Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2866 Storm Commando

There were not only voices in the darkness with its back to the moonlight, but also a figure gradually emerging from the shadows and slowly walking out.

"But I heard that you are all dead, and the rest are either running around like rats in the sewers, or they were captured by the Russians and taken to the prisoner of war camp as pigs. What? You behaved well and were released early by the Russians?"

Being able to beep and criticize in such a dangerous position on the border of the actual control line between the two armies, instead of being busy doing business and then moving to a safe area.

Generally speaking, such a person has only two identities: fool or madman.

Sulovechenko, who stared closely at the SS lieutenant in front of him, felt that it shouldn't be the former. Even if he was lenient, he couldn't be considered to be the former. So the ideal and only answer was already obvious.

"Stress test and then humiliate, I said, is this how the elites of the SS treat friendly forces? We should work together when the enemy is facing us."

"Work together? Ha."

The SS lieutenant had a strange expression on his face with a look of disdain and sneer on his face. It was unclear what was going on in this guy's brain. However, the words that followed were even more unexpected.

"Go over there, someone is waiting for you. Keep your hands and feet clean and be honest. After you pass me, there will only be bullets and bayonets left to remind you a second time.

"Aren't you going to check your identity or something? Are you just going to let us pass?"

Although there was no instruction from Sulovchenko, and such words were not within the scope of the terms that had been communicated and confirmed in advance, Krauser, who always felt that something was not quite right, still felt that something was not right with Sulovchenko. In the case of subject communication, you can make your own decisions.

After all, I just want to communicate and reconcile, but I don’t have that chance now, right?

"You can go through with it if you don't want to go through it. If you don't want to go through it, get out now. I am not a primary school class here. I am not responsible for answering questions. If you pass by, someone will talk nonsense to you."


I did have an acquaintance with the SS lieutenant in front of me, but I didn't know him well, and I didn't know that this man turned out to be such an unpredictable weirdo.

Krauser, who was criticized as soon as he spoke to this guy, finally figured it out. This bastard truly despised the Wehrmacht and was a typical die-hard member of the SS. It would be a waste to criticize this guy any more. time.

Krauser, who was not planning to do any more useless work, did not continue to talk nonsense. He turned around and nodded to Sulovechenko and his group who had just arrived behind him. This group of people were wearing dirty and rotten clothes stained with blood and dirt. Armed personnel in National Defense Force uniforms began to cross the bridge quickly and orderly.

"Look, they are still carrying the wounded. The hypocrisy of these cowards of the Wehrmacht always makes me sick.

"Isn't it? When they surrendered to the Russians in droves, they never thought that this would be an insult to the sacrificed people. Now they are still pretending to carry the wounded. They are just a bunch of selfish, hypocritical hypocrites. "

"Russian pigs are not professional enough. Why didn't they kill all these cowards?"


The whispers, laughter and curses of the SS soldiers hiding in the secret posts seemed so harsh and sharp in the silent night. Even Sulovechenko, who was temporarily acting as a fake, accidentally heard it and thought, "Fuck there are more." This issue?".

"Is your relationship with the SS so bad? These lunatics dare to point their fingers at you now? Are you willing to be humiliated like this and not react at all?"

Sulovechenko lowered his voice and asked three questions quickly as soon as he opened his mouth. Even after hearing the fluent German spoken several times, Krauser was quite impressed. It is indeed quite powerful and rare.

"Times have changed, brother. Since the eve of the Battle of Berlin, the situation has been stronger than others."

"The Führer is like a wild beast trapped in a cage without a master. He feels that all the Wehrmacht generals around him are lying to him. Sometimes even Himmler questions it. Relatively speaking, he only trusts those parties who are loyal to him. The elite troops of the Guards. This kind of thing has long been an open secret, even a little lieutenant like me knows it.”

"So since the Battle of Berlin, we have tried our best not to provoke these beasts, because they will not only bar their teeth and bark at you, but they may even bite you, and even if they bite you to death, you will be killed. There is no reason to argue. Is it necessary for a person to compete with a dog? The answer is obvious."


Speaking of which, this is the first time that Sulovechenko has been called "brother" by Krauser. I can’t say that I have any objections or dislikes, but it’s just that, maybe I’m not used to it, and I always feel a little weird.

"Okay, let's end the small talk. The real owner we want to see should be in front of us, waiting for us. Just leave it to me as usual and I will deal with him."

Following Krauser's words, Sulovechenko saw only a tall and lanky SS officer with a haggard face, standing there like a skeleton, who was blocking the way. On the road ahead, wait for your group.

"Who is this guy? Do you know him?"

Sulovechenko, whose feet kept moving and continued to move forward, asked questions almost subconsciously.

"I don't know, I've never heard of him. Look at that man's rank. He's the SS First Class Assault Squadron Leader, which is equivalent to a lieutenant colonel. How could he be friends with a little fish like me?"

"Then you'd better be careful. This guy looks hard to deal with, just like the gas chamber leader in the concentration camp."

"Oh, I see."

I have to say that Sulovechenko's ability to recognize people is quite accurate.

Our group had just stepped onto the river bank and stood in the open space. They saw the SS lieutenant colonel with a haggard face and a tall and thin figure who looked like a living skeleton. He waved his hand directly, and a group of SS commandos standing behind him immediately stood ready. They rushed forward in unison, quickly formed their formation, and surrounded Sulovechenko and his party of defense forces in the middle.

"Shasen is a Stormtrooper."

"What's the storm? That thing about World War I? Is this a Renaissance?"

"I don't have time to explain. Just say a few words. You'll know after you take a look."


Of course Sulovechenko, who had a serious academic background and was relatively well-informed, knew that during World War I, the Germans created something called "Storm Troops." This group of people stood tall and shot Maxim machine guns, armed with the latest submachine guns. They were once very ferocious during the trench warfare era and could be called the youthful version of the Aryan supermen.

Now hearing that Krauser actually called the group of SS soldiers in front of him "Storm Troops" again, Sulovechenko was somewhat surprised and at the same time became interested.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. If you open your eyes and take a closer look, you will see that the dress and attire of these people really shocked Sulovechenko.

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