Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2908 What is good equipment?

"Due to the removal of the original turret, the weight of the mechanism has been reduced a lot. At least a considerable part of the weight of the chassis dome and steering gear does not need to be considered.

"So although the armor laying area of ​​the new fighting room has increased compared to the original turret, after all, it has to accommodate the larger 203 mm cannon. However, the final total weight difference between the reduction and the increase is not Large, the comprehensive defense of the 261 engineering vehicle is still at the same level as the original IS7, and it can be used on the frontal battlefield for close attacks. "

"And because of the use of a new type of sandwich composite armor instead of traditional homogeneous steel, the proportion of the total vehicle armor tonnage can be further reduced. However, it still retains the ability to effectively defend against existing known armor, and is expected to be possible in the next stage. The emergence of stronger enemy kinetic armor-piercing and chemical armor-piercing weapons capabilities.”

"After completing all the above design demonstrations and practical applications, the final combat weight of the 261 engineering vehicle is only slightly higher than the mass-produced IS7 heavy tank, only 8 tons."

"Because it is an early prototype, some designs are not perfect yet. For example, we plan to change the gun mantlet and fighting room configuration. After running on the test track for several rounds, we found that some redundant weight can be continued to be reduced. "

"So we estimate that if the 261 engineering vehicle can eventually be approved for mass production, we are confident that its total combat weight can be reduced to less than 70 tons, while ensuring its comprehensive combat effectiveness."

"Are you satisfied? Comrade General."

This is because the new composite armor configuration proposed by Malashenko and successfully designed by the Kojing team has begun to be widely adopted.

Therefore, except for the few early IS7 prototypes in the hands of Malashenko, Lavrinenko, and Kulbalov, as well as the dozen or so IS7s in the very early pre-production batch, no new composite armor structure has been adopted. Out of shape.

The mass-produced IS7 that has actually rolled out the production line has fully adopted the new configuration of composite armor.

While ensuring the protective performance, especially greatly improving the defense against chemical energy armor-piercing weapons, it also reduced a lot of weight.

Therefore, except for the early IS7, which had less than 20 vehicles in total, the total combat weight of all the remaining mass-produced IS7s has reached 64 tons. The armor weight reduction of 6 tons has to be said to be a very remarkable achievement.

After all, the total combat weight of your tank is not entirely the weight of the armor, right? Structural weight and subsystem weight must also be considered, and they account for a large proportion. Although the armor weight accounts for a large proportion, it is not all, so being able to cut down 6 tons with one sword is really quite awesome.

In the same way, it is also because of the application of new composite armor configurations. A fully enclosed tracked armored combat vehicle like Project 261 carrying a 203 cannon and wearing heavy armor can dare to say that it can fully suppress the mass production of combat vehicles. To less than 70 tons, the abandonment of the deadweight traditional homogeneous steel armor is an unavoidable reason.

What is the outcome like for Malashenko?

Then you can tell just by looking at Comrade Ma's expression that his mouth is grinning almost to the base of his ears.

In what kind of battlefield environment can a heavy-duty synthetic field group with independent combat capabilities exert its maximum combat effectiveness? It really depends on the tonnage of the heaviest equipment possessed by this field group. The heaviest piece of equipment determines what kind of battlefield environment this synthetic cluster can fight at full strength.

Translate theory into practical operation.

At present, the heaviest equipment of the Leader Division is nothing more than the early IS7 of Malashenko, Lavrinenko, Kulbalov and others. These big guys with a total combat weight of 70 tons determine where the Leader Division can be Fight the hardest fight.

In other words, as long as the new equipment does not exceed the upper limit of 70 tons, or slightly exceeds it, but is still essentially at the same tonnage level as the IS7, the unit power-to-weight ratio and tactical mobility are also very close or even consistent. .

Then this new "big guy" does not need to lead the division organization to revise the combat outline. There is no need to adjust the battle and tactical arrangements because of this new equipment, nor will it cause any problems due to the addition of this new equipment. The horizontal combat environment of the leader division was further narrowed.

Places that I could go to before without this thing can be gone now with this thing.

As a division commander, Malashenko needs to consider the above things, not just how good the car is, how powerful the car is, how shocking and fragrant it is in front of him.

Whether a new piece of equipment will have any impact on the current combat outline and battle tactics arrangement of your army is a matter of sitting on the old horse's current position. Anyone who ignores it will be derelict in their duties and will be a fool.

From a warrior's perspective, it's incredibly delicious. Not to mention driving it out to beat people, even driving it out on the streets would probably scare the Germans enough to make them urinate.

From the perspective of a commander, its arrival does not require a lot of trouble to reinvent the wheel and revise it. Once it is obtained, it can be put into the existing system, and it can be used immediately after finding its correct position.

What is good equipment?

That’s what it’s called, and it’s that simple.

As for Shashmulin, who was asking tentative questions on the side and was not sure whether Comrade General was satisfied or not, but he was worried, the next second he heard the answer that made his heart drop.

"When you go back, I'll write a note to you. I'll just write some comments and suggestions, and then add a sentence at the end."

Before he could finish speaking, Malashenko had already started walking towards the 261 engineering vehicle which was very close at hand, while Shashmulin on the side quickly followed him, for fear of missing something, and it was not until he reached the back of the vehicle that he finally Heard Malashenko's last words.

"Whether it is for deterrence or actual combat, judging from its design results, this is what we need. This is the suggestion from Malashenko."

Malashenko put his hand on the car door that had been left by the crew who had gotten off the car and had not yet closed it. He looked around inside the car and then spoke again.

"Let's go in and have a look together? Comrade Chief, please be a good person and tell me what's going on inside?"

"Oh, okay, no problem! I'm more than happy, Comrade General."

Shashmulin, who was in ecstasy but had not yet fully recovered, entered the fighting room through the rear door of the car.

As soon as he entered, he had to lower his head and bend over to prevent his head from hitting the semi-automatic loader above his head. He then continued to walk forward for a while, until he reached the position near the breech block, and finally he was able to stand upright. waist board.

"Okay, this space is much more spacious than the original IS7. It's almost like a one-room rental house versus a three-bedroom and two-living room."

Shashmulin, who didn't understand the meaning of the second half of Comrade Commander's description, followed Malashenko a little later and ducked in, and came to the other side of the breech block and Marashenko. Shenke came face to face.

The place where the two of them are now is the respective combat positions of the main and deputy loaders.

"Yeah, by the way, I just thought of a question when I came in. How many of these things did you bring this time? Don't tell me it's just this one."

The question was not directly related to the structure of the combat room. This surprised Shashmulin, who was preparing to answer professional and technical questions, but it was not a problem that needed to be thought about for too long.

"Five vehicles in total, Comrade General."

"5 cars?"

Malashenko was immediately happy when he heard this. It can be said that he understood what Shashmulin was planning almost instantly.

"It seems that you planned to take my shortcut from the beginning and let me endorse you with a practical feedback report, right?"

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