Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2933 Bullets and Books (Part 2)


Alsim's heart was tense, and he intuitively sensed that danger was coming, and what happened next was indeed as expected.


An M24 grenade with white smoke was thrown to his feet, hit the toe of his shoes and fell to the ground.

Alsim, who was trembling all over on the spot, couldn't tell that this thing was definitely not thrown by mistake, but that it was absolutely aimed at me.

No one would see a smoking grenade fall under their feet and not run away, and the same was true for Alsim.

No matter how dangerous it was outside the bunker, he had to make a desperate move. Alsim stood up like a loaded spring and rushed out of the bunker with a flying dive. Before he could even land on the ground, he felt the grenade explode behind him.

During the crash, he felt that not only were the seeds in his head buzzing, but his body was also flying out like a rag doll thrown out by a naughty boy.

"Bah! Damn it!"

Alsim, who reacted quickly enough and had the plate armor on his back to resist the fragments, was lucky. Although the seeds in his head were buzzing from the shock, and the tendons all over his body were like deflated rubber balls, it would take a moment and a half. I feel a lot weaker when I don't have enough energy.

But at least the parts on his body were fine and didn't bleed. What kind of bicycle would it be for someone who had a grenade thrown in his face? This was already a blessing among misfortunes. Alsim, who didn't even have time to rejoice, immediately struggled to get up, stumbled and hid behind a pile of debris nearby, and clung to his life for the time being.

On the other side, in the shadows not far away, somewhere invisible in the melee, the arrogant shouts continued.

"Your skills are good, but that's the medal I gave you! Why didn't you accept it? You failed to live up to my good intentions."


Alsim couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to scold her on the spot, but as he spoke, he suddenly realized that this brat was luring him into a trap, and if he yelled like this again, his mother would be exposed again. Who knows, this bastard's grenade will be thrown into his face from nowhere later.

In fact, by this time, Alsim, who was panting and catching his breath with his back against the debris pile bunker, could already understand to a large extent Heisenberg's previous perverted yelling, which was not just a random yelling. .

The pervert was right, the Capitol was his hunting ground, their naughty territory.

I am naturally suppressed and do not have an advantage here. The tanks and artillery outside the building that I can rely on in a field environment are of no use in this damn place right now.

Our own advantages are infinitely offset, while the enemy's advantages of playing at home, being familiar with the terrain, and being able to set up defenses and ambush first as a defender are infinitely amplified.

This was destined to be a tough battle involving huge bloodshed and sacrifices. Alsim was mentally prepared and had no intention of shrinking from the scene. Feeling that his energy was almost coming, he took a look around the surroundings and spotted the nearest place. The debris pile bunker immediately stood up and began to move.

Da da da da——

Halfway through the change of cover, he still raised his hand and used the "African Black Uncle" shooting method without even aiming, holding up the AK and running and shooting.


An SS bastard who didn't even notice that there was anyone in this direction downstairs was holding an STG44 and firing hard at the first floor. Alsim caught him off guard and spotted the target in advance, and then he didn't even take aim. With the aim in hand, he raised his hand and ran in the direction of memory while shooting. This "African Black Uncle" shot hit him.

With a scream like a bird being beaten, he accidentally fell from the guardrail of the balcony on the second floor and landed on the top of a tattered bookshelf on the first floor, smashing it to pieces on the spot and killing him.

Probably even this scumbag himself didn't expect that his final end would be to die in a pile of books, and he didn't know whether it was better to call it irony or something else.

Alsim, who had successfully killed one person during the change of position, had just arrived at the target position, and before he could even take a breath while clinging to the bunker, the maniacal laughter and screams came again from behind a row of bookshelves not far away in his memory.

"Ah~ you are here! I found you!!!"

"Damn it again!!!"

Alsim, who had a bad premonition, immediately pulled his body in and lay down on the spot. He watched helplessly as another smoking and spinning grenade flew straight towards him, but the impact point was not where he was now. The bunker was located very close to where the shot was fired just midway.


The answer came out after an explosion, and Alsim was convinced that he had reached an accurate conclusion.

This bitch is not within visual range now, so he can see with his own eyes exactly where he is.

Instead, he can judge his general position based on the nearest gunshots coming from the general direction of where he is, and then throw mines from behind the large row of bookshelves that can obscure his movement. It is a very simple but useful trick. .

If he hadn't done this deliberately and carefully, Alsim might still be being treated like a monkey now.

Now that we know what kind of trick this guy is using and his approximate location, the next thing to do is naturally very simple.

"It's my turn, asshole!"

Da da da da da——

From behind the bunker, he was in a half-crouching and kneeling shooting posture, missing half of his body and leaning to the right. He saw Alsim raising the AK in his hand and shooting towards the row of bookshelves. The ultra-fast fully automatic fire rate fired directly. Empty the magazine, wait until the sound of the firing pin in the receiver being emptied is heard, and then retreat back to the bunker.

However, the expected screams did not come. Alsim, who was not worried, just quickly changed the ammunition with one hand and pulled the charging handle. At this time, a storm of bullets followed him. The shooting target was eight feet away from the other side.

Chug tug tug tug tut——

Crackling and jumping——

The AK's rate of fire was already fast enough, but Alsim was surprised to find that the bastard pervert had something in his hand that had a faster rate of fire than the AK he was holding.

If the rate of fire of the AK is compared to splashing water, then the sudden burst of fire just now hit the bunker and scattered debris. It scratched several blood marks on Alsim's face. If it was even closer, Alsim could be killed. The rain of bullets that smashed into Mu's head was really a "storm of bullets" in the literal sense.

"I have long said that we are the same kind! You see, we are all using tactics to trick each other, and we are all anticipating each other's actions, but we all just escaped, right?"

"Oh shit."

It is hard to imagine that something like "I predicted your prediction" would happen to two people guarding the enemy at the same time on the battlefield, and they were so close to each other, almost so close that they were about to confront each other.

Alsim, who had no time to think about it, picked up the AK again without aiming it. He once again used the "African Black Uncle's Marksmanship" to raise the AK above his head and fired at the location where the bullets had just been fired in his memory.

You don't have to hit the target, but at least limit the movement of this thing. Don't run into a position that makes you more passive and fall into a worse situation.

Anyway, the position has been exposed, and Alsim, who didn't want to hide anymore, simply let go. Moreover, he did accurately capture the general direction of its location this time. It depends on what happens next. What a drama.

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