At the other end of King's Square where the Parliament Building stands, there are the ruins of the Opera House and the starting point for the final offensive of the leading division.

Malashenko, who had not yet encountered a situation that required him to lead the team in person, had already left the car and came to the temporary field command post set up on site not far away.

It is said to be a field command post, but it is actually a semi-buried forward observation post left behind after capturing the enemy's position. The simplicity of the conditions is definitely incomparable to that of a serious division and brigade first-level headquarters. In other words, everything is simple and make do. Use it, but some use is better than no use. This is where Malashenko receives and understands the latest front-line battle reports.

"Hey, I thought I could finally show off my skills and go up to fight Na Cui. I've been holding this in for days."

"But what's the result? I didn't expect that a tank would be driven here to watch a live performance, and they would just watch without doing anything."

"Fuck! If I really knew how to fight like an infantryman, I would rush into that damn Capitol building with an AK right now and fight the Nazis! Maybe in a little while, you can still see me here with a telescope. Putting a flag on the roof, I said I am serious, this is not a joke.”

Iushkin, who was evaluated by Malashenko as "talking nonsense as soon as he goes to the battlefield", was sitting next to the No. 177 IS7 heavy tank, sitting on the ground leaning on the track pads. Like those around him, Iushkin had just gotten off the vehicle. There were several brothers who chatted with each other, not forgetting to hold a cigarette in their hands to cultivate their sentiments.

"No one questions you, why do you have to emphasize it? Is it possible that you have a guilty conscience? Huh?"

Before Iushkin could finish his words, Artyom, the "quarrel fairy" who "dealt with" everyone but "didn't deal with" with Iushkin, immediately walked over from the front of the car, holding something in his hand. He was holding the binoculars and it was obvious that he had just seen something.

"How was the fight over there?"

"Well, what can I say? It was almost a waste of time. I didn't see anything of value."

Taking the cigarette from the driver Seryosha who took the initiative to ask questions, he walked up to Iushkin and sat down. Artyom, who also leaned against the track, smoked a cigarette and began to worship the gods, immediately spoke. .

"We have now reached the building. Tanks, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, and all heavy equipment cannot get in. We can only stop at the foot of the Capitol and just watch."

"The infantrymen were charging in one wave after another, and there was an endless stream. There was a political commissar commanding and shouting slogans at the door of the Parliament Building. The comrades were so enthusiastic and morale that I wanted to go over and rush together to have a good time."

"Those lunatics guarding the building have blocked almost all the balconies and windows of the Capitol building that leak out to the outside. It is almost impossible for people outside to see what is going on inside."

"I've been looking through the telescope for a long time and haven't seen anything. Just what I just said. There's no point in continuing to look. I'm back now."


After hearing this, the brothers nodded thoughtfully one after another, but Iushkin, who finished smoking one and gave himself another, seemed to have something to say.

"Hey, don't you think this is a bit, I mean, should we do some activities or something? You know what I mean, just sitting here and watching others finish the last battle, don't you think it's a bit too regretful Right? At least we have to kill a few nuggets, right?"

What does Iushkin mean by this? If the brothers who live together day and night in the car say they don’t understand, then they can just pretend to be confused.

After all, if you want to say who is the most annoying in the No. 177 crew, then Iushkin probably thinks he is second, but no one dares to admit that he is first. It is completely obvious what he wants to do by saying this.

"I said you're almost done. Have you forgotten what happened to you last time when you took your brothers on a mission without permission? Huh?"

"Stolen the comrade division commander's car on the battlefield, huh? What a crime! It would have been enough for someone else to pull him out and shoot him. Do you think you have some connection and background with our comrade commander, so you can do whatever you want? Huh? Don’t expect me to go crazy with you this time. If you want to be a car thief again, you have to get through me first.”

As the saying goes, which pot is not opened and lifted?

Being exposed on the spot by his "mortal enemy" Artyom, Iushkin, who felt his face was burning and had no place to put his face, was inevitably a little embarrassed. Thanks to knowing that he was ashamed, Artyom had to beep a few more words under Artyom's "kind reminder" to at least save some face for himself in front of his brothers.

"Hey! You idiot, why do you always have trouble with me? Am I as unbearable as you say? Isn't this just for our brothers to leave no regrets?"

"No regrets? Yes, yes, no, who doesn't know how charming you are?"

"You're such a piss-poor kid. I know what kind of fart you're going to make as soon as you stick your ass out. I don't know you yet? If you're itching to get into trouble, don't ask your brothers to back you up. You have a tough head. , I’m not afraid that Comrade Commander will shoot you, but we still have to keep our heads to go home to our wives, don’t you think so, Seryozha?”

"Hey! You"


The driver Seryozha and the deputy loader Sergey, who were watching the show, couldn't hold it any longer. They couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on the spot.

Now, Iushkin, who was about to argue a few more words, was completely exhausted. When he thought about his quarrel carefully, it seemed that he had never defeated Artyom before. He was such a damn enemy!

"Okay, I'm looking at you, forget it."

"When it comes to gunfighting, Comrade Commander is the only person in our car who can compete with you. But if you want to quarrel, then I guess you will have to go back and learn from a master for a few more years before you can compete with Artyom."

"Exactly! You are still young and need to practice more. This is the opinion of comrades."

Seryosha offered "good words to persuade", and Artyom happily "seconded the proposal on the spot" from the sidelines.

"The baby feels wronged, but the baby doesn't say anything." Like an angry little wife, Iushkin turned his head to the side and started smoking. Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he saw a familiar figure. He was hurriedly running towards him.

"Why is it him? Why are you running back now?"

If he had any questions in his mind, it was better to speak up. Iushkin, who had no worries at all, waved his arms in greeting and spoke on the spot.

"Hey! Sasha! Where are you going? Didn't you rush into the building? Why did you come back? Is the battle over?"

The young warrior with two long legs was running very fast. From the expression on his face, it was clear that he knew Iushkin, but since there was not much time to waste, he could only Talking while running, long stories short.

"If there is an emergency, please report it later."

"Ah this"

Watching the brother let go and pass by him in a hurry, disappearing in the blink of an eye, Iushkin, who was not sure what to think about, looked at the departing figure with a confused look on his face. .

"I said, who is that person? Do you know him?"

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