Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2937 Powerful

With one anti-explosive bomb and two pieces of engineering explosives, the last group of SS soldiers hiding behind a few stone cabinets didn't even have a chance to escape, let alone that the Russians would use such a "humane destruction" method. Weapons come to serve with great punishment.

The final result was that those large stone cabinets and a group of SS soldiers all ascended to the sky.

The powerful explosion not only shattered the stone cabinet, blew it into two pieces at the waist, and cut off more than half of it. Even the SS soldiers who were originally hiding behind the stone cabinet for cover were ejected by the huge explosion force. When he came out, the "German Flying Man" came out from behind the half stone cabinet beside him and was blown away on the spot.

Two pieces of engineer explosives plus a 100mm anti-explosive bomb are indeed extremely powerful, especially in this small and confined indoor space. The power is greatly enhanced. Even Sulovetsin did not expect that the power would be so amazing. Coe himself was quite frightened.

"Damn, this is too strong. If I had known better, I would have put less explosives."

Alsim used a piece of engineer explosives to wipe out nearly two squads of SS soldiers, and also blew up the entire stairway leading to the second floor. As you can imagine, this brick-shaped brick was specially designed to demolish building walls. How powerful are the explosives in the body?

Now Sulovechenko has "rashly" doubled the power. Oh, not to mention doubling, but also the 100 mm super-caliber explosive used as a "detonator" warhead.

The huge power of layer upon layer solved the problem in one fell swoop. The broken and collapsed stone cabinet and the pulpy meat that was smashed to death under the stone cabinet are the most direct proof of all this.

It's not that the bombardment will kill all the Nazis. There is still a process for insecticides to kill Xiaoqiang, let alone the RPG killing the active and armed Nazis.

A small number of them were blown away by the shock wave, but they were not seriously injured and still had the strength to fight; or they were the remnants of the SS who were not seriously injured by the impact fragments due to the angle and other bunker restrictions during the explosion.

After the sudden catastrophe ended briefly, he quickly struggled to get up with super strong will and crazy belief, picked up the weapons that were pressed under him or dropped not far from his hand, straightened his back and climbed up. Plan to continue working hard.

Unfortunately, a fair battlefield will not take sides.

If you didn't expect the enemy's sudden attack, you will have to pay a corresponding price and suffer the subsequent chain effects. However, this consequence will only affect the surviving SS soldiers who are now like the wind. To put it bluntly, it was a bit too much to bear.

"Go! Tear the remaining nuggets into pieces and charge forward!"

The main force of the company facing the commando team led by Sulovechenko recognized at a glance that the leader opposite was the company deputy comrade, and those following behind him were comrades in the same company. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

Now the company deputy comrade led the team to shout, launch an attack, break through the wall from the other side and enter the second-story attic, thus reversing the situation, the main force of course did its part. Without saying a word, he picked up the long guns and short cannons in his hands and followed Sulovchenko's commando team towards the last remaining enemy, pressing forward with a double attack like making dumplings.

The battle in the second-floor loft here has reached its final moment, while on the other side, Alsim, who is running wildly, is passing through layers of obstacles and various obstacles, holding up the Tokarev TT33 pistol in his hand, aiming at the thorn in his side. , chasing the target like a thorn in the flesh.

"You son of a bitch! Don't run away if you have the guts!!!"

Heisenberg, who was extremely cunning and capable of doing things, was a smart man.

Why do you say that?

The SS leader, who was alert and had a keen sense of smell, smelled something bad and dangerous when the explosion sounded through the wall on the second floor.

While the men on the second floor can briefly suppress the first floor, they have the last chance to control Alsim and the other Russians.

Heisenberg, who saw that the situation was bad and ran away, did not talk about "comradeship" and "bullshit brotherhood". After all, this was the ultimate god of Khorne who purely advocated "those who kill more will go to heaven" Choosing expensive things is the final evolutionary form of "socially advanced people".

Isn't it a bit too much to expect such a top-notch guy to be able to go through life and death for others, and go through life and death without hesitation?

It was absolutely impossible for Alsim, who had fired all the AK bullets without even having time to change the magazine, to watch helplessly as this murderous perverted leader escaped unscathed after killing so many of his comrades.

When the main weapon is out of bullets, use the secondary weapon. When the secondary weapon is out of bullets, you still have knives, fists, and teeth.

For Alsim, who is full of "enemy-killing weapons", there are not many ways to solve the target.

But first, Alsim had to hit and capture this guy.

Bang bang bang——

Heisenberg, armed with two guns, ran away in front, while Alsim, who was in hot pursuit, ran and shot behind. While running at high speed, he kept firing bullets at the target that was not far away, trying to hit and stop the bastard without missing any shooting window.

But there are too many crappy things on the first floor of the library. Sometimes there are bookshelves stuck there, and sometimes there is a collapsed statue lying in the middle of the road.

Not only do you have to run at a high speed, you also have to shoot as you go, and finally you have to jump over or over the piles of rubble and rubble that block your way from time to time.

If you insist on saying that Alsim is not chasing people, but a high-speed parkour competition shooting with extreme difficulty, it is not impossible, and it can even be said to be more appropriate.

One can imagine how difficult it would be to hit the target under such circumstances.

A tank without a main gun stabilizer would shake as if it were peeing in the wind when it fired while moving, let alone one without any auxiliary external force.

In addition, the one fleeing in front is not a stupid fat pig, but a real living person, at least from a biological point of view, and it is also extremely cunning and difficult to deal with, proficient in various killing techniques, combat level and Alsim's powerful rival.

So despite the fact that the pistol in Alsim's hand fired three shots in a row and kept ringing, the result was that all three bullets hit the obstacles and debris; or it should have hit the target, but was hit by that Heisenberg's extremely conscious snake-skin movement was barely avoided.

"Phew—you better hurry up, because my legs won't wait for your bullets!"

Even though he was gasping for breath during the battle and desperate running, Heisenberg, who was relentless and seeking death, never gave up provoking Alsim from the beginning to the end, as if it was a kind of enjoyment and he enjoyed it. Nothing has changed until now.

Every time he met this bastard, Alsim, who had no other thoughts except being "extremely unhappy", felt his hatred and murderous intent surge. Without saying a word, he just chased after him and aimed his gun again.

But he didn't expect that just as the muzzle of the gun in his hand was pointed at the target again, an unexpected black shadow suddenly appeared from the corner and came straight towards him.

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