Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2891 Good things come in pairs

"How are the soldiers resting? The final battle is about to begin. Are you confident that you can complete the mission?"

Malashenko can predict what the answer will be, but there are some things that you have to ask even if you know clearly, even if it is just for simple pre-war mobilization and boosting morale.

"Comrade Commander, I, Alsim, and all the brothers, promise to complete all tasks assigned by superiors! Just tell me which Nazi head you want, and I promise to take the head and send it back to you!"

Before Alsim's loud words could finish, the surrounding soldiers who had been sleeping on the ground stood up one after another, spontaneously assembled, and lined up behind the company commander and on the left and right sides of Malashenko and the political commissar comrades.

Although every soldier's body was covered with stains and mud, and his face was full of exhaustion and sleepiness that had not yet subsided, Malashenko could clearly see that there was something in the eyes of everyone, including Alsim. Light. It was a firm belief in victory that transcended physical fatigue and sleepiness, and a deep desire for the next battle.

What is a good soldier? What the hell are elites? What is the elite team that a commander values ​​most?

This is, right in front of you, Alsim Company.

"As a company commander, please pay attention to the words you speak next time and take the lead in setting an example. It's "comrades" instead of "brothers." Those who don't know may think you are a bandit recruited by the leader."

As we all know, Alsim is an uneducated and rough guy, but being rough can't be used as a universal excuse. It is understandable for Comrade Political Commissar to remind him at this time because of his own job.

"Yes! Comrade Political Commissar is right, it's "comrades", not "brothers". I will definitely pay attention next time!"

"Brothers and comrades, have you heard this clearly?"

"Listen clearly! Ulla!"


Seeing that Alsim not only made his own promise, but also took all the remaining soldiers to complete the work, Malashenko, who came out to smooth things over, then reached out and patted Alsim's arm and laughed softly.

"That's right! If you quarrel with me, I can argue with you and reason with you, but you must unconditionally carry out the orders of Comrade Political Commissar. If you dare to compromise, I will punish you by cleaning the toilet! Remember this."

"Yes! Clean the toilet, remember!"


"I made a mistake. I am unconditionally executing the orders of comrade political commissar. Remember!"


The boss doesn't know what to say, so it's not surprising that he gets nervous at critical moments. Malashenko, who knows that the situation is just like this and can't blame Alsim, naturally has nothing to blame.

After briefly explaining the upcoming combat situation to Alsim and briefly shaking hands and greeting the soldiers one by one, Malashenko's brief trip to inspect the troops came to an end.

"Speaking of which, have you forgotten something?"

"Ah? Forgot something? I don't think so. What did you say it was?"

The two of them walked out of the small building and came to the street side by side. Malashenko was just about to walk towards the car when he suddenly heard such words from the political commissar next to him, which really made him confused.

"Well, it seems that you have really forgotten, so I will tell you directly that it is about Ekakina."

"Karachev came over yesterday to review me and prescribed some medicine. Before he left, he asked me to tell you. He said that Ekakina should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I heard that the war in Berlin is almost over, so Ask if you have any plans for her."

"This girl has been talking about wanting to see you and returning to the battlefield these days. Karachev has been using you as an excuse to be busy, but I guess you won't be able to deal with it tomorrow. What should you do? ?"


Malashenko, who had already opened the car door with his hands, was stunned. To be honest, he has been so busy these days that he forgot about the girl.

It would not be good to admit it directly, so I could only improvise on the spot to think of a solution. Malashenko, who had already opened the car door, immediately motioned to the political commissar to get in the car.

"Did I promise at that time that she would be ready to return to the battlefield in time for the final battle?"

"Have you forgotten all about this?"

The political commissar comrades still remembered it and seemed a little surprised. The embarrassed Malashenko quickly covered up his embarrassment.

"No, just to confirm to prevent misremembering, eh."


Comrade Political Commissar did not speak, and Malashenko continued to look out the car window with his chin upright. It was not until the car drove out for a while that he suddenly spoke as if he had figured something out.

"Remind me tomorrow morning. I'll go to the hospital to take care of this matter."

Comrade Political Commissar heard that Malashenko had not finished speaking, and additional questions followed immediately.

"Then what?"

Malashenko's background was accurately determined by the political commissar, and what happened next can only be said to be "just as expected."

"Then let Karamov take out an IS7 from the maintenance truck and prepare it for me tomorrow morning. In addition, prepare a crew and free up the commander's seat."


The surprise in Comrade Political Commissar's words was obvious. He realized that some words might not be convenient for the driver in front of him to hear, so he quietly leaned closer to Malashenko, covered his mouth and whispered into Comrade Commander's ear. said.

"You don't really have a crush on that girl, do you?"

Malashenko looked surprised.

"How could that happen? What are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? IS7 currently has no independent combat organization except for your guard company. All of them are command vehicles above the company level. You don't know that, right? Do you plan to promote her to company commander? Or maybe you will transfer her to your side as a commander? Guard? Either way, do you think someone will gossip about Comrade Commander?


Malashenko, who felt miserable in his heart, was helpless and unable to express his pain. After struggling for a while, he could only express his intention to the political commissar with a look of helplessness.

"I want to set a role model for her. Our leader has many male heroes, but don't you think there is always a lack of female heroes to promote publicity? Marshal Zhukov also mentioned this to me before. Let me draw up a list of female Heroes of the Soviet Union, and if there are none among the combatants, medical staff will also be accepted.”

"I said why I suddenly remembered this, but the other side said that this is what the leader comrades want. The leader's division should be a force that shows that female Soviet heroes can also protect the homeland and the country. This is the need for internal propaganda, so it is political There is no room for maneuver in the task. Fortunately, it is not too urgent, but I have to keep paying attention until I find that Ekakina is actually a good fit."


Others may not understand what "political mission" means, but it is impossible for Comrade Political Commissar to understand, or Malashenko will understand what is going on as soon as he says it.

"So it would be more troublesome if the newly minted female Soviet hero died, right?"

"You're right, so I plan to give you an IS7, as well as medals and certificates. Everything has been delivered to me now. Comrade Marshal has urgently approved it, so I thought I might as well give it out with the car tomorrow. , it just so happens that good things come in pairs.”

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