ceremony of the play, and really determine the performance of the play. Whether it's good or not depends on the next action.

"Krauser? Which one is Krause? How did you arrange it?"

Because he did not understand German, all the communication with the German prisoners who cooperated with the operation was left to Sulovchenko. The only way for Alsim to obtain relevant information was from Sulovchenko.

Upon hearing Alsim's question, Sulovechenko, who had already communicated and confirmed all the details and necessary circumstances, raised his hand and pointed.

The direction of his fingers and words were pointed directly at the Defense Force lieutenant who was cleaning and loading the STG44 assault rifle in his hand.

"That's him, Hans Krauser, lieutenant and deputy company commander. This guy is very credible. After he killed his old comrade and partnered company commander, he came over with a group of people who were devoted to him and surrendered. of."

"The authenticity of this situation has been confirmed. The comrade in charge of the interrogation interrogated these people separately and asked many different details. They all matched the numbers. There was no possibility of collusion, so he killed those who refused to surrender. It’s true that he came here. If you think about it from another perspective, it’s considered a certificate of recognition.”


Alsim, who did not answer directly, stared at the Lieutenant of the Defense Forces who was playing with weapons.

Let these guys who were enemies of us 24 hours ago pick up weapons and arm themselves again in front of you, and later cooperate with you to go on missions. See this scene with your own eyes in Alsim No matter how much you come, it's a little weird.

"Because he killed his own people and superiors, so you trust him because of that?"

"No, just"

Sulovechenko, who was also checking the magazine in his hand, smiled, then inserted the full magazine into the receiver, while maintaining a smile and speaking quietly.

"But after what he and his men did, killing the military police and the company commander, it would be impossible for the Nazis to tolerate them anymore. Since there are stray dogs who are homeless, why don't we give them to them?" How about they tie it up, feed it, and use it for a while?”

"is that so?"


He raised his hand and pulled the charging handle to push the bullet into the gun chamber. Alsim, who was sitting on the side of the infantry fighting vehicle, immediately jumped off. While making final preparations, he did not forget to ask Sulovechenko. Final reminder and exhortation.

"Then you have to hold the dog's leash tightly. If you are bitten, don't come to me, and don't blame me for killing your dog."


Having said that, what else can Sulovechenko say? I could only smile and nod to show that I understood.

"Our comrade company commander seems to be very unwilling to cooperate with the Germans, huh?"

The old squad leader who had a very good relationship with Sulovchenko and who had been transferred from the same position took the initiative to speak.

Looking at Alsim's leaving back, Sulovchenko, who has become more and more familiar with his partner, feels that there is nothing unacceptable about such a thing, but it is just reasonable.

"Normally, in his eyes, dogs can be domesticated and relied on. As for wolves? In his own words, you don't know when they will suddenly come back to bite you. Wild things are very wild. "

No matter Alsim likes it or not, believes it or not, there is only one way at the moment and there is no other choice.

So when Alsim, who was wearing a Wehrmacht uniform stripped from a corpse, led his brothers who were also wearing Wehrmacht uniforms to line up and prepare to set off, the leader of the team in front of these "fake Germans" was It's those "real Krauts".

"We don't use our own good guns, but we have to use the German guy's shabby fire sticks. What kind of soka stuff is this?"

Compared with their own AK44, Alsim's group of rough and wild veterans really don't like the German STG44, which is inferior to AK in all aspects.

But you have no choice but to use this thing now.

How else? Do you use MP40? That stupid thing is worse than STG44.

If a group of Wehrmacht soldiers were crossing the river with AKs in their hands, it would be strange if they were not suspicious of the group of SS scum on the other side who were so suspicious that they were suffering from persecution paranoia.

"Just be patient. If things go well, you may not be able to use the gun. I hope I can fool these SS bastards."

"Okay, everyone, shut up and let's go."

The "real Kraut" team led by Sulovechenko walked in front, followed closely by the "fake Kraut" team led by Alsim.

In the dark night, such a team of about a hundred people walked towards the river bank. At first glance, they looked no different, and could even be said to be completely the same.

Same equipment, same military uniform, same skin color.

As long as you don't open your mouth and don't reveal your secrets, then everything should go smoothly and quietly cross the river and complete the task.

Will it really be so smooth?

Alsim, who was somewhat uneasy but still calm, didn't know that Sulovechenko, who was walking in front, was also unsure.

It wasn't until they reached a dangerous position on the river bank, very close to the pontoon, that the small team that had been sneaking along all the way could stop and hide temporarily.

Sulovechenko, who was leading the team, lowered his voice and spoke quietly to the people accompanying him.

"Do you remember the connection code?"

"Of course, Erica and Izasa. The party requesting to cross the river calls Erica, and the other party responding to the crossing calls Izasa. First, use three long and two short hand lights and then give the secret signal. All officers above the company level know it."


He rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the time on his watch, only to find that there was less than one minute left.

Sulovechenko, who still felt a little uneasy for some reason, then spoke again.

"Then have you ever used this code?"

The lieutenant who was called Krause was stunned when he heard this.

"This has really never been used. According to regulations, this is a backup. We couldn't use it when the bridgeheads on both sides were in our hands before. Just cross the river on time according to the timetable and schedule. Only in emergencies This set of codes will only be used next time, so..."


The sound of the last two warning lights going off behind him had already been heard. This was the signal for the action to begin. Knowing that he had no time to wait or hesitate, Sulovechenko could only bite the bullet and go ahead.

"No matter, let's just go ahead and start!"

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