Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2900 Only the courage to lose and no courage to win

He didn't know what happened just now, nor did he know where Alsim's anger at this moment came from.

Sulovechenko, who looked confused and anxious, just saw that Alsim was in a bad state at this moment.

This "bad state" is not only on the mental level, but also on the physical level.

The areas exposed outside his clothes were full of scrapes, scratches and contusions visible to the naked eye. The most frightening part was Alsim's mouth. The blood dripping from the corners of his mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye did not look good. .

"What's wrong with you? What happened? I heard some movement here on the way here. Is there anyone else?"

During the gap between Sulovechenko's questioning, other soldiers who rushed in with him had already begun to check and alert the scene.

The soldier who searched around and quickly found a door found a door. He raised his hand and held the door handle and tried to pull it open but it didn't move. Alsim, who saw this scene out of the corner of his eye, just whispered in a deep voice.

"That bastard got away"

"Run away? What!? What did you mean you ran away?"

"Nah, some SS scumbag, he's been waiting for me in this damn place, waiting to fight me and—"


Alsim looked down at the "clearance gift" in his hand, then casually displayed it in front of Sulovechenko and said.

"This bastard killed my former deputy, your predecessor in this position, and several of my brothers."

"I swear I will avenge this, and I will cut that bitch alive with my own hands!"

Alsim has always remembered that thing, the weapon that was deliberately inserted between the eyebrows of his last company officer, and the murder weapon in the heads of all the soldiers who were killed in the attack, or some kind of ritual props - there is an inscription on the blade. The pure symbol of the dagger.

Alsim has always felt that the scene at that time could not be a coincidence, or that it was caused without a strong purpose.

Malashenko once said that the scene, which looked like some kind of bloody ritual, was probably specially reserved for Alsim to watch.

Alsim, who was not sure whether this was the truth, but could not rule out the possibility, had been thinking about it ever since. At least he had never forgotten what the dagger looked like, and he used it as an important clue. Find the truth on your own terms.

What Alsim didn't expect was that the facts that seemed to be true now were indeed correct for the division commander.

That's right, now it seems that not only was the ceremony specially for Alsim, but even the real culprit behind all the evil things was specifically for Alsim.

So the dagger is just a medium, a carrier to convey truth information.

For Alsim, the real "clearance reward" is knowing who the real culprit behind the scenes he is looking for is. The target of the blood feud has now appeared and was finally found by him.

As for what the other party's purpose was, why he wanted to tell him the truth, and what kind of conspiracy he was planning next.

This was not Alsim's concern, neither interesting nor important.

Alsim only knew that he had never wanted to kill a person as much as he did now, and that he had to cut off the bitch's head with his own hands, and then take out the bitch's intestines and use them as ropes to tie its head to an electric pole. Dried meat.

"You are covered with injuries. Don't worry about anything else. I'll take you down to rest. You can take good care of yourself first."


Sulovechenko, who cared about Alsim's physical condition but didn't notice his expression. He was only thinking about getting Alsim out of this damn place as soon as he raised his hand and grabbed Alsim's arm. Send it over your shoulders.

But he didn't expect that his kind move would be pushed away by Alsim who didn't know what was wrong.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs. I have some accounts to settle with that bastard and I have to do it myself."

Not to mention the injuries all over his body, Alsim, who was even staggering when he stood up or took two steps, was obviously trying to hold on, because he didn't want to expose his fragile side to anyone, even his comrades.

Others don't know what Alsim has been through these days, but Sulovechenko, who has fought side by side, knows it all too well.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Is this the time for you to act stubborn?! You fucking Sukka is the company commander! You are the company commander first, and then a soldier! Even soldiers know that they can't do whatever they want. What are you doing? You must obey orders and abide by your duties!”

Having just suffered an unprecedented defeat and felt great humiliation, and now being reprimanded by his deputy in front of so many brothers, Alsim, who is unhappy and holding back his anger, will completely predict how he will react. of.

"Who the hell are you? Is it your turn to order me? Get out of here!"


Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, Sulovechenko didn't waste any time. Without saying a word, he launched a grappling technique and struck decisively. When Alsim had no reaction at all to parry, let alone any counterattack, the straight ball hit him just as he stood up. Soon Alsim fell to the ground again.

"Look at what you have become now! You can't even catch me these two times. Is this the reaction and appearance you should have when you are in your prime? I think your mind is really muddled! Wake up for me!"

He grabbed Alsim's throat without depriving him of oxygen and pinned him firmly to the ground.

Sulovchenko, who was eager to get Alsim to wake up, had to use some unusual means. Otherwise, who knows what stupid things this lunatic bastard would do next.

"I don't know how powerful the enemy is that defeated you. I only know that if you can't even pass my level, then the only way you can defeat such an opponent is to die! Then the job of avenging you will fall to me. On my body!"

"If you want to entrust everything to me, then say your last words now! I'm listening! You coward who only has the guts to lose but not the guts to win!"


Do you only have the guts to lose and not the guts to win?

It's like having a high fever of 40 degrees and suddenly being showered from head to toe by a bucket of zero-degree ice water mixed with ice particles.

Alsim, who had never thought about winning or losing, but only thought about killing that bastard, fell silent and calmed down. Before Sulovechenko could curse him, he began to think about what he would be able to do if he rushed over now. Can't win.

Looking at Alsimna, it was like a mad bull that had been sedated and began to calm down.

Knowing that his words had an effect, Sulovechenko stopped moving and gradually let go of his hand. He stood up and stood in front of Alsim, who was still lying on the ground, and spoke quietly.

"You can get revenge if you win, but you will die if you lose. I think you know this better than me. So what you need to figure out most now is not how to kill your enemy alive quickly, but what to do to increase your chances of winning. , think about it!”

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