Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2935 Forced Invasion

Alsim and Heisenberg were in a stalemate.

The insidious and unscrupulous Heisenberg pinpointed Alsim's weakness of being restricted in his movement and tried his best to maximize his advantage of almost unlimited movement. The place is full of ghosts and ghosts.

Alsim can keep himself safe by his own abilities, at least he won't be killed by that unscrupulous bastard.

But the soldiers under Alsim are really not "everyone is a Slavic superman".

Realizing that he might not be able to do anything about Alsim for a while, Heisenberg didn't care how dirty his methods were or how unscrupulous his behavior was. Heisenberg changed his approach and directly changed his targets to Alsim's brothers. , those ordinary soldiers who were too busy dealing with the shooting from the commanding heights above.

Heisenberg probably felt that in front of Alsim, he was allowed to watch him slaughter his men, but he could not do anything, could not change the status quo, and had no choice but to cause psychological trauma to Alsim and The mental blow must be high but not low.

If he was lucky enough, he might be able to stir up his "kindred spirits" so much that they would rush out to fight him desperately, just to protect his subordinates.

Or maybe Alsim could hold back and let calm rather than impulsiveness prevail, but even so Heisenberg felt that he was not at a disadvantage.

Just kidding, did I kill people under your Alsim, or did I kill them in front of you, what did I lose? I'm sure to make a damn profit!

"Remember what I told you? Same kind.

Heisenberg, who had replaced the magazines of the two automatic pistols in his hands, raised his gun and prepared it, and blurted out the words with a sinister smile again.

"I said, you can't save anyone! Just like you can't save your company deputy brothers and comrade generals, you can only watch me kill all your men one by one!"

Da da da da——

Cracking, squeaking——

The reply to Heisenberg was not words but bullets. A burst of bullets directly smashed the bunker where Heisenberg was into pieces.

Knowing that his position was exposed, Heisenberg leaned against the bunker, kept a distance from Alsim and calmly raised the back of his right hand holding the pistol to his lips and let out a sharp whistle. The SS minions who consumed ammunition and fired wildly to suppress the enemy suddenly became more unscrupulous after receiving the order from the leader.

Alsim, who was originally only being stared at by two people, now had two more troubles. He was now being stared at and suppressed by four people. The continuous bullets almost shattered the stone pillar where Alsim was hiding. Hornet's nest. Let alone leaning out to fire again, it was difficult for Alsim to even move a little to change his position and ensure that he would not be hit.

Alsim, who had repeatedly exchanged blows with Heisenberg, had actually been targeted for a long time.

And that sudden whistle was just Heisenberg calling for more support for himself, nothing more.

"Are you ready? I am, so let's get on with the show!"

Da da da da da——

Da da da da da——

Another storm of bullets with extremely obvious characteristics hit. Alsim, who was firmly suppressed behind the stone pillar and could not move, almost broke his teeth, but he could only watch helplessly at the warrior not far away, being beaten by that The raging rain of bullets was suppressed behind the bunker, and even a slight leak would kill him on the spot. It was said that he could be killed at any time, but in fact it was far more than that.

"Damn it Sukar! How long do you have to keep Sulovechenko, you bastard!?"

Sulovchenko, who personally led his troops in a fierce attack and was attacking almost against the enemy's bullets, knew that Alsim's side must be very difficult now, but he didn't know that our Slavic superman had already been beaten. Comrade, it's so difficult that I started cursing my mother in my heart. Sulovechenko, who only wanted to end it all as soon as possible, was just preoccupied.

"Stop fighting! Stop! Just use the bazooka! Send those idiots to the sky!"

To say that the distance is dangerous is indeed dangerous. The narrow stairway corridor is only wide enough for three people to walk side by side. Although it is an uncapped open-air stairwell, there is still a huge risk in using a rocket-propelled grenade with a jet wake in this place. risk.

Risks are risks, damn it, Sukka can't control that much!

Instructing the soldiers to stick to both sides as much as possible, Alsim patted the RPG shooter on the shoulder to indicate that it was okay to shoot. He also did not forget to remind the two soldiers at the front of the stairs to speak loudly.

"Covering fire!!!"

Two AKs filled with bullets sprayed water automatically, regardless of the danger, they forcedly fired at the SS soldiers with machine guns on the opposite side to attract attention.

As soon as the shooter soldier carrying the RPG showed his head, he raised his hand to aim and before he could pull the trigger and fire, his life suddenly passed away in the next second.

call out--


A stray rifle bullet that came from nowhere hit the soldier's face. His head was thrown back instantly and his whole body fell backwards. The soldier's head was already beaten into a bloody mess. The RPG on his shoulders was about to die. He fell to the ground.

In desperation, Sulovechenko was completely anxious. Seeing the shooter fall, he directly stepped on it without saying a word. He caught the RPG that had fallen from his shoulder before it completely fell to the ground, and carried it on his shoulder straight up. Shoot if you want.

"Fuck you bastard!"

call out--


The 100mm super-caliber rocket-assisted anti-explosive bomb is indeed extremely powerful, and it cannot be defeated by just a few grenades.

The huge explosion not only completely destroyed the position of the SS machine gun team, but also directly knocked down two tall solid wood bookshelves nearby.

The large and heavy bookshelf made a ferocious "squeaking" sound and fell straight down. Several SS soldiers who were still leaning behind it to change magazines could not dodge. They watched the bookshelf hit their heads on the spot. Amidst the screams, he was smashed into meat patties by the large piece of solid wood furniture weighing several hundred kilograms and the gun. He died and was buried firmly in a pile of falling books.

It was almost at the same moment when Sulovechenko succeeded in breaking the deadlock with a single blow, and the RPG tube was still smoking.


There was a murmuring and crackling——

A huge explosion was heard again, accompanied by the sound of walls collapsing and bricks flying, and a wall at the end of the second-floor attic was suddenly blown open without warning.

He was leaning against the wall, holding his gun, and standing by the guardrail of the second-floor attic, pointing his gun at several SS soldiers who were attacking downstairs. He was unable to dodge, and was blown directly from the second floor to the first floor by the powerful explosion.

One of them "screamed" and fell to a position not far away from Alsim's sight. He fell to the ground half dead.

Alsim, who was not polite to these bastards, raised his hand and fired a burst of fire. The SS "flying man" whose life and death were unknown was swept away on the spot. His head was smashed, his arms were broken, and he was even wearing a board. The torso of the body armor was beaten with blood holes all over it. The rifle bullet became unstable and tumbled when it penetrated the steel plate, causing damage to the body that was almost multiplied several times.

After being beaten into such a bad state, it was obvious that he could not die any more.

Alsim, realizing that the situation had changed, did not leave the bunker immediately but subconsciously looked up.

After seeing that the entrance was blocked, they did not choose to sit still and wait for death. Instead, they took a detour and marched towards the large company troops in another room next door. At this moment, the wall blocking the road was finally blown open.

Using the signature fighting style of the combat engineers, they opened up an attack path and entered the second floor of the library directly from the next room, catching those arrogant SS scum off guard on the spot.

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