Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2903 The entire army was wiped out

Finally, the opera house was taken.

After being assembled at the bridgehead, the two siege detachments of the "Shilka" and "Amur" came quickly to replace the two siege detachments, and combined their forces to launch an all-out attack; in addition, they pushed the position forward to the Berlin train station. Inside, the deployed assault artillery unit of the leader division blasted with all its strength.

Finally, we need to count the great assistance and close support from the Red Army aviation fighter and attack aircraft units that broke in at low altitude from the gap in the zoo's air defense tower ruins.

The joint air-ground attack operation that started just after lunch continued until the evening. The opera house, which was riddled with holes amidst the roar of artillery fire and the entire building was smoking, was finally completely captured.

So far, it must be said that smashing the zoo's air defense tower was a very successful operation.

The "Unyielding Tower", which was blown up to the sky by the Nazis and embodied the Nazi will, not only severely hit all the German city defenses in Berlin, whether it was the Wehrmacht or the SS. The morale of the troops caused a serious political disaster to the Nazi regime, which was already in turmoil and was about to collapse.

On a military level, the collapse of the zoo's air defense tower also meant the complete collapse of the "air defense triangle" in Berlin's core area.

In the past, the airtight air defense circle that carried out heavy bombing from above and attacked high-speed fighter jets from below was completely gone. The solid triangular defense posture was missing a corner and disappeared. Regardless of whether it is a British heavy bomber or a smaller Red Army tactical aircraft, they can enter the core area of ​​Berlin from this gap to conduct air strikes.

In addition, the world's first synthetic field group, the Leader's Division, which did not exist in the original history and is so powerful in the current timeline, gathers superior mobile forces of multiple arms and types of technical weapons to use land and air In a coordinated manner, they launched an all-out attack on the opera house.

In its original history, this stronghold caused a huge casualty to the Red Army. Not only was it extremely difficult to attack, and the time to capture the Capitol was hasty, the Red Army adopted a "PLAY" stronghold, which took a long time in this timeline. It was successfully captured in just one afternoon.

Small aerial bombs were used to blow up the ceiling of the opera house, creating a gap. The Red Army aviation fighter and ground attack tactical aircraft, which flew up and down dexterously, continued to blast through the gap on the top of the opera house. Round after round of large-caliber aircraft cannon fire, small aerial bombs, and even air-launched rockets were poured inside.

The roaring machine gun barrage was poured into the opera house from top to bottom, hitting the ground at a large angle of incidence and being scattered by ricocheting bullets.

Large-caliber aircraft cannon shells that could even penetrate the top armor of tanks ricocheted and hit people, leaving them with missing arms and legs and heads everywhere.

That's not all. What's even more terrifying are the aerial bombs and rockets thrown in through the gaps in the ceiling.

After the first round of air strikes was completed, I realized that the tactic of entering from the ceiling was very effective, and that explosive weapons could be extremely lethal when imploded inside large buildings.

The flexible Red Army attack aviation unit directly loaded the cluster aerial bombs originally used for anti-tank into the bomb bay of the IL-10 attack aircraft. The delay fuse was set at a fixed bombing height below the ceiling of the opera house. detonated at a high altitude.

The direct consequence of this was that in the second round of subsequent air raids, the Red Army aviation troops aimed at the large hole blown out on the top of the Opera House and dropped bombs, washing away the overwhelming rain of death with "internal bombardment and internal explosion". Shower" style, the ball landed directly on the heads of the German troops guarding the Opera House.

When the "mother bomb" reached the large hole at the top of the building, it immediately exploded near the ceiling, instantly projecting a large number of "bullets" intended for anti-tank spraying out like a shower.

These aviation armor-piercing ammunition with a 5-kg warhead charge were originally designed with anti-infantry use in mind. Therefore, they not only have shaped armor-piercing warheads but also use prefabricated fragmentation projectiles, which can explode like high-explosive grenades. It also shoots out a large number of fragments in one breath to kill unprotected soft targets.

A wave of as few as dozens, as many as hundreds or even hundreds of small bombs were thrown in, exploding in all directions inside the opera house.

What kind of impact it can have is almost predictable.

A considerable number of die-hard SS soldiers stationed in the Opera House did not die under the muzzles of the Red Army, nor did they fall under the muzzles of the Red Army's cannons. Instead, they were killed by high-explosive fragments in the overwhelming "death shower". Shred into warm meat sauce.

hide? It sounds easy, but where to hide?

The Russians' attack was from a top-down "God's perspective." Unless they hid in a hut and completely gave up on the hall, there was no way they could escape.

But how many people can fit into a cubicle hut with limited space? The SS had deployed a whole regiment of troops to defend the opera house's defense area. There must be at least one battalion guarding the main building of the opera house. With this density of troops, it would be futile to hide anywhere.

If you deploy too few troops, you won't be able to defend it. If you deploy too many, the Russians will help you reduce the density of your troops. You are in a dilemma. In this situation, you, the German, should consider your choice.

As for escaping, that's even more nonsense. The world outside is even "more terrifying" than inside the opera house.

Those monster-like Russian heavy tanks have already filled the streets around the Opera House. Russian soldiers and Russians are everywhere as far as the eye can see. Even a part of the area near King's Square has become the target of these Russian steel behemoths. Battle position.

Large-caliber machine guns and main guns were aimed at the opera house from all directions and fired continuously. Like rats in a bellows, the SS madmen, who were being bombarded from both sides and bombed inside and outside, wanted to die in the end.

Being beaten to death and smashed to pieces in one's own fighting position in various forms was considered a "death well deserved".

Until the end, the two leading division siege teams that were conducting the "finishing and corpse collection" operation, under the cover of heavy ground fire support after the air attack, rushed into the opera house, which was bombarded and smoking everywhere. hour.

A thick layer of meaty paste spreads out like a carpet underfoot, and the collapsed opera house sculpture still has the lower half of the body hanging on it. It is unknown where the upper body went; rows of seats are meant for people to relax, entertain and appreciate art. , was completely blown into wood slag and piled up everywhere. The wood slag was also mixed with meat residue, just like the mixture of wood and fresh meat that was just grinded into a meat grinder.

The remaining lunatics of the SS were still shouting and howling in resistance. The heavily armed Red Army soldiers responded to these scum with guns and cannons in their hands, and sent them to see their Nazi comrades who had just sent them and were still warm. party.

When the sun set in the evening, the one-sided meat-cutting battle came to an end with the victory of the leader's division.

In the end, due to various reasons, under various circumstances and occasions, the total number of SS prisoners captured by the leading division after the battle was only 78, including the severely wounded who were unable to move.

This also officially announced that the reinforced regiment of the SS Reich Division stationed at the Opera House was completely wiped out in its "strong position bunker" in just one afternoon.

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