Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2930 A real man never looks back at the explosion

Passing through the door at the end of the parliament hall and behind the podium, what awaits Alsim and his comrades in the unknown front are still countless Nazi minions armed to the teeth and countless battles.

"Watch out! Flamethrower!!!"

It can be foreseen that these last SS troops guarding the Capitol will definitely use all means and all weapons they can find to deal with any enemy who dares to set foot on this "Holy Land".

As the attacker, the Alsim Company had not yet had time to use flame weapons that could kill everyone. The main reason was that they were afraid of causing a fire indoors and igniting the entire Capitol building.

It wouldn't be a good idea to have another Capitol Fire replica, especially at a time like this. The Red Army soldiers in this complicated and complicated Capitol Building will either be burned to death or smoked to death and choked to death. Basically, they will have to be buried with the Nazis intact.

But these scruples belong only to the Red Army, not to the Nazis.

They don't care about "life and death" at all, or if they dare to fight the Russians here, they have already decided that they are dead. At least the vast majority of the SS soldiers in this building have this realization.

So as long as these nazis feel it is necessary and when it is time to use them, they will not hesitate to use flame weapons to destroy the enemy with all their strength. As long as the Russians can be buried with him, what does it matter if he is buried in a sea of ​​fire?

The fiery dragon is ignited from the spout and shoots straight in as a burning jet of pressurized liquid fuel.

Alsim, who had quick eyesight and quick hands and was reminded, flew sideways and temporarily hid behind a pile of messy bricks and stones on the side to take cover.

But not everyone has Alsim’s quick reactions and agility. Comrade Company Commander is undoubtedly the best in the company he leads. It is obviously impossible to expect everyone in the soldiers to have the combat effectiveness of Comrade Company Commander. Unrealistic.

On a cruel battlefield, the only outcome if the reaction speed and agility cannot keep up is death, and there will not be even the slightest difference in treatment based on whether it is the Red Army or the Nazis.


"Fire! It's on fire!!! Ahhhh!!!"

Two of the three warriors following Alsim were unable to dodge and were directly hit by the sweeping fire dragon on the spot.

The incompletely burned pressurized jet fuel was wrapped in flames, and almost in the blink of an eye, it splashed all over the bodies and faces of the two heavily armed warriors.

The two warriors who instantly became "Burning Man" suffered pain that is difficult for ordinary people to understand and imagine. Not only did they lose their combat effectiveness on the spot, they also let out heart-piercing miserable howls that echoed in their minds like a roaring train. .

After spraying a beam of flame, the SS did not seem to be in a hurry to replenish their guns and did not want to kill the enemy immediately.

Instead, he was at the corner of the stairs above, watching the two enemies covered in fire struggling, rolling, and being tortured in pain at the last moment of their lives. Alsim could even hear the ferocious sound coming from the corner of the stairs. He smiled strangely, and his "anger", which was not in a good mood, was immediately aroused from the bottom of his heart.

"These bastards!"

Alsim, who had already figured out what to do in his mind, immediately took out a rectangular object from the waistband of his trousers - a standard attachable explosive for combat engineers.

There are no fragments, just charges.

The pure power of the explosion will destroy anything within the killing range, whether it is people or objects. The power is so powerful that it can definitely blow away the group of SS scum at the corner of the stairs.

The only thing Alsim had to consider was how to throw the "brick" in his hand on top of the heads of those bastards.

That is to say, at the moment when Alsim was preparing to fight back, at the same time, he obviously saw the SS flamethrowers still alive behind the bunker, and obviously did not intend to easily let go of anyone who was within sight and range. among the goals.

Da da da da——

Bang bang bang——

"Alsim! Be careful! Get back quickly! Quick!"

Sulovchenko, who was not far behind Alsim, was clearly getting angry. The SS soldiers hiding at the corner of the stairs leading to the top occupied the commanding heights and fired various bullets from a high position. The crackling sound was like splashing water.

Restricted by the low terrain, Sulovechenko and his team could only stare blankly when they were suppressed by fire. Any attempt to rush out to rescue people now would be tantamount to hitting bullets, and the only outcome would be to forcefully break through the automatic fire blockade. Just beaten into corpses.

But even so, seeing Alsim in a dilemma, Sulovechenko couldn't care so much anymore. Even if the probability was small and there was a risk of getting himself involved, he had to save him quickly.

If he continued like this, apart from watching Alsim become a charred corpse, or being shot randomly and turned into a hornet's nest and died suddenly on the spot, Sulovechenko felt that there would be no third possibility.

That is, at the moment when Sulovechenko was about to lift his legs and rush out, the soles of his feet had not even had time to leave the ground.

The SS flamethrower, who was moving down the stairs with a flamethrower under the cover of his accomplices, once again pulled the trigger towards the bunker where Alsim was, and the violent tongues of flames immediately rushed towards the target like a beast breaking free from its cage. Sulovechenko rushed forward and saw all this with his own eyes. His eyes suddenly went dark.

"Don't look so damn sad! I won't be able to give birth to anyone who can kill me, I'm telling you!"

These were the words Alsim himself said, but only after waiting for a moment.

And now, as the violent tongues of fire raged, Alsim, who was determined to take the gamble no matter what, had already jumped out.

The pressurized fuel sprayed on the gravel pile splashed out burning fire rain. The rising flames were like hitting a wall of air. They were lifted up by the powerful impact and directly formed. A wall of fire.

Maybe the company commander was crazy, at least in the eyes of Sulovechenko, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, this should be the case.

I saw that Alsim actually used the wall of fire that had not dissipated as a "bunker". Before the group of SS soldiers whose vision was temporarily blocked could react, he had already stepped out and held the tightly held in his hand. The "brick" that sounded the fuse was thrown away towards the location in memory.

"Get down! Get down!!!"

Alsim, who could throw explosives fast enough and run even faster, followed the principle of "a real man never looks back at the explosion" and just ran away.

Taking advantage of the last chance before the rising flames fell and the engineer explosives were detonated, he rushed into the bunker where Sulovchenko and his party were with a running swoop, waiting for the explosion.


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